I walked into the Renault garage, slowly looking around the corner. Daniel was right now about to step into his car. Michael looked back to me and smiled. When Daniel sat down, I walked closer to the car. All the mechanics had smiles on their faces and gladly understood what happened. I grabbed Daniel's helmet and placed myself next to the car, right where Michael usually is. "There you go." I said, looking closely to his reaction. He looked confused, and then up to me. He opened his mouth and his big smile appeared.
Daniel's POV:
I sat down in my car, ready for the second practice. I looked around to see basically all my mechanics smile. What the? I didn't understand why but I just accepted it. As usual I received my helmet because I only put it on shortly before I race. "There you go." Michael said to....wait this is not Michaels voice. I looked up in disbelief to see Amilia, about to hand me my helmet. My mouth fell open but at the same time a smile grew on my face. "What?" I asked, placed my hands infront of my mouth and probably never felt happier in my life. I looked at her, she was smiling at me, she looked good, healthy and it felt the exact same way it always felt. As soon as possible I got back out of the car. Amilia handed my helmet back to Michael. I pulled her into my arms and held her tight, still processing what just happened. She placed her head on my chest and I bet her head was bouncing from my heart beating so fast. I felt pure happiness to have her in my arms, back here in the garage and outside of the hospital. "I can't believe you're here." I said and felt myself lose some tears. "I promised to be back for the last race and I did." she answered and in her voice I heard that she cried as well. I grabbed her face and made her look into my eyes. I kissed her, a kiss that meant so much and portrayed all of my feelings towards her right now. She smiled at me with tears running down her face, just like in my face. With her thumbs she stopped my tears from running. I did the same to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. My gorgeous angel is finally back.
Amilia's POV:
This was probably the most adorable moment in my entire life. I don't care if anyone was still around us and honestly I didn't recognize anyone but him. The smiles never left our faces but we had to come back to reality. "Ok but now, I need you to do your job. Step into the car and do what you Love ok?" I said to him because I saw that the practice already started. He nodded, stepped back into the car and got ready. Michael handed me Daniel's helmet and I proudly gave it to Daniel. Before he put it on, I gave him another kiss and told him what I always tell him. He then prepared himself and his mechanic gave him the sign to drive out of the garage.
Michael pulled me into a hug and I thanked him again for doing this. We stood there, watching the free practice together. The smile never left my face, I was home.
Daniel's practice went well and after his interviews he was so happy to be with me again. We sat down in his drivers room and I explained the whole situation to him since he doesn't know anything. "So that means you're ok? You don't need any more therapies?" he asks and I nod. "They removed the IV two weeks ago." I proudly told him. "I am more than proud. Words couldn't even describe that. I've never been happier in my life." he said and hugged me again. After we kept our conversation going I received a message from Christian. He told me to come to the Red Bull hospitality with Daniel. I was surprised because I didn't know what to expect. Daniel and I walked into the hospitality and we were welcomed by the whole team. They prepared a welcome back Party for me. Balloons everywhere, People cheering and a big sign. Welcome back Amilia. I was pretty overwhelmed and ran to them, thanking everyone for this. "I prepared this earlier but we couldn't decorate because I knew you'd come inside here before." Christian said and I laughed. "You know me too well." We all celebrated together, the hospitality crew arranged a food buffet and it felt like being welcomed by my family. At some point I decided to grab a microphone and tell them my news. "Ok thank you for your attention I can't say it enough but I'm so thankful for everything you've done for me. I appreciate it so much, I can't even find the right words. You all made me feel like coming back to my family and my home and I'm so glad to be here. And I have some news....I'll be fully back to work for the next season, so no more sleeping in Max." I finished my speech and they all cheered. Max had to laugh but screamed "I don't care I'll wake up at 6 if that means you're back.". Everyone laughed at that and we kept on celebrating.

"What we have to lose"
General FictionAnd all of a sudden, you realize that nothing lasts forever