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“Derek.”  I whispered looking at the man I feared come closer to me.

“Why did you want me and my family dead?”  I asked trying to hide my fear.

“Oh you haven’t already figured it out…your mother is a whore.” He said sounding completely calm.

“Excuse me?” I managed to ask without punching him.

“She left me because I made one mistake! One mistake!” He screamed coming to my bed.

"Why should she have even given you another chance.”  I said standing up for my mom.

“I was known as the flirt. And one girl thought I was being to friendly and took it as a sign to kiss me. Your mother saw and quickly left. I soon made up but it happened again and she left me.” He said gritting his teeth.

“Oh so she did its just you being a dick. So your mad at her and the ones she loves because of your self?”

“No! It wasn’t my fault she left.” He said pacing.

“But it was all your fault. Not hers yours.”  I said grabbing a vase that was on the side of the bed. He had his back to me.  I slowly stood up and walked behind him. I raised my arms.

Zayns pov

I slowly woke up groaning with rubbing my head. A nurse came in and told me what had happened to me. It turns out I have a gash on my head and a piece of glass had went in my arm, but they got it out. I quickly sat up remembering  the information we just learned. Derek Flemming, a doctor, killed Ryans dad and wants her dead. I quickly bolted out of the bed and room. I looked at the information sheet to the room that Ryan was in. I swung open the door to be meet with something I never expected. There was blood spread on the floor. Derek had Ryan pinned now and his head was bleading and some of Ryans scraps were reopened. Derek looked at my stunned face then back at Ryan and smirked.

“Run!” Ryan croaked.

Derek pulled something from his pants and jumped up at me. He had a gun to my back.

“Derek…no leave him.” Ryan said trying to stand.

Ryans pov

“Derek…no leave him.” I said trying to stand up. I thought back to everything that happened. A fight went on before Zayn got here. It didn’t end well for either of us. I was started feel a sharp pain through my hole body. Derek pulled Zayn out the room. I knew where they were going. I found my phone on the bed side table and called Mr.Bob.

“Derek he killed my father. Zayn and I found out, we got in an accident, and now Derek has Zayn. They are going to my grandmothers house. I will meet you there…HURRY!”  I said before hanging up.  I ran out the room and hospital ignoring all the protests.  I took a taxi to my grandmothers house. I gave him directions to the house as calm as I could. We pulled up eventually and I threw the cab driver a random amount of money before dashing out of the cab.  I walked down the long drive way hoping nothing bad has happened.  I walked in the front yard and a minute later Mr.Bobo and swat had shown up.

“Just sit down Ryan.” Mr.Bob instructed when he saw me starring at the house.  I tore my eyes away from the house to look at him. Right away he knew what I was gonna be doing. He shook his head but it was to late. I had grabbed his gun and started running to the house. I have shot guns before because of my dad. I made sure the safety was off once I stepped in the house. I made sure to close the door behind me. The house looked normal and quite. I walked through the whole house until I got in the room I was held in. The door to the secret room was open. I tucked the gun in the back of my pants and walked in. Zayn was tapped to a chair and he had a cut on his arm along with cut or gashes along many other parts if his body. Thiesight surprised me when i saw the ground around him covered in blood. Then in the shadows I saw Derek.

“Don’t move.” He said holding up a gun

"Don’t do anything irrational and none of us will have to get hurt.”  I spoke slowly moving to Zayn.

“Ha! You think this is a game! Its you or him!” Derek said.

"Its me!”

“That’s what I thought.”

“No Ryan don’t I love you!” Zayn said interrupting us.

"Ha! Are you sure about that? Do you love her. Ryan do you really think a popstar could actually love you!” Derek said.

"No I have never thought that a pop star could love me…”

“Ryan is that true? Do you believe him…I love you!”Zayn screamed making my heart brake.

“No I don’t believe him.  I never thought a pop star could love me…but I do now and will forever.”  I said pulling the gun out and pointing it at Derek and shot. He fell to the ground and I rushed to Zayn. I started untieing him when swat came rushing in. I stood up.

“Derek. He’s right there.” I said turning and pointing at Derek. And then I felt the cold ground underneath my whole body.

“Ryan!” I heard Zayn yell. My hands moved to my stomache which I felt something wet. I looked down to see blood. Not blood that was on the floor but my own. Derek had shot me in the stomcahe.  I looked up to see Zayn lift me in his arms.

Zayns pov

Derek fell to the ground as a loud bang went off. Ryan dropped the gun and then began to untie me. A minute later swat came in. Ryan stood up.

“Derek. He’s right there.” She said poiting at Derek. In a fast movement Derek sat up, shot his gun, and then was shot in the head by a swat.

“Ryan!” I yelled. I got up and put Ryan in my arms.

“Ryan everything is gonna be ok. You are gonna be ok.” I said trying to take her eyes off the bleeding spot in the middle of her stomache.

“Zayn you know that may not be true. Remember…I love you…Never forget that.” She spoke taking deap breaths.

“No Ryan don’t leave I love you and always will. I cant live without you.” I said pulling her closer to me.

"Thank you Zayn. But you will go on and live a great life without me.  Good bye…..I love you.” She spoke as a single tear ran down her cheek and she closed her eyes.

“Ryan! No! Ryan come back!” I screamed as I got pushed out of the way by swat. They put her on a stretcher and took her away. I loved her more than any other girl. I don’t know what I will do without her. I quickly stood up and followed after them. Mr.Bob pulled me in to a car and we started our way to the hospital. The ride to the hospital seemed to last hours even if it were just 5 minutes. Once we got inside I wasn’t allowed to see her. She was in surgery. The bullet had to be removed she may not live through the surgery but she cant live with the bullet inside her.

Ryans pov

Everyhting was dark. I sat in the fetal position thinkng about Zayn and wondering were he was. I missed him. All I remember was…I had gotten shot. Derek shot me and I blacked out. For all I know I could be dead or Zayn could be dead. My whole body hurt. There was something wrong I didn’t feel good. I feel weaker than ever. My eye lids seemed to be heavy but I managed to open them. My stomche hurt and it felt like I was about to throw up. I could feel warmth rush through my whole body as my eyes adjusted to the light.

"Ryan!” A familiar voice yelled.

“Zayn.” I whispered trying to face him but I couldn’t. He stood up and hovered over me.

“Thank God your alright.” He said softly kissing my lips. He pressed a button which I assum called a nurse. A minute later a lady walked in.

"Sweet heart I will watch her. Go tell your friends your alright.” She said smiling at Zayn. Zayn nodded squeezing my hand one last time before he left.

“Now what do you remember last?” She asked taking a seat next to me. I answered many more questions until they decided I could leave in a little more than a week if I got better.


Sorry its kinda a wierd spot to stop the chapter but i shall update soon! Enjoy!


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