All the pieces fall together

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" now the winner that everyone has been waitng for is....," he dragged it out for as long as possible," is..RYAN."

right away i hugged chris and i told him he did awesome and he congradulated me and walked off stage.

"well congratulations ryan how does it feel to win this compition and get to go on tour with one direction." he asked.

"well it feels great to know that i am actually good at what i love to do and i think it should to go on tour with the boys." i said taking a deap breath.

"well congratulations again and goodnight everyone." he said and then we were off live air. i was standing in the middle of the stage wanting to just be able to sing again but then i was smushed into a group hug by the five boys and my girls. i was so happy.

"so girls we were sorta wondering since ryan is already coming on tour with us, if you wanted to come along because august you could do our makeup and maya you could be one of our back up dancers." harry said.

at the same time both the girls screamed,"yes!"

my two best friends came over and hugged me. then the three of us went and hugged the boys. i noticed zayn wasnt with us anymore. i looked around to find him talking to the chic that was apparently his girlfriend.

"hey guys im going to get my stuff from back stage so we can leave." i said trying my best not to cry. i knew the girls could tell something was up and they followed me back stage.

"ok wats up chica." maya asked.

i took a deep breath and told them about zayns girlfriend and everything.

"well f*#% him." august said. maya and i laughed at her.

"i guess ill just have to be all single and alone and deal with it." i said.

zayn p.o.v

"vanessa thanks for hanging out with me that one time but i dont think i can see you anymore-" i kept rambling on until she hugged me and said, " its ok zayn now go get your girl." and with that she left. i walked over to the boys and they just looked at me with no emotions at all.

"what" i asked.

"you really hurt her you know that right" liam said looking me i the eyes.

"o ya....i know and i want to fix that....i have a plan to fix everything." i said which made all the guys smile. i told them me plan and we left.

Ryan's p.o.v

i walked out back on stage with the girls following me i only saw niall.He was on his phone.

"Niall?"maya asked.

he looked up, smiled and hugged us, "the boys decided we should go out and eat so we are going to an italian restaurant. Since y'all drove here we will just go in your car."

"ok but someone will have to sit on someone else lap cause we don't have enough seats. since i'm driving maya you can sit on naill's laps." august and i laughed while maya and Niall blushed. we got in my car and Niall yelled out instructions to the restaurant. when we pulled up i couldn't believe it why did we come here this is where i came with zayn on my first date. i don't know if i will be able to do it.

"guys y'all can go i got a headache i'm just going to go home." i said trying to get of going in.

"nope we know u came here with zayn its obvious now your going in." august said.

i knew i wouldn't win the argument so i didn't even try. we walked in and there was no one else there except a big table in the middle of the room and the boys were seated there chatting. we walked over and sat down. Of coarse i just happened to be sat across from zayn. what great luck i have. we ordered our dinner and ate. It was pretty fun but sorta awkward with zayn sitting across from me. all the boys excused them selves. i leaned over to the girls and asked, "do y'all know whats going on." they didn't have time because the boys came back out and there was music playing it sounded like more than this. they started singing and right away i knew it was more than this. zayn was singing this for me. it was so sweet but it also made me mad didn't he have a girlfriend. i was pulled out of my thoughts when i felt a tear drop land on my hand. i let my instincts take over and i ran outside. i heard everyone calling my name but i just ignored them and kept running. i didn't run that far cause i found a park only a little bit down the street. i walked over to the swing and started swinging. i heard someone and looked up to see zayn. i got up and was about to start running again but zayn grabbed my wrist, stopping me. he pulled me back and said," ryan stop."

i kinda lost it and hissed," ok now what do you want."

"i just want to talk". Him saying that made me really mad," what do you want to talk about about how you led me on, got a girlfriend, and just totally broke my heart or or how you just lied to me or even how you would sing a song to me when you have girlfriend o and-" i was interrupted by zayn kissing me. i pushed away but he just pulled me closer. i started to kiss him back our lips moved in sync perfectly. after a couple seconds of enjoying myself i remembered something i pushed away and said,"wait you have a girlfriend. "

"no i don't i never asked her out i just thought that you didn't like me so i sorta 'went on a date' with her to see what you would do." he said blushing.

"o well what did you think i would do" i said slightly angry still.

" honestly i thought you either wouldn't like me or you would...i'm just wondering but why did you give up on me so easily."

i let out a small laugh when he asked me that.

"well first of all i didn't let you got that easily cause I havent and when you truly love someone you try to let them go no matter how mush it hurts you as long as there happy." i covered my mouth and blushed realizing i just said that i loved zayn. he walked over to me and we were practically chest to chest our lips only an inch away from each other.

"i love you too." he said right before he kissed me. it wasn't like the first one it was more passionent and sweet.

zayn pulled away,"so ryan will you be my girlfriend."

i knew i had the biggest smile on my face," of coarse i will" i said pulling him down and kissing him. we walked back hand in hand to the restaurant which wasnt that far away. when we walked back in everyone looked very cocerned but zayn and i just kept holding hands and smiling.


There finally together!!! Ill try and upload soon. After this story i will have an epiloge to it and another story. I hope everyone is enjoying the story!

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