We looked at each other, no one said something for moments. "You two look so handsome." I finally say hugging them both at once. "You look handsome yourself." Max says, Daniel nodding in agreement.
After a short ride we arrive at the restaurant. A friendly waiter showed us our table and we sat down. Taking a look at the menu, i was overwhelmed by the prices. Nothing on there was below £25 , but everything sounds so delicious. After a while I decided on pasta, the boys both took steak.
The food came and it looked and smelled delicious. In the worst moment possible, Max decided to take a picture of me eating. Daniel and him started laughing and turned the phone towards me. I have to admit that it looks really funny and started to laugh as well.
A few hours went by and it was one of the funniest nights I've ever had. Once again I felt that warm feeling inside of me. It makes me smile because I never thought that I would be so happy in such a short time. "Why Are you smiling like that?" Max asks and pulled me back into reality. "I just love the two of you." I said which made them smile as well. "We love you too.".
When we decided to pay, Daniel pulled out his purse and told me, that Mr Horner is paying for our food. I got all red in the face because I hate the fact that I can't thank Mr Horner straight away. I'm that kind of person that feels bad when someone pays for me. I accepted it and we walked out of the restaurant. I will definitely thank Mr Horner first thing in the morning on Monday. When the fresh air hit me I realized that I maybe had too much wine. I felt not drunk, but definitely more than tipsy. "Amilia are you alright?" Max asks. I managed to nod but bursted out into a laughter. Both Daniel and Max looked concerned. "I think someone has had too much wine." Daniel says, walking towards me to support me.
Arriving back at the apartment complex, both Max and Daniel helped me out of the car. We walked towards the elevator when I looked at Max "hey Maxie boy you don't even live here what are you doing here?" i ask with a concerned look. "Yeah thank you, you could've just told me you want me to leave." he responds, both him and Daniel laughing. They brought me to my apartment and unlocked the door since I wasn't able to do that anymore.
I woke up the next morning, still wearing my dress. I changed into a big shirt and some shorts, put my hair up in a bun and walked out of my bedroom. I saw Daniel and Max laying literally over each other, still asleep. I grabbed my phone and took a picture. I saw their suits laying all over the floor so I picked them up and folded them. Trying to be as quite as possible I started breakfast.
I heard the boys slowly waking up and jumped onto them on the couch. "Good Morning Boys" I said with a smile on my face. "Breakfast is ready." I add. It took them a few minutes but they were bright awake when I handed them their breakfast.
»Monday, my first race week«
Nothing special happened on the weekend. I changed the emergency tire back to a normal tire and am on my way to the factory right now. I'm pretty excited because it'll be the first race week for me. I arrive at the factory and walk straight into Mr Horners office, thanking him for the food invitation on Friday. We talked about this weeks schedule and I walk into my work area. I start my computer to check my week:Monday:
9-11 am : Daniel and Max stretching
11.30-1 pm : lunch
1- 2 pm Daniel
2-3 pm : MaxTuesday:
9-11 am : team meeting
11:30- 1 pm : lunch
1-3 pm : neck Training assistanceWednesday:
6 am : Airport meet up
8 am : flight to Australia
Rest of the day: arriving, acclimatingThursday:
Until 11.30 am : Freetime
1 pm : track walk
3-4 pm : Daniel
4-5 pm : MaxFriday:
10 am : first free practice
1:30 pm : second free practice
Note: individual appointments with driversSaturday:
10 am : third free practice
2:30 pm : qualifying
Note: individual appointments with driversSunday:
4 pm : race

"What we have to lose"
General FictionAnd all of a sudden, you realize that nothing lasts forever