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"I'm saying I should finally let Taehyung sink his claws in you."

"I- what?" I blurt out. 

I step forward to release myself from Hoseok's grasp. I can't be more confused when he bursts into child-like giggles. 

"You believed that? Taehyung wouldn't hurt a fly. But he is really hard to get along with these days. In a way, he is worse than Jungkook," he explains, "So it's not the best idea to leave you two alone. Maybe I should send Jimin along with him as well."

"Uh, sure...?"

"Now come on. Let's get the little human back home," he giggles again. 

Very funny. I just give him a blank look as we arrive in my living room. 

"Ah, it's been so long since I scared a human. You were fun," he pats my shoulder, "I should get going now. It's late."

He disappears in a flash of mist and I sigh as silence overtakes my abode. I gasp as I see the time on the wall clock. 

It's past two in the middle of the night. I have to go to college the next day and I didn't even finish my assignment. 

"Shoot," I mutter, rushing to my bedroom. 

This is why parents and teachers tell you to not delay things until the last moment. But will I still procrastinate? Definitely. 

I don't even have time to sleep this night. It shows in the languid way I walk to class the next morning. I probably wouldn't even notice if someone stabbed me with a pitchfork with how tired I am. 

When I come back, I see Vera loitering in the lobby. 

"Are you okay?" she asks as soon as she sees me. 

"Why does it matter to you?" I snap. 

"Y/N, you might think I don't care about you anymore, but that's not true."

She holds my wrist, preventing me from moving forward. She's always been this way, in every sense of the word. 

"Let go of me, Vera," I order. 

My low tone is enough to tell her I mean it in more ways than one. I decipher her gaze, returning a searing glare. 

I am too tired to deal with her now. 

"You're a coward, Y/N."

I move closer to her, ignoring her sweet cinnamon scent. 

"You really think you can tell that to me?"

"And that's enough, ladies."

I flinch back as I hear Jimin's voice. Comically enough, he has a box of popcorn in his hand that he stuffs his mouth with. 

I didn't know vampires could eat. 

"As much as I love the drama," he continues, walking closer to me, "I'll be stealing her."

Jimin takes my other hand. Much to my exasperation, Vera doesn't let go of my hand. Her nails start to dig into my wrist and I wince at her tight grip. 

"Hey, you're hurting her," Jimin points out. 

"Well, when hasn't she?" I hiss, snatching my hand from her, "Let's go, Jimin."

I am fuming as I stalk out of the building. I still have my bag but I don't care. There's so much rage in me that I forget the man trailing behind me. 

"Slow down, baby girl," he says after we've crossed an entire block, "You're going to end up hurting yourself."

I sigh, reasonably calmer. 

"Taehyung's waiting at the church. I don't want to make him mad by making him wait, but you're mad too. I don't think it's a good idea to take you there so soon."

"Just take me to the church," I groan. 

I really don't want to think about Vera right now. And I'm afraid I'll pass out soon. He thinks about it for a moment. 

"Fine," he sighs. 

He drags me into an empty alleyway before teleporting us to the church. I stare at the man inside who's staring up at the ceiling. 

He must be Taehyung. 

His hair is a soft strawberry blonde, cascading like waves to fall into his eyes. When he turns to face us, I see that his irises are forest green. 

"She's here," Jimin announces as if it wasn't so obvious. 

Taehyung rolls his eyes. When he starts to speak, I have to strain my ears to hear him as his voice is deeper than the Mariana Trench. 

"I can see that, even if I can't hear her goddamn heartbeat. Thank you for the observation, Jimin. But what took you so long?"

"Had to get popcorn to watch the drama. I've never thought Y/N was the type to get so angry. Imagine how surprised I was when I felt how furious she was from where I sat in the mansion. Quite the feat, I must say."

I had momentarily forgotten about Vera. As much as I want to smack him for reminding me of her again, I stay quiet. 

"Whatever," Taehyung mutters, "Let's get on with it."

"How, though?"

"How would I know? Now that she's seen me, I think she can figure it out herself."

Jimin sighs in frustration, turning to look at me. 

"Just do your thing, baby girl. We'll be here."

"How did this thing break?" Taehyung asks, staring at the lopsided bench. 

"Hoseok broke it somehow," I answer. 

He doesn't even regard my words or show that he's heard me. 

"Don't mind him," Jimin says. 

I roll my neck, dropping my bag. I haven't slept in more than twenty-four hours. I could have requested to go home if it's just Jimin, but I have a feeling Taehyung would flip if I back out now. 

"Can you sense all my emotions?" I ask Jimin. 

"Yes, but only if the link is open. Right now, I have it closed as it would wear me out."

I nod, knowing he won't feel all the moronic thoughts running through my head at the moment. I'm so exhausted, it's like a dam broke in my head. 

Before I know it, another vision starts to take over my senses. Shock replaces my weariness as I see the scene play right before my eyes. 

It's dark, but I can still see make out Taehyung kneeling against the crumbled wall. His hands are tied behind his back, a blindfold covering his eyes while his face is contorted in -what seems to be - pain. 

A man kicks Taehyung's side, making him double over. I didn't think it was possible to kidnap a vampire. That is what this seems like. 

"Disgusting creatures like you should really know their place."

The man takes out a knife that glints in the moonlight. 

He stabs Taehyung right in the gut, blood splattering from the wound. It's thick, black, and shiny like bitumen.

It splatters over the drawing of the eye and the nearby plants. 

"Fuck you," Taehyung manages to sputter. 

The man laughs in a manic manner, straightening up while leaving Taehyung to bleed out. 

"You don't even know who I am. Pathetic, huh? This is how you'll die."

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