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I tilt my head in question. He hurt his brother? That's it? That's why I was nearly killed? And why me?

"Levi can never have a soulmate again. Yoongi stole his soul. Banished it to the underworld," Jin swallows nervously, glancing at my reaction, "That is his power. A lethal, deadly weapon only he can wield. Levi is everything to Jordan. And vice-versa. We could have lost Yoongi that day with how furious Jordan had been. But Levi just wants peace. He hates fighting, hates violence. He's a true angel. He's promised Levi to not lay a finger on Yoongi, but he always hurts the people close to him instead. Humans are always the easy target."

Jin pauses, looking at the door as if expecting someone. In a few short seconds, Taehyung walks in, holding a tray of food.

"You keep forgetting she's human, Jin. She needs food," he says.

Oh yeah, I'm hungry. I hadn't noticed.

"You're in charge of taking care of her, Tae. No one else can do a better job than you," Jin says.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, setting the tray in my lap.

"Stop buttering me up. I was going to do it anyway."

I stare at them both, narrowing my eyes. I don't need to be taken care of. I can move perfectly fine now.

"Oh, here. You look like you have something to say," Taehyung says.

He hands me a notepad and a pen. It's strange seeing him being nice. I'm used to Jin's cordial behavior, but not Taehyung. I snatch the pen from him with a suspicious glare, and he merely chuckles.

I don't need a babysitter.

I write it down.

A/N: Stuff you write down will appear in bold. Like this author's note.

"I'm not your babysitter," Taehyung says, sitting beside me on the bed, "I am your protector and also your caretaker. The trio knows where you are. As peace-loving as Levi is, I'm sure Jordan and Shaun won't listen to him. They'll hunt you down. You'll have to stay here. And I know your injuries may not seem serious, but we almost lost you there, Y/N. Jimin brought you here when you were on the brink of death. If he hadn't been linked to you, we wouldn't have been able to reach you at the right time. Unfortunately, we can't administer any more venom to speed up the healing, or you'll turn into one of us. We have to wait for the venom to leave your body, which will take a few days. Until then, you have to take utmost care to not reopen your wounds."

I'm not staying here.

I don't like this mansion at all. As beautiful and spacious as it is, I've never liked living here. Living in the middle of the forest is inconvenient. Jin and Taehyung exchange a glance.

"We have a proposition."

Jin continues, letting go of my hand so I can eat. I dig into the pancakes, wondering who cooked them. It's a bit bland, but at least it's edible.

"Hoseok has a penthouse in the city. I was figuring Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and I could live with you there. Once the threat is eliminated, you might have to change apartments. Again."

How did you guys know where I lived? How did you know I was performing at the theatre?

"You were always in danger, Y/N. We kept tabs on you. Hoseok felt something bad was going to happen that day. But we didn't want to ruin your performance. I guess we should have kept a closer eye on you. We do care about you and the things you do. Don't ever think otherwise," Jin answers.

Yeah, that's hard to believe. But I'll pretend to believe them. It's no use quarreling over it.

"You could have let me come. It's been a while since I went to the city," Taehyung whines.

He crosses his arms, a cute pout forming on his lips. I can't get over the 180-degree turn his personality took.

A/N: Okay, I know a 360-degree turn is a phrase used, but 360 is a whole circle. You're going to end up at the same point, which is not even a slight change. So, 180 degrees would be more apt.

"Well, worry not," Jin pats his back, "We're going to be living there for a while."

I never agreed to this.

"Do you have a better idea?" Jin asks.

I think for a while. What else could work? As much as I hate being dependent, I don't think I'd survive without them. I can probably hold my own against humans, but not against supernatural entities with terrifying powers.

I shake my head in response to his question.

And that's how, hours later, I'm gaping at the penthouse. I walk inside, taking in all the expensive furniture, the amazing view from the wide windows, and the polished floors.

"You like it?" Jungkook asks.

I turn around, giving him an eager nod. He laughs as I walk as fast as I can down a hallway, which is too slow for my liking. Can't risk ripping open my wounds. Much like Taehyung, Jungkook is so very different. Which was an act? What is their true personality? Questions like these are better left unanswered. I don't want to think about it anymore. I'll just see them for what face they show me.

The hallway ends in a luxurious bathroom, the bathtub leaning against a glass wall. Through the window, the city is thrumming with life early in the morning. I walk back out, carefully slamming into Jin in an abrupt hug. He's quick to wrap his arms around me.

"Oh," he giggles, "Is this your way of telling us you're happy?"

I nod into his chest, looking up at him and mouthing the words 'thank you'.

"I don't know what you're thanking me for, given the abnormal circumstance, but you're welcome, Y/N," he grins, ruffling my hair. 

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