Real Personalities are Shown

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Sorry this chapter is shorter than normal. But here it is and i will update this comming weekend and maybe even i will update an extra time for halloween.



"So what really happened?" Maya asked.

"Danny he kissed me and I pushed him away...that's all." I said trying to stop crying.

"Why didn't you just say that." August said.

"Im scared." I whispered.

"Shhhh don't be Zayn will understand I promise if not I will make sure. Just go tell him,,,You did nothing wrong." Maya said completely serious.  I nodded and stood up.

Zayn pov

"What am I suppose to do." I said in general to all the boys.

"How do you know she even cheated on you?' nail said finally speaking up.

"Why would she just sit there crying she could have said something! It was pretty obvious she cheated!" I yelled getting mad and I could see Niall cringe.

"Niall-"I started.

"No! You haven't even talked to her yet. Your not sure what to her." He said cutting me off. He kind of surprised us all he was rarely like that.

*knock knock*

Ryans pov

I knocked on the door and waited or someone to answer. The door slowly opened and I could see a red eyed Zayn laying in bed.

"Please leave boys." I aid just loud enough for them to hear. They nodded their heads and left. I sat next to Zayn.

"Zayn Please believe me I didn't cheat." I whispered.

"Then explain what happened." He answered.

"Well a long time ago I had went out with Danny but we ended up breaking up because he cheated. Well he wanted me back and he kissed me. I was pushing him away that's why my hands where on his chest." I said starring at Zayns face trying to figure out what he was thinking. For once I could not figure it out.

"Then when we were out there why didn't you say anything. You just sat there crying."

"I was scarred."

"Of what."

"That I would loose you." I said and Zayn engulfed me in a hug. We sat like that for a while.

"Lets explain to the boys." Zayn said standing up. He took my hand and pulled me out.

 “Ryan…” Someone said. Who said that…Everyone parted Mr.Bob was standing there. But he was standing up straight then when some one moved I saw him. Robert. He had a gun to Mr.Bobs head. I felt Zayn stiffen next to me.

“Why are you here.” I said with an edge to my voice even I haven’t heard.

“Well im here to get my daughter back of coarse.” He said as if it where the most obvious thing in the world.

“Well first of all you may be my blood “father” but you are not my father Bruce is my father and second im over 18 I don’t have to have adult super vision… there is no way in hell im going with you…EVER.” I said putting as much venom in my voice as possible.

“Oh but there my dear you are wrong. You will be coming with me not matter what I have to do.” He said pointing the gun at Zayn. I stepping  infront of Zayn even though I could tell he was trying to stop me.

“Don’t hurt anyone and ill got with you.” I said.

“No ry-“Mr. Bob started but I cut him off.

“It’s fine Mr. Bob.” I said. Robert came over and grabbed my arm. Mr.Bob gave something to Zayn and said something. Zayn followed Robert.

“Wait!” He yelled. Robert whipped around.

“Goodbye Ryan.” Zayn said hugging me. Was he giving up on me that easily. He slipped something in my hand. Now I get it. Robert pulled us apart and kept walking. We went down the elevator and out the back door. I saw the guard’s unconscious…well that explains a lot. I quickly slipped whatever Zay handed me in my back pocket. I was shoved into a car and we drove away.

Zayn’s p.v.o

“Ryan…” Someone said. Who said that…Everyone parted Mr.Bob was standing there. But he was standing up straight then when some one moved I saw a man. He had a gun to Mr.Bobs head. I stiffened and figured that was Robert.

“Why are you here.”Ryan said with an edge to her voice.

“Well im here to get my daughter back of coarse.” He said as if it where the most obvious thing in the world.

“Well first of all you may be my blood “father” but you are not my father Bruce is my father and second im over 18 I don’t have to have adult super vision… there is no way in hell im going with you…EVER.” she said putting as much venom in her voice as possible.

“Oh but there my dear you are wrong. You will be coming with me not matter what I have to do.” He said pointing the gun at me. Ryan stepping  infront of me even though I tried to stop her.

“Don’t hurt anyone and ill got with you.” She said...wait what?

“No ry-“Mr. Bob started but she cut him off.

“It’s fine Mr. Bob.” she said. Robert came over and grabbed her arm. Mr.Bob gave me something and said, “give it to her.” I followed them.

“Wait!” I yelled. Robert whipped around.

“Goodbye Ryan.” I said hugging her. I think it was a tracker. With that they were gone. I turned to Mr.Bob and said,”Was that a tracker?” He nodded his head and dialed his phone. He was saying some stuff that sounded like reinforcements maybe. He pulled out his phone and eveyone gathered around. He point to the screen and said,”here she is. She was moving away fast. But then she stopped and started coming backtowards us fast. I looked what road that was and said,”lets go get her.” Everyone ran out the  room following Mr.Bob.

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