The time with my parents was a blessing, they helped me a lot through my chemo therapies. Daniel was able to take some more time for himself and Max and Charlotte supported me as well. The chemo therapy worked, I'm not healed but it stopped the growth. I have to come back in six months, around the time of summer break to see how it developed. They kept my permanent IV because I still need the infusion that I get on the daily.
We are currently on the plane to London. Daniel has a factory tour and some simulator training with his new team Renault. He will also meet his teammate for this season, Nico Hülkenberg. Since the factory is located near Milton Keynes, we were able to go into our old apartments.
"I definitely have to go to London one day while we're here, I wasn't able to see everything I wanted when I went here last time." I said and Daniel agreed. "That's a lovely idea." he replied.
Crazy how fast the time went by. I still remember the day I arrived here, when I started to work for Red Bull. This was probably one of the best years in my life. I'm able to do my dream job, I found so many good friends and I found Max and Daniel. The disease is the only bad thing that happened but everyone takes so much care of me that it doesn't seem too bad anymore.
Daniel went straight to the factory after we unpacked our suitcase. I decided to go to the Red Bull factory to meet everyone I wasn't able to see anymore because of our move to Monaco.
I arrived and Mae, the front secretary was the first one to welcome me. "Amilia it's so Great to see you again." she said and hugged me. "I'm so glad to be back." I answered. I went into the factory, said hello to the rest of the factory workers when I came across Christian and Max. "Amilia, what a blessing, how are you?" he asks and I told him. Christian was glad that I felt better and told me I can join them to meet the new driver for the upcoming season.
Pierre, the new driver for Red Bull is such a friendly person. I got introduced and Christian informed them about the circumstances about me and how his physical therapist will work with both drivers. " Whenever you feel like you want to work, don't hesitate to tell me." Pierre's therapist told me which I was happy about. We get along very well already.
I went back to my apartment in the afternoon, Daniel should be back soon.
"Hey Blair how are you?" I ask when she took the call. "Amilia it's so nice to hear from you, I'm good how are you?" she asks in return and I told her that I'm feeling better. I asked her if she wants to go to London with me tomorrow. She agreed and was so happy to see me again. "Ok see you tomorrow then." I said before I ended the call.
Daniel came back from the factory and I could tell by the smile on his face that he's happy. He told me all about his day and how nice the whole team was. The two of us are invited for a dinner at the factory with the whole team on Friday. I told him about my day as well and he was happy that I can spend some time with Blair. "But please be careful and take a break if it's too exhausting." Daniel said and I promised him that I'll take care of myself.
Daniel went to the factory early the next morning, he wished me a nice day and left around 8. I got up and ready, Blair will be here around 9:30, so I have to start my IV right now. The doctor gave me the daily infusions of IV so I can run them on my own while we're away.
"Girl I'm so glad to see you again." Blair screamed happily when I sat down in her car. I hugged her and said "You can't imagine how much I missed you.".
It took us one hour until we arrived in London. Like the first time I was here, it was magical. I don't know what it is about London but it makes me feel good. We parked the car and started our day in London with a breakfast. "So Tell me how is it going with Daniel?" Blair asks excited. I had to smile immediately and replied "Great, he's the best, really. He spends all of his time to take care of me. I had to make him have some time alone with his friends. He's the strong shoulder I need right now.". "Naaw stop this is too cute. The two of you are such a beautiful and strong couple, I wish you all the best." Blair answered.
After we finished our breakfast we started walking around London.

"What we have to lose"
General FictionAnd all of a sudden, you realize that nothing lasts forever