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A/N: Double update 🤗

Warning:Mentions of sexual abuse and violence

"Will that happen?" Jungkook asks, "Will you marry Eric?"

"I..." my eyes flicker to Taehyung's expressionless gaze, "I don't know."

"Eat up. The food's getting cold," Jin reminds me softly. 

I decide to eat, letting myself slowly slip into a food coma. The others leave when they realize I'm no longer up for conversation. 

"Wow, cake," I grin when it's finally time for dessert. 

I think I hear Taehyung's laugh drift from the living room, and I suppress a blush. So what if I bit him hard enough to make a mark? It doesn't mean anything. Or does it...?

Whatever. I'm too stuffed to think right now.  Footsteps pad into the kitchen and I look up to find two familiar faces I haven't seen for quite a while. 

"Oh, Hoseok, Namjoon," I greet them, "When did you guys arrive?"

"We were in Jimin's room. How are you, Y/N? It's been a long while since we last saw you," Namjoon says. 

"Yeah,"  I yawn, "I'm fine. How have you guys been?"

Hoseok shrugs, "Could be better."

"Well, yeah," Namjoon shrugs as well, "We didn't expect things to end this way, but thank you for your help."

It sounds like a dismissal - like he's done with me. Like they're done with me. But I'm too drowsy to think past the finality in his tone. 

"Yes, Y/N, thank you for your help," Hoseok says. 

"Do you want me to leave-?"

"Leaving? Who's leaving?" Jin yells from the kitchen, "No one's leaving this place on my watch."

"Wait, you can't leave before we've taken a bath in your bathroom," Taehyung pipes in from the living room. 

"Wait, we-?!"

"Training!" Jungkook exclaims, hastily entering the dining room, "It's time for training. Come on, Y/N."

"Hold up, I think I'm slipping into a food coma," I whine. 

"A... coma? You're going into a coma?!" Jungkook asks, shaking my shoulders. 

I groan and swat his hands away as it feels like he's trying to shake my brunch right out of me. 

"That means," Taehyung tuts, shoving Jungkook aside and pressing a cool hand on my warm forehead, "She ate too much. No training for now. Maybe you can have it later, at night."

"But why?"

"She'll throw up if you start now. Just let her sleep."

"But I just woke up a few hours ago. I can't be-" I'm cut off by a yawn. 

"Shh, it's okay. Just sleep, Y/N," Taehyung says. 

I think I hear a heated discussion between Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon, but I'm not so sure. Someone carries me to the bedroom. I think I know who it is. *cough* Taehyung *cough*. 

It's as I slowly drift into dreamland that I remember Levi's words. I am a dreamwalker. And I have to help Yoongi. With those thoughts in my mind, a strange dream unfolds in the recesses of my mind. 

The place I am in is ancient, that much I can tell. A room with stone walls, barely lit by a torch. I sit up from the cold stone floor, worried to find myself imprisoned in a cell. The white dress I wear is dirty and barely hanging on my shoulders. I flinch a burly man stalks forward, unlocking the gate. Two other men, who I assume to be guards, come in after him, dragging me up and forcing me to stand. 

Why do I feel so weak? I try to open my mouth, to tell them to stop holding me tight enough to get bruises, but I freeze when I realize I can feel pain. Is this really a dream? I'm dragged across floors like a ragdoll and forced onto my knees before I can analyze the room I'm taken into.

"Your highness, I present to you the tramp who tried to steal your clothes."

Tramp? Steal clothes? Excuse me-?

"So," a light, delicate voice says, sending shivers down my spine, "This filthy sewer rat thinks she's fit to wear clothes for a queen?"

I clench my jaw, immediately looking up despite all my senses telling me to keep calm. But the profanity dies in my throat when I see the man standing beside the throne. Of course, the queen - or whatever, I don't particularly care - is dazzling with all the jewels she's adorned with. 

But the man beside her is familiar, drawing in my attention. Plump lips, full cheeks, and cute eyes that would form crescents when he smiled. Except, he's not even close to smiling. I watch in horror as the queen tugs on a chain wrapped in her hand, a chain that is connected to a metal collar around Jimin's neck. 

She notices my stare, tugging more until he bends at an awkward angle. She presses her lips on his, and it's not hard to tell Jimin is unwilling as he moves his lips against hers. His face is carefully blank, lips slightly red as he's let go.

Tears well in my eyes, and I recoil in disgust, but a foot against my back pushes me forward.

"Oh, are you interested in him, now?" the queen smirks, "You can have my clothes, tramp. But not this man. He. Is. Mine."

The possessive growl in her voice is immediately countered by my snarl. 

"You bitch."

The foot against my back immediately shoves me to the floor, and I cry out as the front of my face cracks on the stone. 

"What did you say?" the queen asks. 

In real life, I might have backed down. But not today. I'm not going to be a coward in my dreams as well. 

"Bitch. You're a bitch!" 

There's fury packed into the kicks delivered to me. I should have taken up Jungkook's training offer, whether I would have thrown up or not. I groan quietly, suppressing my screams of pain. Instead, I scream 'bitch' whenever I can get it past the groans. 

"Enough! Behead her first thing in the morning. Get her out of my sight."

Half-conscious, I'm dragged away. Stupid. I was stupid. I managed to get into Jimin's past instead of Yoongi's, and even then, I can't seem to help him. I'm thrown back into the cell, and  I almost pass out from exhaustion. 

Blood leaks into my mouth. I don't know where it comes from. Bruises start to bloom on my skin, but I force myself to keep my eyes open. Cuts from the stone start to burn as they touch the surrounding mud. 

It takes an hour or so before I can move again. Of course, my whole body protests in agony, but I push myself up, stumbling to the gate. At least I did one smart thing during my time here. While I was thrown over the guard's shoulder as he took me here, I had snagged his ring of keys. He wouldn't have noticed, as it was the other guard who unlocked the gate. 

I look around, wondering where all of them went. They probably thought I was a weakling (which I am) and assumed I'd be knocked out for quite a while. I hold my breath as I unlock the gate and escape.Every footstep drives me insane. It keeps me on edge, and it takes more bravery than I own to get to the first floor. 

The guards aren't so smart if someone like me managed to escape. Just saying.

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