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The muted bedroom light is strong enough to light up his face. And I have seen him before, in a vision I had. None of it was pretty.

Warning: Mentions of violence. (slight gore) 

 "Listen, little kitten," he whispers. 

"Uh, no."

I should have stayed in the bathroom. With what nonexistent courage did I step out? Why did I choose this moment to be stupid? Before I can take a step back, he's whizzed up right into my face with superhuman speed. This man is not human. 

"We know what you are. We know you're with Bangtan."

"I left them quite a few months ago-"


"No, you need to listen-"

His hands wrap around my neck, and before I can pry them off, he throws me out of the bathroom, and onto the bedroom floor. The hairdryer scatters out of my hand and that's the least of my worries.

I scream, trying to kick at the unknown man grabbing my ankle. The lights in the apartment go off and I sob, kicking and yelling to try and get the man off. 

"Why do you keep running?" he whispers. 

His hand grips my throat, and I choke, repeatedly hitting his shoulder to let me go. He's unfazed, the side of his face illuminated by the faint moonlight. I have no idea who he is or why he's here. 

"You know we will find you, no matter what."

He roughly shoves me back and I groan as the back of my head hits the table behind me. My vision blurs out, and I can barely see anything. 

Holding the towel to spare what was left of my dignity, I try to remember where my phone is. It's in the living room. I'm doomed. The fear sets in too late. He's already on top of me, and much to my horror, long claws extend from his hands. 

"I like to play with my prey, so you're in for a treat, human."

I open my mouth to yell, but he taps my neck twice and I can't seem to find my voice. I try my hardest to get a sound out, but nothing works. I can't seem to move my limbs. It's like the time Jin paralyzed me. But ten times more terrifying. 

"I stole your voice. Don't want you calling all the neighbors, now." 

Oh shit. I have an inhuman psychopath sitting on my chest and I lost my voice. I am officially dead. Sheer panic rises as he gets up. 


I can't. 


I can't. 

What am I supposed to do?

The man traces his claw on my stomach and I don't know what I was expecting next. He sinks four sharp claws in, digging them into the flesh. Tears squeeze from my eyes. It's worse when I can't even express the pain. 

To worsen it, he drags his hand down, literally tearing me apart. He stops once he notices me almost blacking out. 

"That is my first gift." 

He retracts his claws and stands up, walking around me. He stops next to my forearm, lifting his leg. Those few seconds his foot hovers over my hand are pure hell. He brings it down with a force I can only relate to a hydraulic press. 

My fingers snap under the pressure, the cracks so loud in the otherwise silent room. I almost go unconscious, but he twists his foot, sending a fresh burst of pain down my arm. 

"This is my second gift."

Before he can speak again, he is so violently thrown away from me that I even forget the pain for a few short seconds. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?" 

Jimin. He's not in my field of view, but I can hear him. I know it's his voice. I've never heard him so unhinged before. 

"Oh, it's the pretty boy," the man says, rolling his eyes, "We were just getting to the good part." 

"Get out of here."

The man does the exact opposite. He lunges at Jimin, and they crash into the dresser with a horrendous sound, splintering wood and glass. I can't see anything from where I am, but I can hear the dull thuds and groans behind me as they fight.

It's kind of funny to hear if I'm not dying in pain. Vampires having a fight sounds so awfully close to a stupid bar brawl. 

A/N: Forgive me, readers, for I am so, so bad at writing fight scenes. I absolutely hate writing them, so you're going to have to use your imagination with this one. 

"Does Levi know what you're doing?!" Jimin yells. 

Silence falls in the apartment. I'm kind of dying here. This is really not the time for a showdown. 

"Do you know, Jimin, who she really is? You are fools if you think she is merely a seer."

What the hell does he mean? I don't really care. I don't have the strength to care. I'm pretty sure I won't be alive for long if the blood is leaving my body the way it is.

I assume the man is gone, as I can't see him from my peripheral vision any longer. Jimin is quick to come to my side, kneeling beside me. He touches my hand, and I'm back in the mansion I once left.

Surprisingly, everyone is gathered in a room - the room we teleport to - as if awaiting our arrival.

Someone gasps.

"Y/N! Are you okay?"

"Does she look okay?" 

"Venom! Someone inject venom! Jin? Or Namjoon?" 

I shake my head to the best of my ability, the only part of my body I can even budge. What if I accidentally turn into a vampire? Yoongi had said it's hard to define the limit of venom. 

"Hey, it's okay. Calm down. I need you to breathe." 

Jin appears before me. I open my mouth to talk, but I realize I still can't. Is this permanent? Am I never going to be able to speak again? Reading the sheer terror and panic in my eyes, Jin's worry morphs into pure fury. Kim Seokjin is livid. 

"What the hell did that bastard do to you?" 

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