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A/N: You must be thinking about the one character I haven't even mentioned in the story so far. Patience, my children. He will rise in time. Like bread.


"You're a naughty little girl, aren't you?"

I never expected to have so much fun grocery shopping. It's probably because it's been such a long while since I had any kind of enjoyment. 

Jimin sets down the grocery bags beside me, leaning on the doorway shortly after. I can suddenly see the boyfriend side in him. 

His soft yellow shirt, his tousled platinum hair, the cute smile on his lips.  

I probably shouldn't see this side for longer or I'd lose whatever rational brain cells I have left. 

"Take a break for a few hours. Either Hoseok or Jungkook will come by later today," he says. 

My face pales at the thought of the latter. I can still remember his intense, soul-scorching glare.

"Hoseok it is, then," Jimin laughs. 

He ruffles my hair before waving me goodbye. I lock the door once he leaves, picking up the bags. After restocking the kitchen, I take a short nap before studying for a while. 

It's a few hours later when the doorbell rings. As I expect, it's Hoseok. It's the first time I meet him, but my vision had every detail of his perfectly. 

His blonde hair, lean structure, even the golden flecks in his striking hazel eyes. 

"Hi," he says, "Ready to leave?" 

I'm used to leaving the house with pajamas at this point. 

"Sure," I reply. 

A door opens down the hallways and he pushes me back into the flat, waiting for me to change into a pair of sneakers before taking me to the church. 

It's as desolate as it always is, but this time I feel a little more hopeful. Both of the visions I had were of the future, but now I need one from the past. 

I have to probe specifically. 

Hoseok perches on the back of the bench like a gargoyle. I ignore him, trying my best to concentrate on the task at hand. 

It doesn't take long for the church to be filled with life again. It's like watching the building getting restored right before my eyes. 

I watch in awe as people come and go. Their glassy figures pass right through me at times. 

I watch them pray and gossip and cry. I even see weddings happen. They waver quickly, skipping from one memory to the next. 

I hear confessions, although I probably shouldn't listen in. I can't help myself as I don't want to stop the flow of things by trying to handle the memory. 

I don't know how long it takes, but eventually, the memories slow down. Nothing strange had happened all this time. 

I blink in shock when the vision is over. I don't realize I'm sitting on the dirty floor, and the sky has darkened considerably. It's already nighttime. 

I stand up and brush off the dust on my pants. 

"Saw anything?" Hoseok asks. 

"Yeah. Many things. But I don't think it's what you want," I answer. 

He sighs, jumping down from the bench. I grimace as it shudders before one of its legs snaps. It had been the only one intact. 

"You saw nothing out of the ordinary?" he asks. 

"No. I just heard a lot of confessions, I guess."

His eyes light up and he smiles adorably. 

"Really? Tell me a juicy one."

I probably shouldn't be sharing it with anyone. After all, it's something very private. But I don't want to ruin that heart-shaped smile of his. 

I'm always so bad at denying people. 

"Umm... a woman whose husband was in the military ended up sleeping with his best friend and was pregnant with his child."

I couldn't really wrap my head around that one because you had to be a real bitch to cheat on your husband who is working hard in the military. She could've gotten a divorce and it wouldn't have been this bad. 

Hoseok snorts, crossing his arms. 

"Boring. Another one."

"Well, there's this guy who gave his... grandmother an STD." 

I visibly shudder at that one. Sometimes I really wonder what goes on in someone's head. 

"Tell me more."

I give in to Hoseok's enthusiasm, narrating each secret that wasn't mine to tell or even hear in the first place. 

"Wow. You humans are crazy, aren't you?" he asks. 

"I suppose," I shrug, "Haven't you done anything crazy in your human life?"

"Well, that," his smile falters, "I don't know. Vampires forget all their memories when turned. So we can't remember our human lives."

I feel bad as I think about it. To have no memories to define who you are. You have to grasp onto the unstable future, making new memories to hold on to. 

Now I understand why they want to find Helen so bad. Other than the fact that she is their mate, she probably gave them a lot to remember. 

They lost her as much as she lost them.

"So, you really couldn't find something horrible?" Hoseok asks. 


"Fine. I guess we don't really have another choice," he says. 

"What? What are you going to do?" I ask skeptically. 

"You've met six of us. Ever wondered about who the seventh person is?" 

I don't know what to think as Hoseok starts to circle me like a vulture. 

"The thing is," he whispers, "He's the worst of us all. You might think Jungkook is bad. Or even Namjoon." 

His hand brushes my shoulder as he comes to a stop behind me. 

"Namjoon is just a bit... apathetic, I suppose. And Jungkook is a ball of anger ever since Helen disappeared."

Where is he going with this? Who is this mysterious coven member I've never even heard of up till now?

 "But this guy is the worst. He used to be our source of laughter. He was our everything. I guess people change over time."

"What are you trying to say?"

He presses his chest to my back, leaning in to whisper.

"I'm saying, he is the only one who can help you with this as he is the one involved with the incident. I'm saying I should finally let Taehyung sink his claws in you."

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