No More Lies...Just Happiness

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I eventually got better. Zayn and I  went back to our normal busy life. I wanted a small ,only friends and family, weddings but of course we going to a have a large recorded wedding. Zayna and I got to choose colors and flowers. As time got closer so did Zayn and I. The wedding day was coming up fast and so was my bridal party! It was planned for two nights ahead of the wedding we were going out clubbing. That night was fun but I couldn’t wait for the wedding. It was the night before…

“Zayn!” I called.

“Ya?” He answered.

“Are you out of the shower yet?”

“Yes!” He yelled  through the door. I stripped and walked in the bathroom and into the shower. Living with Zayn of coarse we had seen each other naked but we haven’t done anything bad. I took a long shower and then put on my pajamas. I walked into our bedroom and jumped on the bed.

"Zayn do you want kids?” I asked snuggling with him.

“Of coarse.” He said kissing my forehead

“How many?”

“A couple… I just don’t want them to have to worry about all the cameras and stuff.”

"Well you know what. Being your children they will have to get use to it. Don’t worry we will make sure they don’t get cocky and we will be fine.” I said kissing him before closing my eyes and drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I was shaken awake.

“Ryan! Wake up we have to get you ready for the wedding!” Maya said and I shot her a large smile. I slipped on comfortable clothes and we drove to the Church we were getting married in.

“So where is Zayn?” I asked.

“He is already there. He left early this morning.” August said. I nodded getting out of the car. I followed the girls into the room I would get ready in. Right as I walked in I was squished in a group hug with all my brides maids. My brides maids were August, Maya, Eleanor, Danielle, Victoria, Elisa, and Valerie. I know that’s a lot but Zayn has just as many. His grooms men are Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, Thomas, Ryan, and a couple of his old friends. We had our friends from North Carolina fly here for a couple days.  I was pushed into a seat and someone began cirling my hair. Then she put it up in a curly bun and had some hanging down. As that was being done August worked on my makeup. She used a neutral make up pallet and made a smokey eye with tan and brown. I also had on eye liner and mascara. After about 3 hours I slipped on my strapless dress. The dress flowed around me. I slipped on my heels and there was a knock at the door. Maya answered the door and my brother was standing there.

"Bryce!” I exclaimed walking over to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. I looked up in his eyes and smiled. He was still taller than me by a lot like usual.

“I was told to tell you that you have 20 more minutes and then you need to get to your spot.” He said. He kissed my forehead and left. I finished everything I had to do. I started walking out the door until I remembered. I quickly walked over to Mayas purse and grabbed my necklace. It was my moms. I had Maya put it on me and I smiled. We slowly walked  to the main part of the church. It looked like everyone was already sitting. I got in my spot and the line of people that went before me started. It was my turn and I linked arms with my brother and we walked down the aisle. I looked straight ahead and saw Zayn smiling at me. I smiled back and looked around. This church was beautiful and I couldnt wait to become Mrs. Malik. Once I got to the end my brother gave me a kiss on the cheek and went and sat with his family. The ceremony took a while but it was worth it.

“I do.” Zayn said. I smiled and waited till it was my turn.

“I do.” I said.

"You may now kiss the bride.” The priest said. Zayn pulled me close to him and connected our lips. I was finally Mrs.Malik…


Awwwww I hate to say it but this is the end! Dont worry I will have a prologue so you can find out what happens to everyone! I hope you enjoyed it! My next story will either be another Niall fanfic or a Louis one...Which do yall think I should do?


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