Daniel's POV: Even though Amilia never told us when her birthday is, we still found it out. It's now the last week of summer break and Amilia's birthday on Thursday. Max and I planned what we'll do for her at the beginning of the summer break. I got her a present back in Australia and Max arranged that her parents will be here as well. There is a party room in our apartment complex that we booked. We planned everything, guest list, food etc. Since it's a surprise we keep silent about it and try to manage that she doesn't see anything or anyone too early. It's Wednesday night already and Amilia is in her apartment. She told me she's not feeling well but she was at the doctors already. I hope it's nothing too bad and that she can celebrate with us tomorrow. . . . Amilia's POV: Tomorrow is my birthday. The boys don't know since I've never told them and we are too busy anyways. The summer break is soon over and we head to the Belgian GP next Wednesday. Added to that I didn't feel well the last days. I was able to hide it at first but today I had to tell Daniel. I went to the doctor and am now feeling ok. I woke up the next morning and felt a lot better. I showered and got ready for the day, I have appointments with the boys today. I walked downstairs and the two drivers were already there, waiting for me with a cake. "Happy birthday!!" they screamed and hugged me. "Thank you so much." I reply. I still wonder where they found out that today's my birthday. We had some cake even though it was only Morning. When I was about to start my appointments with them they told me that I will have a day off and spend my day in the spa they booked for me. Daniel drove me to the spa and told me he'll pick me up in a few hours. I walked inside and was greeted by a friendly woman. "Welcome Ms Van Dijk, I will tell you what we've planned for you today." she says friendly. I got introduced into the whole package and was overwhelmed. . . . Daniel picked me up a few hours later. "How was it?" he asks as I step into the car. "Wonderful I can't thank you enough, I feel so relaxed now." I answer. We drove back home and I was told to dress up for something else. "For what exactly? Does it need to be extra?" I ask trying to figure out what to wear. "Very extra please, it's your Birthday, please stand out...what am I talking about you always do." he says and I blush. I put on makeup, more than usual but not too much and made my hair. I stood infront of my wardrobe and had a dress in my hand. I was debating wether to wear it or choose another one. Daniel's words came back to my mind and I chose the dress. A pair of heels and I was ready.
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Max and Daniel stood in front of my door and looked at me with their mouths wide open. "Wow you look amazing." they said in sync. "Thank you but look at you handsome boys." I reply. They didn't told me what we are doing. They went downstairs with me, close to where my work room is but walked towards a different door. I've never seen what's in there. They opened the door and I heard "Surprise, happy birthday Amilia.". I looked inside and saw literally everyone. The whole team was here and my family. I turned back to the boys and pulled them into a big hug. "Thank you so much for this, I love you two." I said. I received a lot of birthday wishes afterwards and it felt like hours of greeting people. . . . I cut the cake after saying hello to everyone and we all had some. The boys organized this perfectly. I can't imagine how they did it without being here. I walked up to Max, hugging him again. "This is perfect I can't thank you enough." I say into his ear since it was pretty loud due to the music. "Everything for you, are you feeling ok? Or is this too much?" he asks but I shake my head, I'm fine. I saw Daniel with my parents and told Max that I go over to him. He couldn't see me because his back was facing me. I hugged him from behind and he turned around. "Hii Amilia are you enjoying your party?" he asks. I nod and look up to him, grab his face and place a kiss on his lips. I forgot about my parents next to us in that moment. "This is perfect, thank you." I say after the kiss. "Anything for you princess." he says and my heart skips a beat. He has never called me like that. . . . I danced with Blair and some other team members that I spend some time with at the track. I had such a good time and everyone else was enjoying the night just as much as I did. Around 10pm the boys turned the music off and grabbed a microphone. "We need the birthday kid Amilia here with us." Daniel said and I walked to them. "So since it's your Birthday what is missing? Right the presents. We are a little conceited and decided that we want to start with our present." Daniel continued and gave the microphone to Max. "We thought about this present for a long time. We wanted something special, something you can always carry with you, something that makes you feel protected." Max explained. Daniel pulled out a small box, wrapped in paper. He handed it to me and I unwrapped the paper. I was still curious what would be in there. Everyone was watching me while opening the box. I opened my mouth, placed one hand in front of it and looked between the boys. . . .