Truth comes with Lies

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I am marrying the Zayn Malik. After we pulled away from the kiss Zayn slipped the ring on my finger. Later in the night everyone left and Zayn and I were left alone. Right before Niall had left though I got the yearbook and hid it inside.

“When do you want to start planning?” Zayn asked carrying me upstairs like a gentleman.

“As soon as possible so I can become Mrs. Malik.” I said kissing his nose as he set me down on our bed.

“Well we can start tomorrow but first I must take a shower!” He said dramatically leaving as I laughed at him. I knew Zayn took long showers so I decided to look in the year book more. I went down stairs in the kitchen and took the book out. I layed out the book infront of me along with a sheet of paper and a pen. I looked thought all the signatures an dthe same name kept popping up, Derek. I'm not sure if Derek was the same age as my parents or not so I decided just to go through the whole year book. I was just finishing sophomores when I heard Zayn getting out of the shower. I put the paper on the page I had just finished, closed the book and put it back in its spot. I went upstairs and jumped in bed. After snuggling into the newly washed blankets I felt a dip in the bed. I turned on my opposite side and faced Zayn.

"So how was your birthday?"

"The best one yet!"

"Well I'm glad."

"Goodnight Zayn...I love you." I said before Zayn connected his lips to mine. I felt the warmth of his company and loved it. Once we pulled away I could feel the absence of his touch.

"I love you to." He answered. That night I slipped off into a peaceful.

I slowly sat up and my head was pounding. I went to ask Zayn something but all I felt was metal.

"IM here." Someone whispered.

"Who's here?" I asked trying not to sound scared. I looked around the room. It looked like a hospital room but no one else was in all.

"Who's there?" I said once again thinking maybe I was just going crazy. I nodded my head to relize no one else was here and I officially lost it.

"It's me....Derek." The voice replied. It sounded like a deeper voice that belonged to a male.

"Don't be afraid...I won't bite." They added sounding like they were getting farther away.

"To hard..." The voice sounded to be outside.

"Where are you!" I practically yelled.

"IM here." They whispered in my ear. I slowly turned to see a man looking down at me. The look in his eye was insane. I had never seen it before. Anger yes, hurt yes, but most of all death. I couldn't make any noise as he moved his face closer to mine.

"IM sorry it has to end like this...we could have been friends." And then everything went black...

I slowly woke up in bed. I was trembling from my nightmare. I looked at the clock beside me. 8 o'clock way to early for me. I slowly layed back down. I felt Zayns arm drape over my waist and pull me so I was against his body. I shut my eyes and fell asleep once again.

"Ryan!" I heard someone yell.

"Ryan wake the hell up! I'm up and you aren't thats not fair! Wake up!" August yelled while hitting me with a pillow. Maya just laughed at us.

"IM up!" I yelled back grabbing the pillow from her.

"You have 10 minutes to get ready!" Maya said as they left.  I chucked the pillow hitting August in the back of the head and quickly closed the door.  I quickly ran in the bathroom. I stripped and took a record fast shower. I jumped out  and walked into my room to find an outfit laying out for me. I put on the skinny jeans, a pink, gray, and black tie dye tanktop, gray cardigan, and gray uggs. I dried my hair and slipped on a pink beanie. I quickly put on concealer, mascara, and a shimmery nude eye shadow. I grabbed my purse and ran down stairs while checking I had all my stuff in it. I walked in the kitchen to see Zayn laughing at my two best friends as they argued over god knows what.

“What are we doing?” I said trying not to slap them both in the face.

“Guest List!” Maya said as August pushed her over and said,

“Guest List!” Well that shows what they were fighting over.

“Also we have to decide location and brides maids and groomsmen“ Zayn said trying not to laugh as my friends continued to hit each other.

“By the way you  took 12 minutes not 10.” August said.

“Ya maybe you should try and pay attention to the time.” Maya added. They had both tried to do snobby girl voices but they both failed.  I just shook my head and laughed.

“We have a check list for everything that needs to be done.” Maya exclaimed showing me the really long paper.

‘”Well where should we start?” I asked which launched our day into tiring debates. After that day we had decided on what church, colors, guest list, and more. I was so exhausted. Zayn and I crawled into bed and I fell asleep once my head hit the pillow. Not to long later though I woke back up. It was about 3 am. I decided I was thirsty so I slowly got up and walked down stairs. I got a glass of water, grabbed a pen, and the yearbook. I finished going through yearbook and had a total of 9 Dereks. 2-freshamn   0-sophmore 3-juinors and 4-seniors. I ruled out the 2 freshman knowing they where to young since the age was more of a senior. I slowly went through the book again. I found the football team picture. Bruce was in it…so where three of the Dereks. They were the three I decided I would learn more about.

1-Junior-Derek Reetz    2-Senior-Derek Shea    3-Senior-Derek Flemming

After I had found the three I kept looking back at the three and their pictures.  I knew Derek Flemming from somewhere. I pulled out my Iphone. I got on google and typed in Derek Flemming in London. He was my doctor from when I had gotten hurt. I knew he seemed different. This didn’t make any sense though why would he want to hurt us. As I flipped through random pictures that where in the book I kept seeing Derek, Bruce, and Robert. If they where friends why would he hurt us? I bolted up as the door bell rang. It was 3 oclock in the morning. I quickly put everything away and ran upstairs to Zayn.

“Zayn….Zayn wake up…..Zayn please…Im scared.” I said shaking Zayn in the prosses.

Zayns pov

 “Zayn….Zayn wake up…..Zayn please…Im scared.” I heard someone whisper as I was being shaken.

“What is it.” I mumbled.

“Someone rang the door bell.” Ryan said still shaking me.

“So?” I said not relizing why she had woken me up.

“Its 3 oclock in the morning and some one is ringing the door bell.”  She added. I didn’t understand but I swiftly got up and started going down stairs while grabbing Ryans hand in the process.

“Don’t worry I wont let anyone hurt you.”I said as we walked downstairs. I looked through the peep hole seeing nothing and slowly opened the door. We both looked out and saw nothing. Ryan bent over and picked what looked like a letter off the ground. She walked back in. I locked up and walked over to Ryan.

“Whats that?” I asked pointing to what was in her hands.

“It’s a letter…for me…”She trailed off not telling me something.

“Whos it from?” I asked.

“Zayn…I haven’t been telling you something…”

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