When times are happy

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zayns p.o.v

i was laying there with my arms around ryan. i really hope she could sleep well and not have any nightmares. well maybe i shoudlnt have said that cause she started tossing and turning. then she started crying out in pain but it was the level of a whisper. i pulled her into my arms and cradled her. i rocked back and forth whispering comforting words to her. she curl up into a little ball and tears ran down her check. "zayn..." she whispered. i dont know what happened cause i relized i was screaming her name. her eyes fluttered open and i saw relief take over her whole body. she sat up and said," ill tell you later." and she went right back to sleep. i really hoped her nightmares would stop soon.

ryans p.o.v

i woke up to a peaceful looking zayn. the nightmares kept getting worse evertime. but zayn made them better i felt kinda bad for brushing him off i was just scarred and wanted to sleep. i moved closer to zayn and kissed him. i could tell he was smiling into the kiss.

"i love the way you wake me up" he said in a sexy sleepy voice.

i just smiled back thinking about my nightmare.

"so what was it about." he asked as if reading my mind.

"o zayn..." i started and hugged him. i didnt want to cry but i felt them streaming down my face. i told him my dream and tried to stop crying but i dont think i could.

"so do you think these nightmares may have actually happened." he asked.

i looked at him not even thinking about that," i dont know it has the house i grew up in and its my mom in it. everything makes sense except the man in it. where was my dad" i said thinking as hard as i could.

"maybe you should ask your mom when we go there." zayn said.

"your right i definenetly will." i said getting up. zayn got up and got dressed. i turned around and also got dressed. i put on jeans and a hang off shirt. i walked out to find we were thte last ones awake.

"what was with all the noise last night." i heard one off the boys ask zayn in the kitchen with a hushed tone.

"she had another bad dream...im really worried." zayn replied trying to be quiet. i walked in the room and they stopped talking. i sat down and asked,"what for breakfeast boys."

"well actually we were hoping everyone could wait till lunch cause we ALL have a radio interview to do." liam replied putting emphasis on all.

"o when are we leaving." i asked

"now actually." he said walking out the room. i grabbed my purse and followed everyone out the apartment. when we pulled up to the radio station there were tons of fans there. i was kinda worried since there was so many. once the doors were opened zayn and i got out last holding hands. when we walked in the station i was relieved it went that well. we were brought into a small room that i guessed was were the had the radio person at. when the interview finally started i was pretty quite until i heard a question for me.

"so i heard you and zayn went through a rough point at one point but that brought you two together even more." the man said looking at me.

"yes thats correct" i said smiling.

"so now hows is your relationship." he asked trying to get something out of me.

"its going good and better than ever." i said

"so on their next tour you and the girls are going along and you are stopping by your home town correct."

"well actually yes we are and i get to see my parents and introduce the boys... i am really excited actually." i said with a huge grin. he asked everyone a few more questions. i was off in my own world thinking about what my parents response towards zayn would be. i AM old enough to have a boyfriend. we got up and said our goodbyes and thank yous before leaving. once we were in the car,"fooooood" i groaned.

"she is as worse as niall" zayn said. eEveryone laughed exept me I jusy made a weird face.

"well you need to learn how to cook so u can cook or me later in life." i said.

" o does that mean you want to be with me for a long time." zayn said smirking. relizing what i had said i blushed.

"well ya and our 20 kids." i said in a serious voice.

"haha i hope your kidding." he said looking a little unsure.

"but why you have enough money." i said keeping a straight face.

"ummm" i couldn't help it i burst out laughing with everyone else.

we pulled up to nandos after what felt like a eternity. We all huried in and ordered. They brought us our food rather quick. I was surprised since we ordered so much. After luch we decided to go out and see a movie. We all decided to see Batman. And boy was it good. It was just perfect i cant wait for the next one. Once we got home it was pretty late maybe around 8-9.

"Imma go take shower and go to bed...im tired." I announced.Everyone else agreed that they were gonna do the same. Zayn and I both walked in my room closin the door like usual.

"You can take a shower first." i said to Zayn.

"ok thanks." he said walking into the bathroom. After about five minutes Zayn walked out in boxers and jumped under the covers. I got up and went to the bathroom. I jumped in and started taking a shower. About 10 minutes later i was finished with my shower. I relized i forgot my pajamas so i tightly wrapped my towel around myself. I walked back in the room only to have Zayn look me up and down.

"Enjoying the view?" i asked smirking and he blushed. He walked over to me stopping right infront of me. He lowered his head so our lips were just centimeters away from each other. His hand came up and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yes i am." his whisper barly audible.

Now one of his hands were cupping my face and the other was rested on my hip. I put both my hands on his waist. I couldt help it anymore. I pulled him in closing the space between our lips. My hands moved up his body i could feel his abs.My hands wer tangled through Zayns hair. One of his hands was in my hair and the other on the small of my back deepening our kiss. His tongue moved across the bottom of my lip asking for enterence. And our tongues danced together. we staggered over to the bed and i landed on top of him. We layed on the bed making out for a long time. (For some of you out there out there who are confused we did not go any farther.) When we both pulled away i relized i was still in my towel and it was pulled pretty low. I blushed and Zayn smiled, i dont think he even noticed that i was still in my towel.

I got up and said," Im going to put on my pajamas now." i walked over to my closet and put on my pajamas. I walked back over to bed and jumped on zayn. he let out an oof. I rolled off and layed next to him. We layed there just suggling for the longest time.

"Goodnight Zayn love ya." I said feeling my eyes drooping.

"Night babe i love you 2." He said kissing my forhead. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Dont worry the story will get more interesting and i will only be updating once every night. i hope everyone is enjoying the story and will spread the word!:D


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