Phone calls

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"Hello" I said. I heard shuffling over the phone.

"Is this Ryan Evans?" A man said over the phone.

"Yes it is may I ask who's speaking." I said calmly.

"I am a FBI agent I am an old family friend. We have just found your father dead. Your mother is beaten very badly. So she will be sent to a hospital. We do know you are going on a tour. So i am actually gonna come stay with you. Also we know here is your first stop so I would like you to come by the house and get anything you want to keep because we aren't moving your mom back in this house. Things you know she would want to keep can be sent to her new home in an old folks home. She will be safe. If you have any questions please call this number. I will be the one you talk to." he said everything was like hitting me with a brick.. What was going on. Who would do this.

"Ok thank you" I stuttered. I ended the call and dropped the phone. I turned around to have everyone looking at me. I couldn't handle it I burst in tears and ran to my room. I heard everyone asking what was wrong. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I noticed Zayn had some how beaten me into the room. I started crying even harder. I ran over to Zayn and practically tackled him. He just held me like my parents use to. Thinking about then I cried even harder.

"Shhhh whats wrong love?" Zayn asked kissing me on the forehead.

"My parents" was all I managed to say between my cries.

"Shhh calm down tell me what happened over the phone." he said in a soothing voice. I took a minute to calm down before I started talked. I slowly told him my conversation with the FBI agent.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Zayn said hugging me," but I think you need to tell everyone."

"Your right will you come with me?" I said looking me in the eyes.

"Of coarse" he said kissing the tip of my nose. I felt the butterflies in my stomache. Lately i have been alot more nervous around Zayn. He stood up and picked me up in bridal style. We walked out to see many concerned faces. Zayn sat down with me in his lap. I slowly recalled the conversation tryin not to look any where but Zayns chest. After I finished I was squished in a huge hug with everyone.

"I hate to break this up but we need to leave for the airport." Liam said softly. We grabbed all our stuff and headed down stairs. Once we got there we threw our suitcases in the trunk of the limo. We sat quietly in the limo for 30 minutes. It was different but nice. Once we arrived at the airport we went through security and everything before we had a hour to wait. I just wanted to sleep.

"You wanna go get some sun glasses with us." the girls asked.

"Sure" I said knowing it would help. For the next hour we were goofing off in the sun glasses shop it was a lot of fun actually. Niall walked in and said," Time to go girls." we all followed him out we walked through the tunnel labeled private planes. I forgot we got our own this will be fun.

Once we got on the jet I sat next to Zayn.

"Hey Zayn I'm really tired I'm going to go to sleep make sure no one messes with me please." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"ok" he said kissing me back. I snuggled with Zayn and drifted to sleep.

I was in kindergarten. I looked around and saw a familiar face. I walked over to another brunette who was by herself.

" hi I'm Ryan what's your name?" I said.

"Oh hi im maya." She said shyly sticking her hand out for me to shake. I pulled her into a hug at first she hisitated but then hugged me back.

From then on we were best friends.

I looked around maya was next to me but now we were in 1st grade. We had a new kid and she was all by herself.

"We should go say hi." I said to maya.

"ok let's go." maya and I links arms and skipped over to her.

"hi I'm Ryan and this is maya. Your new I think you should be our friend." I said I was a hyper child.

"ok! I'm August." by that afternoon the three of us were best friends. And we have been ever since.

I was shaken awake.

"Were here" he whispered sending shivers down my spine. His breath making my skin tingle. I put my arms in the air without opening my eyes.

"carry me" I said. He laughed at me but picked me up anyway. We walked out into the main part of the airport and got our bags. When we stepped out fans screams were hectic. The boys couldn't stop though. Once we got in the limo Zayn sat me next to him. I opened my eyes to see Mr.Bob an old family friend. He use to take me and the girls out to see a movie and get icecream.

"Hey mr. Bob!" both the girls said.

"Hey Mr.Bob I'm guessing your the FBI agent."I said trying not to think about what happened.

"I sure am they thought having a family friend would help. I will have to always be with you even if you don't know it." he said.

"ok that sounds good." I said.

"First we are gonna stop by the hotel dropping the boys off. Then drop you and the girls off at your house."he said.

"o ok umm when can I see my mom." I asked.

"Soon don't worry she is fine." he said patting my knee. We pulled up to a really fancy hotel I couldn't wait to get back. We dropped off the boys and headed for my house. Once we pulled up I didn't want to get out. I just starred up at my house not knowing why to do. I stepped out of the car slowly. I was slightly shaking. I couldn't believe I was back and my parents were attacked. I walked up the path way to my house I opened the front door. There were some people walking around inside looking at blood or something.

"We'll all the stuff in the kitchen can go and same with the computer room they don't need it. All the games can be sent to my brother, movies mom, everything in Bryce's room to him, everything in my parents room and spare room can go to my mom. I'll take my room." I said to Mr.Bob.

He ordered some people to do what I just said. Me and the girls went to my room. I walked over to my old art desk I took out all the stuff I wanted putting them in a box. The rest I put in a trash bag. I didn't have any clothes so I didn't have to worry about that. I got rid of my shoes. The only things I kept from my room was jewelry, art supplies, and things like scrap books. I remembered the stuff i had in my parents room. I had a first communion bag from my grandmother i wanted. I walked down the hall to my parents room. I pulled it down a box came down with it. The box fell open and stuff feel out. I looked closer to what feel out. There was a letter addressed to me, some of my moms favorite jewlery, and pictures. I decided i would look at this stuff later...alone.

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