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A/N: My finals are finally over... And I know I said I'd update last week but they blocked Wattpad in my college again 😭😭 So here's a very late chapter. Usually, I edit thrice, but I don't have the time for that today. So please ignore any grammatical errors. 

And I can hear my mother twisting the doorknob. 

There is enough time for Jimin to take us back. Enough time for him to sense that someone is trying to open the door and teleport. But he doesn't do that. The door opens, and it's so strange that I know it's my mother, even if I didn't have these senses back then. 

There's a scent that's distinctly hers, soft and warm like cinnamon, and it overpowers the blood rushing through her veins. I expect anger on her face, and maybe even regret. But the first thing I see is pure fear. 

The fear of finding an intruder in your home. 

"Who are you?!" she yells, fumbling for something. 

A weapon, most likely. 


"Who are you?"

There is no recognition in her eyes. She does not see me as the errant daughter she loathes but as a stranger. I don't believe I have changed that much, to the point she can't even recognize me. 

Jimin stands up, tugging my hand so I can stand next to him. 


My father comes into view, panting after having climbed the steps. I wonder what he thinks when he sees me on the floor with Jimin, looking devastated. Somehow, seeing their wrinkles, their withered skin, and their tired faces makes everything worse. 

I had not noticed how my parents were aging. 

They had been struggling to bear a child and I was born many years after they got married. I was a blessing to them. And also their curse. 

"Y/N?" My father's voice is soft, and shocked, "What are you doing here? How did you get here?"


"We were passing by," Jimin fills in for me politely, "And she wanted to visit. She didn't know how you'd receive her, so we climbed in through the windows. We apologize for the inconvenience."

I look back, relieved that the windows were indeed open to help our case. My mother merely stays staring at all three of us, highly skeptical and wary. 

"She's a girl we know, honey," my father says to her, "They're guests. Why don't you make some tea for us? I'll join you in a second."

I wish I didn't understand what was going on. But I do. My eyes don't leave my mother as she leaves. 

"What happened?" I ask. 

"She has dementia. She doesn't trust me all that much, either," he explains.

His eyes trail to Jimin, who's holding me up by the waist. Despite being a vampire, I find myself drained of energy. The scent of my father's blood is overwhelming, as is the sound of it rushing through his veins. But it's disgusting to even think of consuming a single drop of it. 

"He's..." I trail off, "My boyfriend."

"Ah," my father nods, somewhat awkwardly, "Would you like to stay? It's rather dark out. How did you kids come here?"

"We came by bus. And I don't think-" I start. 

"I think it's good for you to stay here," Jimin cuts me off.

I look back up at him, frowning.

"I'll leave you to sort it out. You can stay too, kid," my father tells Jimin, about to leave, before he looks back at me, "And I'm sorry, Y/N, for the way we treated you."

He looks like he has more to say, but he simply looks away and leaves. An apology. I didn't think I would ever get one. It does not fix everything, but it tells me that they have changed. At least, my father has. 

I look towards Jimin and gently untangle from him. 

"Are you trying to push me away? Do you not want me anymore now that I'm a vampire?" I ask. 

"I want you for eternity now," he says, resting his palm on my face, "You've made me greedy. I want you to stay here for the sake of your peace of mind. I genuinely think you will regret it if you leave now. And I really need to give those guys a piece of my mind."

"Jimin, don't."

"They had no right to say those things to you," he says, clenching his jaw. 

His anger is apparent and terrifying to look at. I've never seen him truly mad, and now I hope he never gets mad at me. I peck his jaw and his hand slides down to my neck. He pulls me back in as I try to pull back, pressing his lips to mine. It's slow and soft, and I can tell he's trying to pour everything he feels for me into that single kiss. 

"I'd love to stay with you, but I won't be much fun," he whispers once he pulls back, "I'll call Jungkook over."

"You don't have to," I tell him, "I can stay here on my own."

"You'll start overthinking. I want someone with you here. I'm scared you'll disappear, Y/N."

There's genuine terror in his eyes, and his hands clutch onto my shirt desperately. 

"Okay," I nod. 

"Good," he kisses my forehead, "Jungkook's popular among parents, so he won't have a problem fitting right in. Plus, it's better he stays out of our mansion for a while. I don't want to force him to witness what might happen."

"What might happen?" I ask him, worried. 

"I'm not sure. Don't worry about it, okay? I'll call Jungkook. You go downstairs and join your parents. Are you uncomfortable around them? I know what they did, but I only felt happiness from your dad once he recognized you. And he meant that apology."

"I'll be fine," I tell him, "Join us soon, okay?"

I squeeze his hand before leaving the room. The scent of tea is strong and I'm curious to know what it would taste like now. I hesitate before entering the kitchen. My mother tries to reach up for a few porcelain cups, the ones we always used for guests. 

A guest. That is what I am to her now. She doesn't remember me. 

She doesn't remember how she yelled at me to leave. She doesn't remember calling me a whore, picking me up from school, teaching me how to sew, or doing groceries together. I once thought things would be easier for all of us if they just forgot about me but as I see the wary half-smile on my mother's face, I try not to cry in front of her. 

I wish she remembered me, her daughter. 

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