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Seungkwan was engulfed in yet another hug as soon as he stepped inside the apartment, making all his attempts to calm down in the car go down the drain and new set of tears came rushing down his face as he hugged Jeonghan back.

"What happened?", Jeonghan asked as he broke the hug, only to pull him inside and drag him towards his and Seungchoel's shared room and layed down with the younger beside him as Seungchoel joined the two on the bed, both of them holding Seungkwan between them, Seungchoel's hand rubbing the younger's back as Jeonghan's gently combed through his hair, trying to calm the younger down.

"Mingyu hyung", Seungkwan mumbled after minutes of silence passed.

"He, he told me. About your promise. You asked him to take care of me.", Seungkwan explained as he let his head rest on Jeonghan's shoulder to tried to have another argument with his hyungs, knowing it would be the best if he just talked to them about all of this, he had told Hansol about the conversation he had overhead but other than that, be hadn't brought up this topic ever again, not with Hansol and not with anyone else.

"Yes I asked him to, what wrong in that?", Seungchoel asked as his hands stopped for the moment, before continuing to gently rub different patterns on the younger's back.

"Why did you hyung? I can take care of myself", Seungkwan whined, for the first time his voice being louder than all the mumbling and whispering he had been doing since Seungchoel picked him up.

"Yes you can Seungkwan but I just wanted to make sure, what's wrong in that, you know if I can't look after you myself off course I will ask someone else", Seungchoel explained

"But hyung-", Seungkwan was ready to whine again but Jeonghan interrupted him.

"Hyungs are just worried about you Seungkwan-ah, and there's nothing wrong in that, we didn't ask Mingyu for any huge favour, we just told him to look after you since you guys live together", Jeonghan softly said.

"I know but", Seungkwan went back to mumbling as he away from the other two.

Jeonghan just hmmed as he urged the younger to continue.

"I feel like a burden", Seungkwan honestly accepted, as his fingers started fidgeting, a habit of his when he was nervous.

"I am sure Mingyu doesn't feel like that, don't think too much" Seungchoel replied, his voice sterner than Jeonghan's, it was always like that, even though Seungkwan hadn't really spent much time with the older two males, since all these years he was away in boarding school, but with all the time he had spent with his hyungs, it was always Jeonghan who went easy on him, talking to him in a soft gentle voice, calming him down, whereas Seungchoel was the stricter one, always telling Seungkwan off whenever he was wrong, discliping him.

"He does", was all that Seungkwan replied which was enough to surprise the older two males sitting beside him.

"Did he say that himself?", Seungchoel asked again, bewildered by the news.

"He told me to move in with Hansol, he thought i had something going on with Hansol, he told me, he told me if I move in with Hansol you won't have a problem since he can take care of me as well", The words leaving his mouth triggered his tears again, as he broke down again, "he thinks I used him, because I can't look after myself", Seungkwan sobbed again.

"The last time we had a fight", another sob left his mouth, as he let his tears flow, not doing anything for stopping the ugly noises that were coming out of him, as he let his mind stop, letting out everything he had been holding in for way too long.

"he told me my friendships weren't real, he said I did everyone's work to get their friendship in return, he thinks all of my friendships are based on that, everything i do is for my benefit, now he thinks our friendship is like that as well, something I could get something out off"

"I swear hyung I didn't mean that ever, I didn't even know you had that conversation with Mingyu hyung, I wasn't being nice to him so that I could get something out of him, I swear I would never do that, I am not that bad, I am so sorry, i am sorry", Seungkwan cried as his words turned into a ramble, making less and less sense as he continued crying and wording unrelated sentences before it turned into him continuously apologizing, he had the sudden urge to prove himself, to tell his hyungs he didn't have any ulterior motives, he wanted to make them believe or maybe he just wanted to reassure himself.

"Seungkwan-ah, Seungkwan-ah, calm down, I know you aren't like that, listen to me calm down", Seungchoel said as he tried shaking the older's shoulder to get him back to his senses.

"Hyung I am so sorry", Seungkwan breathed, still crying.

"You don't have to be, it's okay, go to sleep now, we will talk in the morning okay? you did nothing wrong, okay? now sleep", Seungchoel said as he and Jeonghan put Seungkwan in a sleeping position and covered his body with the comforter, Jeonghan holding the younger close, humming him to sleep.


I hope this makes sense.

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