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"Hyung wait for me", Seungkwan yelled as he quickly gathered his things from around the house, ignoring the whine he got when he accidentally stepped on Soonyoung's foot.

"It's not even 8 am", Mingyu pointed, as he stopped the younger from ruining around the house.

"And?", Seungkwan asked as he gave Mingyu a challenging look and huffed as the older let go of his arm.

"Your classes don't even start before an hour or so", Mingyu said as he got out of the way.

"So what I wanna go with Wonwoo hyung besides I am meeting up with Hansol before class", he explained as he finished putting on his shoes, "Bye hyung", he yelled towards the other three males in the living room who were still half asleep, and rushed outside to join Wonwoo who was walking down the stairs.

"Early class?", Wonwoo asked as he and Seungkwan walked towards their university.

Seungkwan just shook his head as he glanced at the older then shifting his gaze back to the ground.

"Is something bothering you?", Wonwoo asked the younger, he found it odd that Seungkwan was not busy rambling about something for once and was walking this silently beside him.

The question brought back the conversation Wonwoo and Mingyu had yesterday, the conversation he accidentally overheard yesterday, he wanted to say that that bothered him beyond words that Mingyu bothered him, but he couldn't, he didn't want to come off as a eavesdropper, and he didn't want to make yet another person listen to his pathetic life, he didn't want to be a burden for yet another person.

"What about Mingyu?", the older's low voice brought Seungkwan back to reality.

"What?", he asked dumbfounded.

"I asked you what was bothering you", Wonwoo stated making the younger nod.

"And you answered, 'Mingyu hyung', so I am asking what did he do?", Wonwoo continued as they stopped to cross a road.

"Did I say that out loud?", Seungkwan asked back surprised, making the older nod, he indeed was stupid.

"Nothing about him, I'm just a little annoyed, I will get over it in no time", Seungkwan replied, once they were done crossing the road, he wasn't lying completely, he will get over it in some time, he has to get over it.

"Well tell me if he does something okay, I will be more than happy to punch him once or twice for you", Wonwoo smiled at the younger, as they entered their university's premises. "But for now, I have a class, see you later", Wonwoo said, the same playful smile persisting on his handsome facial features.

Seungkwan just nodded as he himself gave the older a smile before watching him walk away.

Now what.

Seungkwan didn't know what to do with himself.

He wasn't really meeting Hansol, in reality Hansol may not even come to the classes today, he just wanted to escape being left alone with Mingyu and walking with Wonwoo, who was the very first person leaving, seemed like a great way out for Seungkwan, so that's what he did but now he stood their in front of the huge buildings belonging to different departments, contemplating what he should do, since he had almost an hour to spare.

In the end, he decided to just go to the library and maybe study a little before class, so slowly he walked towards the library and settled down in one of the seats nearer to the entrance and opened his books, trying to focus.

"What are you doing here", the voice brought him back to reality from his session of dozing off with his head on his textbook.

"Hyung", Seungkwan mumbled, squinting his eyes, to adjust them to the bright light.

"Where is Hansol?", The older asked as he sat down beside Seungkwan.

"Hansol? oh Hansol he bailed on me, didn't come on time, kept me waiting", Seungkwan answered as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, using the same excuse, blame it on your friends instead of being caught lying.

Mingyu nodded as he eyed the opened book in front of the younger.

"You know it's already almost 10", Mingyu said as his eyes went back to focus on the younger, whose eyes widened.

"What?", Seungkwan exclaimed, his voice a little too loud for the library, making everyone else glare at the duo.

"Sit down, it's already too loud", Mingyu said as he apologized to the few people surrounding them and made Seungkwan sit down beside him.

"I slept through my class", Seungkwan mumbled, ready to break down, he felt so guilty and stupid.

"It's okay, you didn't intentionally do it, yah really I skip classes without any reason, it's okay it was only one time, skipping one class never hurts", Mingyu's word turned into a ramble, trying to reassure the younger who was close to tears.

"First let's get out of here though", Mingyu said as he saw everyone around looking at them.

He stood up to gather all of the younger's things and then pulled Seungkwan up, walking them outside the library and towards the garden.

"Seungkwan it's really okay, ask Hansol to give you the notes, no damage done", Mingyu said as he made the younger sit down on the grass, following the younger and sitting beside him.

"I can't, Hansol didn't come either", Seungkwan said as he pulled his knees closer to his chest, hugging them.

"He didn't? how do you know?", Mingyu asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"What?", Seungkwan questioned, surprised, he felt even dumber, he can't even lie now, when he was supposed to be good at it.

"I mean, maybe he didn't, he was late in the morning as well, so most probably he didn't even come or why else would he bail on me?", Seungkwan rambled trying to make his point.

"Whatever, ask someone else, there are so many people in your class, you will be okay, it's not that bad, so don't worry, okay?", Mingyu said.

"I was looking for you because", Mingyu continued as he faced the younger and then took something out from his bag, it was a container.

"You always make sure I eat my breakfast and today you left without having yours, and I had time so I made you some, I would have brought your americano but I knew I wouldn't be able to give it to you before my class ended so sorry, we can get one on our way back home", Mingyu explained as he opened the container for the younger, and pushed it towards the younger, gesturing him to eat.

Seungkwan just blankly looked at the older, his gaze slowly shifting downwards towards the food and then making its way back to face the older.

"What? Why are you surprised, I cook for you like almost everyday", Mingyu said as he rolled his eyes at the younger.

Seungkwan visibly deflated, off course the older was just taking care of him, like always.


this was originally supposed to be the last chapter of the book, I mean initially I didn't plan about Mingyu's back story and just wanted to bring out the essence of the book through Seungkwan's back story but then I ended up changing it, and I am pretty happy with it right now  as well, I hope you are as well, reviews are much appreciated ❤️

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