For lunch we sat down at a table right next to the canal. Just now did I realize that there was a lot of people following us. "Max did you see all of the paparazzi?" I ask him after we ordered. He looked around and shook his head no. "I hope they don't come up with crazy theories about us, Daniel will be fierce." Max says. Daniel knows that Max and I are back home together and he knows that we are just really good friends. I hope that he's not believing anything that may appear on the internet.
"Oh Max ik wil een stroopwafel." I said because I saw a cute little store. Without waiting for his answer, I walked straight towards it. I could only hear Max laugh behind me. I ordered something for me and Max and we sat down outside to eat it. Again, I recognized the paparazzi. I was kinda annoyed by them and Max recognized it because he turned himself towards me. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" he asks. "No it's ok, we head back to the car anyways in a bit." I reply and smile at him.
At 6pm we waited for our parents at the car. "How was your day?" my dad asks us and we both tell them that we had a lot of fun. Our parents enjoyed the trip as well and we sat down in the car to drive back home. Since there was a lot of traffic it will definitely take us longer to go back. Max and I listened to music with our headphones and I scrolled through Instagram when the first picture of Max and me caught my eye. "I knew it." I said to Max while showing him.
»Secretly in Love? Max Verstappen and physical therapist Amilia on a trip in Amsterdam. « was the head line of the article. It was a picture from us where we ate the waffles and stood close to each other. Max shook his head "they always need to create drama, why can't they stop?" he asks. "I don't know it either but I'll text Daniel before he sees it and tell him that this is stupid and obviously fake news." I reply.
I texted with Daniel who gladly understood and kinda laughed about the paparazzi. It would've been horrible if he wouldn't believe me because I can't talk to him face to face since we are on different continents.
"Does anyone has a tissue for me?" I ask midway through our ride back home. I recognized another nosebleed. I got handed a tissue and earned worried looks from Max and my mum. "You have these quite often lately." Max says. "What, why did you never tell me? I make an appointment at the doctors for you honey." my mum answered, even more in worry. "No you need to calm down this was the third time, it's not that I have this everyday." i replied to calm them down. It stopped a few minutes later and we finally arrived back home.
My mum persuaded me to go to the doctors today. I really don't know why this would be necessary but I agreed. I drove to the doctors on my own and sat down in the waiting room. 20 minutes later the doctor calls me in. "Ms Van Dijk, I haven't seen you in a while how are you?" the doctor asks. I told him about my life change and joining Formula one and that I start to have random nosebleeds. "Ok this happenes quite thoroughly, do you have any other complications?" he asks and I remember that one time I felt ill and laid in my hotel room for a few days. "But that seemed like nothing special, more like the flu or something because we travel a lot." the doctor nods as I explain. "Ok Ms Van Dijk don't worry I suggest we take some blood and test it to see if there is anything, but I will prescribe you a few immune pills, maybe it'll be better then." he says and leads me to the room where they take the blood.
I drove back home after picking up the pills from the pharmacy. "And what did he say?" my mum asks, still worried. "They took some blood to test it but he said it could be because I travel a lot and he gave me those immune system pills." I explained and saw a relive on my mum's face.
I won't tell Daniel about this because he will only freak out since he's not here with me. I'll tell him when we are back in Monaco.
It is finally time that Blair arrives. She told me she'll be here within the next 30 minutes. I'm so happy to see her again and spend time with her. I haven't heard from the doctor because I was there on Friday and the laboratory doesn't work on the weekends.
"Omg Blair I missed you so much." I said while hugging her tightly. "I missed you too, this will be the best week we'll ever have." she replies.
»how much I wish this was true...«

"What we have to lose"
Ficção GeralAnd all of a sudden, you realize that nothing lasts forever