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Another few days passed with Seungkwan trying his best to avoid the older and Mingyu in return trying his very best to accompany the younger whenever he could.

As the days passed, Seungkwan started spending more and more time with his friends during the day time and with Seungchoel and Jeonghan during the evening which mostly led to him spending the night at his hyungs.

"Where are you going?", Mingyu asked, standing up from his position on the couch as he saw the younger trying to put on his shoes.

"Out. With Hansol", Seungkwan answered as he stopped to look at the older and then went back to his shoes.

"Where are you two going?",Mingyu questioned again as he walked closer to the younger.

"Why are you asking?", Seungkwan questioned back as he stopped whatever he was doing and raised an eyebrow at the older, challenging him.

"Why can't I?", Mingyu questioned back, folding his arms across his chest, as his body slightly leaned towards the wall beside him, providing him the support.

"There are many reasons you can't but I don't want to fight again.  We are just going out to eat, now bye", Seungkwan answered as he gave in, he wasn't really the one to give in a fight but right now he wasn't mentally prepared for yet another fight, which were now a very common occurrence between them.

"You know, if you like  him that much, do the honours and move in with him, share an apartment with him, and with whatever you two have  going on, I am sure he will be more than ready to do so and besides he can obviously take care of you so even  Seungchoel hyung won't have a problem", Mingyu snickered as he eyed the younger, deep down he knew he was doing the wrong thing, going overboard with his words again, he knew what his words will hurt the younger once again but right now he was blinded with anger and annoyance which had been binding up since the past few days.

Since these past few days he had been trying his level best to have an actual conversation with the younger, to spend some time with him or at least have a meal with him, but Seungkwan was making it so hard, he always dodged everything he said some of the other way and always spend time away from home, away from him.

As the words left the older's mouth, Seungkwan felt himself freezing on the spot as he felt his breath getting caught, he wanted to reply but his mind won't oblige, his throat suddenly felt dry, he was right, all the sweet things the older had said to him to reassure him meant nothing, he felt way worse than he had when his mother left, worse than that day when his father had used his hands on him for the first time, worse than whatever he felt when the people in his school called him names, worse than anything he had ever felt and to serve as the cherry on top he felt so stupid, so so so stupid for believing everything the older said, for hoping that someday the older would see him like he saw the older, with all these thoughts raging through his mind, he couldn't help the tear that rolled down his cheeks, as his eyes betrayed him and he just stared at the older.

Reality came back to Mingyu when he saw the tear roll down the younger's plump cheek, making his body suddenly alert, as regret followed.

"Seungkwan-ah", Mingyu breathed as he took a step towards the younger.


"No it's okay, I get it, I am fine, sorry for bothering you, if that's what you want, I will move out, as soon as I can, but just so you know there is nothing between me and Hansol and he's my friend and besides if you think I used to or something because I can't take care of myself, I can and I am sorry if that's what I did, I wasn't aiming for that, now", Seungkwan's voice was somehow calmer than he had thought it would be, making him feel proud of himself as he nodded at the older and turned around leaving the apartment.

As soon as he stepped outside the apartment building, all his unexpected courage left his body as his legs felt weak, he wanted to give up and just fall to ground and sob as much as he could before his throat was dry and tried, but that's not what he did, he calmly walked away, reaching a safe distance he let go of everything he was holding in.

He cried as much as his eyes could handle or before his mind went numb, in between his crying session he messaged Hansol that he won't be able to make it and called Seungchoel to ask him to pick him up, he couldn't go back to the apartment, he really couldn't, when he said he will move out, he really meant it, if all he was being for the older was a burden, something Mingyu had to look out for, he would leave, he didn't want to bother the older.

He told himself it won't be that hard, but he knew it indeed would be, he and already fallen deep into this pit and it would take his blood, sweat and a lot of tears to get out of that, but he eventually would.

Minutes later, a car stopped in front of where Seungkwan was sitting, his back supported by the some wall on the foot path beside the road.

"Seungkwan what happened?", It was Seungchoel's voice, laced with worry.

Seungkwan just looked at the older making him break down again.

"It hurts", he mumbled against the older's shoulder who had now engulfed him in a hug.

"I know, it's okay, it will all be okay", Seungchoel whispered back as he held the younger close, waiting patiently for the younger to calm down a little before picking them up and making him sit in the passenger's seat, driving them to his and Jeonghan's apartment, his hand resting on the younger's knee through out the ride.


hi, I feel  like I will do multiple updates and we will finish this book today 👀
thank you for reading ❤️
stay safe and healthy

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