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The thing Mingyu had noticed from his time living with the younger was how over the board Seungchoel was with Seungkwan.

Seungchoel and Jeonghan visited at least once a week and Seungchoel made sure Seungkwan talked to him almost regularly, making him talk about  how his day was and that he was taking care of himself.

Initially Mingyu thought it was because the younger had recently moved into the apartment which was a major change in his life and so it will die down after a while, but to his surprise it persisted, Seungchoel still called regularly, and visited them once a week, usually on weekends.

Mingyu thought it was sweet but now as he was listening to Seungkwan rant about how he didn't want to be a bother and they shouldn't go out of the way for him, he realised it maybe wasn't the best thing.

"Has he always been like that?", Mingyu asked, referring to Seungchoel's over protectiveness over the younger.

"Maybe", the younger replied as he continued munching on the cookie, he was previously eating.

"I was away during my entire high school period, he couldn't be like that back then", he continued, taking a sip of his hot chocolate which the older had sweetly made for them.

It was a Sunday afternoon and both the males had nothing else to do, as they drank their hot chocolate and waited for Seungchoel and Jeonghan to get there, they had planned to watch a movie and then go out to eat.

"What about before that?", Mingyu asked, still curious about the reason behind Seungchoel's behaviour.

As soon as the words left the older's mouth, Seungkwan's body went stuff, he didn't know how to reply to that, but he had to say something, anything, before the older realised something was wrong, so he lied.

"He wasn't", Seungkwan lied and quickly got up to keep his mug in the sink and make his way towards his room, totally ignoring the older calling his name.

He felt bad for lying to the older, but he didn't know what else to do, he wasn't ready to face the situation yet.

Seungkwan sighed as he lied down on his bed, feeling weird, he wish he could just sleep the feeling off but he knew he couldn't,  so he just layed in his bed, waiting for his older brother to arrive, who after a while did.

"Seungkwan-ah", as soon as Seungkwan heard the voice, he stood up and almost ran to the living room, hugging his two hyungs, who had just arrived.

Seungchoel and Jeonghan's visits always made him happy and he felt extremely grateful for having them, but at the same time he felt he was being a burden, that they had to check up on him every once in a while, the older two had a life of their own and were already busy with their jobs yet they had to take time out of their own lives to visit Seungkwan thus he felt bad.

"Hyung, you know you don't have to come every week", he whined as he was still hugging Jeonghan, not letting the older go, contrasting the words which just left his mouth.

"We know, and we are here because we want to", Jeonghan replied as he combed the younger's hair, who was still clinging to him, making him smile softly.

Jeonghan walked to the couch, with Seungkwan still clinging onto him, and sat down.

"I totally get it, you don't miss us", He continued as he freed himself from the younger's grip, "but we miss you", he finished and ruffled the younger's hair, making him whine.

"What movie are we watching", Seungchoel asked as he walked towards the two, during the entire exchange between the other two, he and Mingyu were still standing at the entrance adoring the scene in front of them.

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