Amilia's POV:
I didn't dare to lift my head and look into Daniel's face. After I said it I realized I told him. He, the one who shouldn't know. He remained silent, that's never a good sign. "Do you actually feel something for me or is it because you're drunk?" Daniel asks and I heard concerns in his tone. "Now that it's too late anyways....I realized it over the last few weeks. Everyone kept asking me about us and I always wondered what they meant. And when I thought about it myself I kinda realized that there is something." I said without taking a breath. I still didn't look up to him. He still hugged me so that's a good sign right?
"I never thought you'd actually like me in that way.." Daniel said and I felt his eyes on me. I dared to look up and our eyes met. "I never thought you'd like me....I mean you can have anyone and..." I replied but Daniel stopped me. "Not like you? How would you come up with that?" He asks.
After an exchange of what goes on in our heads we decided to let things be as they are and wait for tomorrow. The whole situation is chaotic, I'm tipsy but I know and mean what I said. Before leaving and going back to my room Daniel pulled me into a hug and whispered "I want you to now I mean it." I looked at him, deep eye contact again and nodded. "I mean it too, promise."
I woke up after a long night of thoughts about the previous situation. I managed to sleep, not to well though. I realized what Daniel said to me yesterday when I walked into the bathroom this morning. I thought back to Australia, when there was this situation where we nearly kissed. Did he start liking me back then? I tried to remember when I realized I like him....I couldn't come up with a conclusion.
All ready I left the hotel and sat down in one of the vans to the circuit. Blair was in that van as well and smirked when she saw me. "And what happened between the two of you?" She asks. I told her what happened. She told me that it was obvious to anyone that there was something between us, the only ones who never realized were Daniel and I. She said that we should talk again after the race to see what we'll do.
In the garage I wished good luck for the race to Max, hugging him before he stepped into the car. I turned around because I looked for Daniel when his eyes met mine. I walked towards him and he opened his arms. "Good luck for the race today." I said smiling at him. He smiled back and thanked me. While hugging me he whispered in my ear "Can we talk after the race?". I nodded and he stepped into the car as well.
Sitting down in my chair in the garage I put the headphones on and looked at the display. Formation lap was done and the first red light turned on.
»please be safe« I whispered to myself. All of the red lights were on. My heart skipped a beat when they turned off. I looked at the screen, fully concentrated to see what happens.
The start went well and they both had a good race until now. They always compete against each other, obviously, but today was different. They were even more competitive that usual. It felt like a real fight. It kinda surprised me because normally they weren't that hard on each other.
Like the fight predicted, something had to happen. It was lap 39, both Max and Daniel fought each other hard in the previous laps. Daniel saw his chance to overtake Max and used his DRS. Max didn't let Daniel pass since he wanted to keep his position. Max pulled to the right which Daniel took as a chance to get past him on the left. Max on the other hand didn't seem to like Daniel's idea and pulled back to the left. Daniel was so close to Max that they collided because of their fight. The red flag was out the second they stopped both cars, crashing with their sides into the barriers.
Why did they fight like that? I was surprised because it never happened like this before. They were never this aggressive. The shock over the incident made me hold my breath. I started to breath again when I saw both of them stepping out of their cars.
When they arrived back at the garage I watched Christian walking over to them, pulling them into a room immediately. I guess they have to explain why they did what they did.
After the collision and the obvious DNF for both of them I tried to concentrate on the leftover laps but my thoughts were somewhere else.
What happened between them? Why were they acting like rivals?
Conversation between Max and Daniel, yesterday ( before Amilia went into Daniel's room):
Max and I drove back to the hotel together after the qualifying. I couldn't forget that he slept at Amilia's place the night before we flew out to Baku. "Why were you at Amilia's?" I ask him. "What?" he asks. "I said why were you at Amilia's the morning we went to Baku." I replied. "Because I asked her if I can stay over and she agreed." Max explained. I think it was jealousy that came up in my head. Why does she want him there and not me. "You don't need to worry I won't take her away from you." Max said smiling. It kinda made me angry. "We are not together, she chooses who she wants anyways." I replied. I felt bad for saying it in that way because I think Max really doesn't want to date Amilia. It was my jealousy speaking.

"What we have to lose"
General FictionAnd all of a sudden, you realize that nothing lasts forever