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As they returned home, the duo decided to just lay around and be lazy, they talked about their childhood, as they layed on the older's bed, talking about what was the worst part and even if both of them didn't have the most ideal childhood, still the things they enjoyed, they talked about all of it, until it was night and they were hungry, Mingyu left a whining Seungkwan to make them dinner and they had the dinner in the older's bed, falling asleep right after.

The following morning, it was bound to be another lazy day, since it was the last day of their weekend but however Seungkwan got a call from Hansol asking the older to accompany him to the mall since he wanted to buy something important and Wonwoo had decided to visit the pair at their apartment.

It was almost 12 pm as Seungkwan was getting ready in his room, when he heard glass shattering followed by a 'ouch' and the laughter wrapping it up, he quickly made his way outside the room and towards the kitchen where Mingyu was standing his eyes focused on the glass shattered on the ground, his right palm bleeding and Wonwoo standing beside him, laughing hysterically.

Seungkwan just sighed as he paced towards the washroom, taking the first aid kit and made his way back towards his clumsy giant.

Without a word he gestured Mingyu to sit on the chair and took the older's hand in his, aiding it, he began by cleaning the small cut and then applying antiseptic and wrapping the older's palm in a bandage.

He then quitely stood up and leaving the first aid box on the table, crouched down to clean the mess up, making the older interrupt.

"Hyung believe me I am better at this", he scoffed as he told the older to stay away and that he will take care of the glass.

Wonwoo just stood beside the pair, watching in amusement.

After cleaning and keeping the first aid kit back on its place, Seungkwan went back to getting ready.

"Hyung I'm leaving", Seungkwan hurried voice echoed through the house, as he shouted from the entrance, trying to put on his shoes.

Mingyu quickly got up from his place on the couch, beside Wonwoo and walked towards the entrance.

"Be careful", He said as he hugged the younger.

"Call me if you need me okay?", He continued as he helped Seungkwan with his shoes, with which the younger was still struggling, trying to hurriedly tie the laces but it only delayed him further.

"Kay bye", Seungkwan said the older was finally done with his shoes, and almost ran out of their apartment. He didn't like to keep his friends waiting.

"I feel betrayed", Wonwoo said, his voice still amused as Mingyu closed the door behind Seungkwan and walked back towards the couch.

"What?" Mingyu asked the older, confused.

"You have a boyfriend and you didn't even tell me, I am supposed to be your bestfriend", Wonwoo said, his voice matching his words, aiming to tease the giant seated beside him.

"What are you talking about, I am as single as a person can be", Mingyu scoffed as he focused his attention to the game they were supposed to be playing.

"You are still lying, now I am actually hurt", Wonwoo said.

"Hyung I don't even understand what you are talking about? Do you have something to tell me? Why are you acting so weird, first you came here to spent a 'normal day' when you hardly ever visit me and we met like two days ago so you can't even miss me and now you are even talking about weird stuff",Mingyu huffed, he was slightly worried but mostly annoyed.

"Now I am even more hurt, you are a bad guy who keeps hurting me, but you are more dumber, I'm talking about you and Seungkwan you idiot", Wonwoo explained as he used his right hand to smack the younger on his head, continuing about how dumb he was.

"What about me and Seungkwan?", Mingyu questioned absentmindedly, making the older guy groan.

"You guys are dating and you didn't even tell me, how dense can a person be?", Wonwoo explained again.

"We are not dating?", Mingyu questioned again, he was genuinely confused.

"Yes you are, you don't have to hide it from me, I support it", Wonwoo smiled at the younger, patting his back.

"But we really aren't hyung", Mingyu stressed each word to make it clear.

"But I found you guys cuddled together on your bed, half asleep when I got here and I was so surprised that day at the dinner, you taking care of Seungkwan like you can manage your own self, it was a shock to me really, it's always you who has to be taken care of, and suddenly you are all that responsible boyfriend, letting your cute little boyfriend rant, making sure he doesn't eat something he doesn't like and even making sure he is clean, it was absolutely surprising Kim Mingyu, a pleasant surprise though, but everything you guys do, screams how you are in an overly happy and disgustingly cute relationship, so don't even try to hide it from me now", Wonwoo concluded with a sly smile on his face, feeling proud about finding out about the younger's relationship.

"Hyung, we really aren't dating, it's just Seungkwan is Seungchoel hyung's brother, and you know what Seungchoel hyung means to me, he's been my family  and handled me all through university, along with you guys off course, but you know what I mean, and the day Seungkwan moved in, Seungchoel hyung told me to take care of him, and that's what I am doing, Seungkwan's a nice person but it isn't like what you think it is", Mingyu explained as he snorted at how deflated the older looked, the duo were so invested in the conversation that they didn't even notice the presence of another person who was standing at the entrance, extremely surprised by the conversation.


I hope this makes sense.

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