Are Questions Answered?

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We eventually pulled up to the hospital and I was taken inside. I was checked out by some doctors and they said I was fine except I had broken my wrist in the fall which I already knew. As I was waiting in the hospital room alone I started thinking. I was wondering when they would let my friends in or where the doctors were. But the main thing was why Robert pushed me off the tracks. Last thing he told me was he didn’t kill my dad. All the signs pointed to him but maybe he wasn’t lieing. Maybe his dieing request was to figure out who really killed my father…but who would want to kill my father. He was a great man I mean ya he had people who didn’t like him but why would they want to kill him. There may be something I can find out at my grandmothers house maybe it could help. I definently need to go back and look. But wont that seem suspicious, wont someone catch me. I couldn’t think any farther a nurse walked in with someone following behind her. A man walked from behind her.

“Hello Ryan I am your doctor, Dr. flemming.”He spoke.

“Hi can I see my friends?”I asked.

“First we have to put your cast on.” He said. I just nodded and went through the long process of getting a cast on my wrist. Eventually they were finished and told me I could leave as long as I signed out at the front desk. I slowly got up and immediately felt dizzy. I brushed it off and unsteadily walked straight. I made it to the door and used the door knob to hold me up. I need something to drink and eat. I opened the door and saw everyone sitting in the waiting room. I walked by the waiting room the front desk, I signed all the papers and walked over to the waiting room.  I slowly opened the door still feeling a little light headed.

“hey guys.” I said and everyone looked at me. The first to reach me was Zayn he wrapped his arms around me and everyone else joined creating a group hug. I of coarse hugged back.

“How are you.”  I heard someone asked. Everyone pulled away and I smiled.

“Great just a broken wrist.” Right then MR.bob walked in holding coffee and some food.

“Hey Ryan.” He said.

“Hi…can I have some of that…im really hungary. Please?”  I said and he handed me the food.

“Eat in the car we are going some where.” He said leading us out to the car.

“Ok where are we going.” I asked drinking some coffee.

“Just wait.” Zayn said smirking while putting his arm around my waist as I ate. We loaded in the car and drove to the unknown location. We eventually pulled up to a medium two story house.

“Welcome home.” Zayn said taking my hand, “ and happy birthday two days early!”

“Omg! This is great! I love it…its our own house!”  I exclaimed and then it dawned on me, “ Wait was I really out two days at the hospital?”

“No but you where gone with Robert for two nights?” Liam said more as a question.

“I was out for a whole day!” I exclaimed, “Well that doesn’t matter anymore lets go look inside!”  I said as curiosity taking over me. I practically ran out of the car dragging Zayn behind me. I ran to the front door which was of coarse locked. Mr.Bob handed me a key. I put the key in and walked in our new house. As I walked around I noiced a lot of my stuff was here. I ran upstairs and saw that someone had already put all my clothes and things away! I ran over to the window and saw a built in pool in the back yard! I couldn’t wait till the summer. We eventually said goodbye to our friends and they left. Zayn and I where finally alone.

"You know your birthday is in two days." Zayn comments as we head up stairs to get ready for bed.

"Ya that's fine I don't want to make a big deal out of it."I said grabbing some pajamas.

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