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Beyond the anger, I hate the pang of envy that strikes my chest. 

Jimin lets out a low whistle. 

"Interesting," he raises an eyebrow. 

"Nice to know my internal dilemma is a source of amusement for you," I mutter bitterly. 

"It's funny how the smallest things throw humans off," Jimin says casually. 

"Smallest things?" I snap, "I'm sorry to break it to you, Jimin. Vampires aren't the only ones to suffer."

"I never said we were. But you can't even begin to comprehend a hundred years of suffering."

"Maybe I can't, but you can't just downplay my emotions for your entertainment."

"Shut up, both of you," Taehyung orders, glancing between us. 

Jimin slackens, running a hand through his hair. 

"Right, sorry about that. I'm just really tense right now," he explains, placing a hand on my shoulder, "We have to get back and relay the information. Thanks for your help. We'll come back to handle Helen's matter once we're ready."

And then they're gone. I have a quiet dinner before crashing onto my bed. 

It's probably past midnight when I hear it. It's a vigorous scratching sound. My heart thuds in my chest as I hear a low howl. 

More scratching at my bedroom door. I don't have a dog. 

In a panic, I'm about to grab a weapon. But whatever is out there is probably not even human. If it is, I'd be more terrified. I reach for the flicker card on the bedside table, keeping my eyes on the door. 

I sigh in relief when Yoongi comes into view in my dark bedroom. 

"Werewolves," he hisses. 

He takes a ton of blankets, bundling me up in a cocoon. 

"Don't move, don't make a sound, no matter what you see or hear. Got it?" he whispers. 

I nod with wide eyes as the howl gets louder. 

"You're cute," Yoongi snorts, unexpectedly. 

In a second, he throws open the door, and I barely stop myself from screaming when a furry mass immediately pounces on him. 

Both of them knock onto the ground as all I can do is watch with wide eyes. 

Yoongi bares his fangs, his eyes turning into the jarring shade of red. He hisses, muttering a few words I can't hear from here. 

The wolf whimpers before backing off, hiding its tail between its legs. 

"Don't come back if you know what's good for your alpha," Yoongi snarls. 

The wolf transforms into a human as it runs out, but I can barely see the person's back. Yoongi turns to me, his eyes a warm pink again and canines retreated. 

"It's not safe for you here. You're coming back to the mansion, cinnamon roll."

I can't believe he finds my predicament so entertaining. He touches the topmost blanket with a suppressed smile. 

I gasp as we fall onto a different mattress. I can tell the sheets are silk by the shiny burgundy fabric, but I can't feel them with the many layers surrounding me. 

I try to move my arms, but it's useless. He laughs at my struggle. 

"Yoongi," I whine. 

He snorts one last time before unwrapping the blankets around me. 

"I'll stay until you sleep," he says, "Do you want to talk about something?"


"Really? Of all people, her?" 

"You make it sound like a bad thing. Does her absence really hurt you that much?" I ask him. 

"They wish," he mutters, laying down next to me, "It's quite the opposite actually. I've gotten over her quicker than these guys want me to. She's probably moving on with her life now."

He shrugs, "It might seem heartless, but I don't really think much about her. You don't find mates instantly. It's not something that happens as soon as you lay your eyes on them. You have to form a connection with them first. 

"And then you form something more tangible, called a bond. My connection had been unstable since the very beginning, so it's easy to say our bond wasn't very strong, either. Don't mistake it for apathy. I do care about her, but I don't want her back. Not like the others do."

"You didn't get along with her?" I ask him. 

I turn on my side to face him. It feels like two teenagers sharing secrets while they're out camping. 

"In a way. She's boisterous, like a wildfire. But her head is mostly empty. She says whatever she wants whenever she feels like it, so it's easy to decode her. It's like reading an open book. She's a very nice woman, a happy-go-lucky personality, but just not for me."

His pastel pink eyes smolder under the dim lights of the bedroom. 

"I prefer more... closed-off people. People who match my energy. People who would rather spend the day indoors, under the sheets on rainy days than go out to dance and catch a cold."

I'm certain he can hear my heartbeat race but he doesn't mention it. I hadn't registered how much closer he had gotten until his nose brushes mine.

"Don't you think you match my energy?" he asks, "Autumn is your season. You love rainy days when you're inside, hot chocolate with marshmallows, long baths, passionate nights, slow music, cuddles when it's cold, reading books with no sense of time."

His hand moves down to intertwine his fingers with mine. My mind feels fuzzy, trying to slip back into sleep, but wanting to stay awake at the same time. 

"Umm," I clear my throat, "You don't know that."

But he does. He's spot on about everything I like. I watch in amusement as he turns nervous. 

"I know more than you think. Uh, don't take this wrong, but I've been watching you for a while."

"You've been stalking me."

I punch his arm lightly, letting him move back a little. 

"I-I guess," he stutters adorably, "It's all for good reason. I could detect you were a seer, but you gave no real signs of being one. I had to stalk you for quite a while to realize it's your bracelet that's the problem. I stole it when you were sleeping."

"Not only are you a stalker, but you're a thief as well."

"Guilty as charged," he says, squeezing my hand, "But I could feel the energy the bracelet was keeping in. I had to take it off before you literally combusted. I couldn't wait to take it off of you, not knowing whether you'd even survive that long."

"Well, thank you for saving my life, then."

He raises an eyebrow.

"You aren't mad that I stalked you?"

"Under normal circumstances, I would be. But my life's been so crazy these days that this seems so trivial. It's not like you did it to harm me or anything," I move a little away, "But it's still uncomfortable. I'm sure you saw things you weren't supposed to."

He smirks, shifting on the bed. I smile as he curls around me like a cat. But it quickly drops at his next sentence. 

"Like crying over second leads in k-dramas while you're in your granny panties?"

I gasp and hit his chest. 

"You goddamn stalker."

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