I sat down and he handed me a glass of water. I took a sip out of it and placed it back on the table. My hand went to my neck, smoothly trying to massage my sore muscles. Last night I laid kinda weird due to Max laying all over me. "If your feeling sore you should go into the bathtub." Daniel says while following my actions. "If I had a bathtub I'd love to." I replied. "Why don't you use mine then?" He asks. I look at him confused. "I can't just sit down in your bathtub.". Daniel looked between me and his bathroom. "If I'm not allowed to thank you for literally doing my whole laundry I can thank you in this way." he says, literally demanding me to stop arguing. "Ok ok, thank you Daniel." I said shyly.
Daniel poured the water into the tub, placed towels for me and asked me what scent I want for my bath.
"Ok all done." Daniel proudly presents. I thanked him again and he walked out of the bathroom telling me to take my time since he spends some time in his simulator anyways. "If you need something just tell me." he says before leaving.
I stripped off all my clothes and sat down in the tub. I leaned back and relaxed as soon as I closed my eyes.
I enjoyed the time in the tub and it felt like hours that I'm already in here. Since the water turned cold I step out and grab a towel. I wrap it around me and let the water out of the tub. Only now I realized I just brought underwear...
I told Daniel that I put my clothes into his laundry and he agreed. Before I stepped into the tub I only grabbed underwear from my apartment. I dried myself off, put the underwear on and wrapped up myself back into the towel. I walked through Daniel's apartment, trying to find him. "Daniel?" I ask. "Yes?" he replies as he walks out of a door on the right. He looked at me and I blushed. "I only brought underwear could you maybe borrow me a shirt?" I ask. He walked over to his bedroom and came back with a staple of clothes. "I wasn't sure what you want so just choose yourself ok?" he responds kinda shy. I thanked him and walked back to the bathroom.
I chose a black oversized shirt he gave me and pulled it over my head. I checked myself in the mirror and thankfully it was long enough. I still looked through the rest and decided to take his hoodie as well.
"Thank you Daniel, I'll give it back to you as soon as possible." I say while giving him back the rest. "No need to rush, I have enough clothes in my wardrobe." he says, smiling.
I couldn't resist and smell on his shirt and hoodie. I already did that in the bathroom and it smelled incredibly good.
"Is your neck feeling better already?" Daniel asks, breaking the silence. "Yes way better thank you." I reply. We sat down on his couch because we started talking about the following race weekend.
"How was your simulator training while I was in the tub?" I ask. "Good, I did a perfect score as usual." he proudly says. "I'm sure I'll beat you." I answer, knowing I absolutely wouldn't beat him. "Are you sure? You against me, simulator, now." Daniel challenged me.
I sat down in Daniel's simulator and he instructed me. I think I only got half of what he said but I try my best. It took not only one round for me to crash. "Hey why did I crash? You did this on purpose." I said to Daniel, acting upset. I, somehow, finished the race....at least kind of. "How does it feel to be last on the grid?" Daniel asks provoking me. "I'm on P19, I've got someone behind me ok." I answered. He laughed and stepped into the simulator himself. After seeing him finish in 1st place I knew that he would remind me every time from now on that I couldn't beat him.
"Don't be sad, you did a good job for the first time." Daniel said. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up." I replied. We sat back down on his couch to chat. My phone rang and I took a look:
Message from dad:
- picture from him and my mum at dinner with friends-
Missing you right now, we are happy to see you soon. Love youI looked at it and forgot the circumstances around me. I know that my decision moving here and taking this job was right. But seeing them doing things we always did together without me, kinda hit me. "Hey did you receive a negative message?" Daniel asks worried. I look up from my phone, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. "I just miss them." I whisper as I feel more tears coming while showing him the picture and message.

"What we have to lose"
Narrativa generaleAnd all of a sudden, you realize that nothing lasts forever