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Seungkwan sighed as he bid his best friend a goodbye, and turned around to walk to the bus station, after his crying session, he and Hansol had shopped for a birthday gift for the younger's mother and then had lunch at a local eating place and now he was making his way back home.

"It's okay, act normal", He reminded himself as he got off the bus, walking back to their apartment.

He took a deep breath before using his key to unlock the door instead of ringing the bell, he wanted to avoid the older as long as he could, because he knew his face would give him away.

As he walked in, he stopped in his tracks, surprised to see the scene in front of him.

"Seungkwan-ah you are back", he heard Seokmin exclaim dragging the word 'back', as the older stood up to hug him.

Seungkwan a little taken aback by everyone gathered in their little living room, hugged the older back.

"I was waiting for you, I didn't know you weren't going to be home", Seokmin said happily, as he didn't let go of the younger completely.

"Sorry, I was with Hansol, he needed my help in picking a gift for his mom", Seungkwan explained as his eyes met Mingyu's, who was already looking back at him, making him quickly look away and focus his attention on Seokmin instead.

He struggled out of the older's grip as he greeted everyone else, hugging everyone and then making his way to his room to change.

"Seungkwan", he heard someone yelling, as he was about to sit on his bed and waste another hour or so on his phone doing nothing in particular, he had thought it was good that the older's friends were here, he wouldn't have to face him until tomorrow, and he could use that time to think, but he was so wrong.

"Yes hyung?", he asked to no one in particular as he peeked out of his slightly ajar door.

"Come here", Soonyoung said as he gestured for the younger to take the place beside him, on the floor.

Seungkwan did what he was asked too, as he cluelessly walked towards the older and stood in front of him, his eyes looking down at the male.

Soonyoung just pulled the younger down, making him sit beside him, the older's hand making its way around Seungkwan's shoulder, pulling him closer and then snuggling into his side.

"We are watching a movie", he mumbled across Seungkwan's shoulder.

"Why?", Seungkwan asked dumbfounded as he looked around him at everyone gathered around.

"What why? We are having a movie night", Jihoon replied, already getting impatient.

"You guys do realise it's Monday tomorrow, right?", Seungkwan questioned again, as he looked at Mingyu who surprisingly was already looking at him, making Seungkwan shift his gaze to Wonwoo who was sitting beside the older, with a sly smile on his face as he nodded at Seungkwan.

"So what? We do what we do now shut up", Jihoon replied as he himself stood up and played the movie, settling back on his place.

Minutes after Seungkwan eased enough to focus on the movie and somewhere in between he fell asleep snuggled up to Soonyoung's side.

"He's so cute though", Seokmin exclaimed as he did the honours of taking a picture of the youngest, who was fast asleep beside Soonyoung.

"Let's order food, I am not cooking", Mingyu bluntly stated as he picked up his phone from the coffee table and made his way towards the kitchen away from the living room to order, totally ignoring all the suggestions Seokmin had for their dinner.

"kwaine, do you wanna eat dinner?", Soonyoung softly asked the male, who was still sleeping beside him, his head resting on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around his own, as his fingers gently brushed through the younger's bangs.

"kwaine", he whispered again, making the younger stir.

"Hyung?", Seungkwan asked, his voice barely audible.

"Dinner?", Soonyoung questioned back, as his fingers continued to brush the the younger's hair.

Seungkwan nodded as he layed still for a minute before getting up, his fingers unwrapping around the older's arm, but he kept his head on the older's shoulder.

"Everything is okay right?", Soonyoung asked as he side parted the younger's hair.

Seungkwan just nodded and gave the older a reassuring smile.

"Food's here", Mingyu announced and walked back towards the kitchen without even looking at everyone in the living room.

Soonyoung got up and then pulled Seungkwan up, the pair then walking towards the kitchen, taking a place beside Seokmin.

Everyone ate in peace before the group decided to sleep in the living room all together.

Mingyu and Seokmin pushed the couch and coffee table to the farther most corner of the room, blocking the entry to Mingyu's room and then in the open space, Seungkwan layed down three mattress, bringing the spare pillows.

It wasn't really enough for the six people present but that's all they had so they had to adjust.

It wasn't late but everybody agreed to sleep early since all of them had classes the following day.

Seungkwan lied down between Mingyu and Seokmin, the first was in the corner, his back facing the wall and the latter had Soonyoung sleeping on his other side, he moved closer to Seokmin, he hadn't really had any encounter with Mingyu once he had got back home, since everyone was here and he was too busy sleeping, he was quite happy about the fact, because even though what he had discovered was not necessarily a big deal but he didn't know how to act around the older, since everything he thought they had was not really there, and it was hard for Seungkwan to accept, thus a few days away from the older would definitely help.

Seungkwan was brought back to reality when he felt hands sneaking around his waist and pulling him backwards, surprising him even further when he was lifted up, and rolled over a body to end up in a corner, facing the wall.

"Are you crazy?", he hissed, trying to calm his poor heart down.

"What was that?", he continued annoyed when he didn't get a response.

"I'm doing you a favour", the older male mumbled against Seungkwan's shoulder, his hands still around the younger's waist who was now between his body and the wall.

"Sure Kim Mingyu, doing this out of no where didn't do anything other than scaring the shit out of me", Seungkwan's voice still held the annoyance as he tried to wriggle out of the older's grip.

"Stop moving, and yes I did you a favour, you always prefer sleeping towards the inner side, towards the wall", Mingyu stated casually, as his grip on the younger's waist slightly tightened.

"Shut up and let me come back to my own place", Seungkwan whine, still struggling out of the older's hold.

"I'm sleepy", Mingyu just said as he snuggled closer and closed his eyes.

After a few more failed attempts and innumerable whines, Seungkwan gave up and fell asleep with a clumsy annoying giraffe hugging his back, holding him as close as he possibly could, leaving no space between their bodies.


I hope you like this
I just wanted to say, I don't know if you guys realised but this book has like maybe 6-7 chapters left, just letting you know.
thank you for reading ❤️

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