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"You goddamn stalker."

"Shh, just sleep right now, darling. I know you're exhausted," he says softly, "You looked cute, don't worry."

I begrudgingly admit that he is right about me being tired. His thumb rubs small circles on my hand as my eyes flutter shut. 

"I have to apologize for how unapproachable I was when we first met. I really hate that place."

I just nod, breathing already slowing down. 

"Sleep well, darling. I'll see you in the morning."

He quietly brushes his hand on my cheek before slipping away from me. The last thing I hear is the door shut softly. 

When I wake up again, the sun is just beginning to rise. I blink sleepily, hearing the door creak open slowly. 

"You're up," Yoongi states the obvious. 

I'm starting to question whether last night is a dream as I regard him with a blank stare. A yawn escapes my lips and I decide to go back to sleep. 

I feel the bed dip as he sits beside me. 

"You have to wake up, darling. Or should I just leave you in your apartment half-asleep for the werewolves to eat?"

"You wouldn't do that," I murmur. 

I don't think I'm fully conscious as I continue the dream I had left behind. It's about attending a concert. I can't see the faces of the performers clearly, but I can hear them sing. 

I hear Yoongi chuckle lowly above me, his palm resting on my cheek. 

I can see the faces of the singers more clearly now. The entire crowd starts singing the chorus with them. 

It's all the seven vampires on stage. 

I lose it when Jungkook lifts his shirt, revealing his abs. Yoongi looks straight at me, smirking for a second before continuing to dance. My eyes snap open and I glare up at the man. 

He's the one who interfered with my dream. 


"Y/N," he mocks, trying to stop himself from laughing, "Done dreaming about a non-existent boy band?"

"Yes," I huff, "I think Jungkook is my bias."

"For flashing his abs?" he snorts, "Have you heard me rap?"


"Have you seen Hoseok dancing?"

"Uh, I think-"

"Namjoon rap? Jimin and Jin hitting the high notes? Hell, have you just heard Taehyung's voice alone?"

"I- you're a simp for Taehyung," I blurt out.

"And you don't have a bias. Admit it."

He is right, though. 

"Fine," I mutter, "Now let me sleep."


We're back in my bed, where I can hear shuffling outside. 

"Yoongi? Y/N? You guys are back?"

It's Jin's voice I hear. I frown as I see numerous bags on my bedroom floor. The door opens, looking brand new. Jin notices my gaze. 

"We replaced the door, don't worry. I have all your things packed for you to move."

"Move? Move where?" I ask. 

"To our mansion, of course," it's Yoongi who answers, "We can't let you stay here when your life is in danger. Besides, we're looking for James at the moment, so we'll be busy most of the time. The flicker card won't be much help. When you're in our territory, no one will bother you, so you'll be safer there."

I hear more shuffling outside as I just lay on my bed like a log. 

"What's that noise?"

"Jungkook and Namjoon. They'll help to teleport your things. We only packed the bare minimum, so you better get up if you want anything else," Jin says. 

"I won't come back here?" I ask. 

"Not for a while."

I sigh and sit up, feeling the world spin. My sleep schedule has really been thrown off since I met these people. 

"My body says no," I mutter. 

"Your body says no because you've been wearing the amulet too damn long. It's taking its toll on you. You'll get better in a few weeks, but until then, you'll be a little weak," Namjoon answers from what I assume is the living room.

"Wonderful," I mutter sarcastically before getting up again. 

Everything stays in its place, much to my relief. I don't really need to pack much more. I fill one more bag before setting it on the mattress.

"You'll be staying in Jungkook's room during your stay," Yoongi says. 

"What?!" both he and I yell at the same time. 

"It's the room with the most sunlight, if any, at all. It benefits both of you. He'll stay in Jin's room, don't fret about it. Now stop complaining and let's go back," Yoongi says. 

"But Jin is old," I hear Jungkook complain. 

I snort at that, watching Jin turn around to scold him. 

"You think you're so young, huh? You're as old as Y/N's grandpa, you brat. You're at the age to tell her 'oh, my dear, sweet child. I haven't seen you in ages. Get me my glasses. I can't see you well' And you really have the audacity to call me old! You're a punk, you know that?"

"Technically, you're just a skeleton if I'm a grandpa. Y/N can't even visit your grave because the tombstone itself died."

"At least I'd be a handsome skeleton, thank you very much. Not a wrinkly old man."

"At least I'm not old enough to be in history textbooks."

"Excuse me! You are talking to the most handsome prince to ever exist, Kim Seokjin."

"The third. You're the third. At least I'm the first Jungkook in the family."

"Oh, wait," I speak up, "You're Kim Seokjin the third? The vain prince of the South?"

"The handsome prince of the South. But yes, that would be me."

I stifle a laugh behind my mouth. 

"What? What's funny?" Yoongi asks. 

I take out my phone, searching for the pdf of my history textbook. The picture of Prince Kim Seokjin, the crown prince of the South, is on page 243. 

In the picture, his nose is big, his eyes are smaller, his shoulders leaner, his lips thinner and he has a huge frown on his face. 

I show it to him, still in shock that he is the Prince Kim Seokjin that we learned in history. 

Jin gasps, snatching the phone right out of my hands. 

"Who is this toad? This is not me," he grimaces. 

"Obviously," I reply, laughing at his extreme displeasure. 

Yoongi peers over my shoulder, snickering as he sees the disproportionate illustration. 

"So you admit I'm handsome," Jin raises an eyebrow at me. 

"What's there to admit? It's a fact."

Much to my amusement, Jin actually starts to look shy. He bites his lip, looking away from me to my phone. It's like he has a hard time believing my words.

Maybe he doesn't see himself the way he claims to. 

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