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A/N: I must apologize. I'm in my final year in college and I have no idea how I'm so busy all the time even when I get no work done. I left this story sitting for so long, that I almost forgot the plot. I have an internal test and a placement test tomorrow, but... bleh. Grades never bothered me anyway ❄🎵

And I know I have no reason to, but I don't have a good feeling about her.

"My parents have told me a lot about you," I say with a smile, "Come on in."

"Your... parents?" she asks. 

Her smile changes, morphing into muted curiosity. 

"Oh, so you're... Y/N, I'm assuming?"

"Yes. Is anything the matter?"

She shakes her head and I move aside as she starts to enter. She smells too much like detergent and it stings my nose. 

"No, not at all," she smiles back at me. 

Cynthia walks like she owns the place, but I can't really blame her. She was there when I was not. She walks straight to my mother, who seems to remember her. Dad immediately brightens, not as awkward as he was when he was talking to me. 

It's like I'm watching a painting, a silent observer who cannot cross the boundary that separates art from reality. But honestly, I don't care at this point. I have never belonged anywhere. I've always been the disposable character and nothing is new. 

Nothing changed, even when I became a vampire. But there is no use whining about it. If I start now, I will be sobbing for eternity.


I'm knocked out of my thoughts by Jungkook, who walks in nonchalantly, not even breaking a sweat from chopping all the logs. 

"Jungkook why?"

My voice is too small, like a child's, and Jungkook is immediately concerned. 

"What is it?" he asks, gently grabbing my arm. 

"Why did you give me forever when I can't even be happy?"

He frowns, grip tightening on my arm. Cynthia catches him by the doorway and immediately focuses on him. She cuts Jungkook off as he opens his mouth to answer me. 

"Hi, there," she says.

The way she talks is much like the way a kindergarten teacher talks to their students. I'm not sure whether it's because she's a nurse.

"Hi," Jungkook replies, a little annoyed at having been interrupted. 

"I'm Cynthia, the nurse next door."

"Jungkook, Y/N's boyfriend's brother," Jungkook replies. 

"Would you like to stay over for breakfast? Y/N's cooking today," Dad announces. 

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, turning to look at me. I shrug, not really in the mood to cook anymore. Even if I do, I don't want Cynthia to eat it. Don't get me wrong. I don't usually consider every girl I see as an enemy. There is just something incredibly off about Cynthia, and I can't even find out what it is. 

Maybe I'm being mean without reason. 

"I'll just be making pasta. Nothing too grand," I tell her. 

I wish she would take the hint and leave. I'd feel guilty if she turned out to be a nice person. 

"I'd love to stay," she says. 

"I better get started," I reply. 

I give Jungkook a glance, signaling him to come with me. Thankfully, he takes the hint.

"I'll help you," he says, following after me. 

The kitchen is far enough from the living room that no one can hear us. Even so, we can talk at volumes low enough that humans can't hear us no matter where they are. 

"Do you want to leave?" he asks. 

"Yes. But I don't want to leave my parents with Cynthia. I'm not sure about her," I reply. 

"Yeah, she's kind of... weird," he scrunches his nose. 

"In what way?" I ask. 

"She smells bitter, like poison," he says, "And like she's trying to cover it up with fabric softener or something."

"I could only smell detergent on her," I reply, "Guess you have a sensitive nose."

I unceremoniously pour water into a pot, and it splashes on my face. Jungkook chuckles, wiping it off my cheek. His eyes meet mine as I look up and he swipes his thumb beneath my eye, mimicking the motion of wiping tears away. 

"What are you thinking about, Y/N?" he asks. 

"Are you my therapist now?" I laugh, looking away. 

"It's easy to stop a transformation when you're in the process of turning. We could have done it. And we knew you didn't want to live forever, so that's what we should have done. We gave you eternity because we were selfish."


I don't look at him, choosing to light the stove and place the pot on it. 

"Even if you didn't want forever, we wanted you to be with us forever. Y/N, that day..." he pauses, and I can hear him swallow hard, "That day you almost died. I held you in my arms as you bled. I couldn't even cry, because I thought those were my last minutes with you. Jin was scared to deliver venom, scared that you'd overdose. You were given too little at first and you were dying right before my eyes."

"Jungkook," I whisper. 

I turn to look at him, my eyes starting to water. He seems lost in his memories - like nothing can pull him out of his own mind. 

"And you don't remember it, but you looked me right in the eyes and told me, 'I don't want to die'. I could die a hundred times, but I'd never want to be in that place again. I'd never want to come so close to losing you."

He shifts closer, blinking slowly, owlishly. His hands are large and splay across my waist. I move at his pace, grabbing the fabric of his shirt. I seem to forget that just because vampires can hear much better, does not mean we always pay attention. 

Cynthia walks in on us, and while my first thought is to pull away like I've been burned by Jungkook, I don't. I merely raise an eyebrow as she looks at us in utter shock.

"I thought you had a boyfriend," she mutters. 

"I think that's not your business," I shrug, "Anything you need?"

She clenches her jaw, moving to the fridge, "Just a glass of water."

She moves quickly like she wants to leave as soon as she possibly can while Jungkook pulls me in tighter. I needed it, needed this hug. Once she's out, I sigh and pull away from Jungkook. I throw the pasta in the water that's begun to boil and add a few drops of oil and a little salt. 

"Y/N, you know I love you, right?"


I'm startled by the sudden confession. For a brief second, starlight swims in my vision, and I'm suddenly hyper aware of Jungkook right beside me. There's something more tangible between us. Like a thread that wraps us both together. 

"That-" Jungkook gasps, "That's a connection. You just connected with me."

"Oh," I whisper in muted awe.

"You must have a connection with the others. Don't you?"

"I think so. I don't know."

I search deeper, but I have no idea where I'm searching. And it's there. It's almost dusty, a little old. Like a little glittering thread forgotten in the attic, but I give this thread a tug and I can tell this one is for Taehyung. And there's Jimin. And Jin. And Yoongi. 

It's strange how much pure joy it gives me. I'm laughing like I never have before and Jungkook watches with an ecstatic grin. It's alright. Things are okay. And I wish they only get better. 

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