I FaceTimed with Daniel and Max on Thursday in between the track walk and the press conference. My parents were here as well because I insisted for Charlotte to join Charles to the race. She told me that it's completely fine for her to stay here but I wanted her to be there. I know how much Daniel needs me there and I can imagine Charles likes it as well. And added to that I have a feeling that this will be a good weekend for him.
"So Are the two of you behaving since it's the first time I'm not with you?" I ask and earned a laughter. "Yes mum we do." they replied laughing. We kept the conversation going until they had their press conference. " Behave and don't say anything I wouldn't say myself." I said before ending the call.
On Friday I was waiting all morning for the free practice to start. I was so happy to have a capable TV in my room. My parents were with me as well and we all watched the first practice together. After that was done, the doctor visited me to tell me that my blood values are constantly improving. Therefore he suggested for me to start physical therapy because my muscles suffered from the time I wasn't able to get out of this bed. "So I can do my own therapy then since I know what to do?" i ask, smiling at the doctor hoping he'd say yes. "I know it'll be tough to listen to someone when you know exactly what you have to do yourself but we have someone for you, he's aware that you are a professional as well so he'll be nice." the doctor answered. I nodded in respond and after he left, I focused back on the TV, the second practice is about to start in a bit.
I phoned Daniel after the second practice and the interviews were done. "Hey Princess how are you?" he asks as he answered his phone. "I'm good how are you? Seems like you had a good time on track." I replied. "I'm glad to hear that, yes I'm pretty happy with today." he said. I told him what the doctor told me today and I think I was able to kinda hear the smile that was on his lips. "I'm so happy to hear this, I'm so proud of you. When I'm back I want you to show me what you've already achieved ok?" he asks. "I will."
After some more chatting, we decided to end the call. I told him that I'll call him tomorrow before the qualifying because I can't be there right now, but still want to make him feel as if I'm there. He thanked me for this and I decided to call Max now. We changed from normal call to FaceTime because the team wanted to say hello as well. I nearly got emotional when I saw all of them, I talked to basically everyone. "We all miss you here, fight as hard as you can so you'll be back with us soon." Christian said. "I will, I'll be back at the last race of the season, that's a promise." I replied and everyone was clapping and shouting. "I think everyone liked that." Max said.
Max and I said our goodbyes and it was almost evening. I watched some reports from today's practices and went to sleep afterwards.
On Saturday morning I had my first session with the physical therapist. I was so glad he was all relaxed and nothing like I expected. He offered me to plan my own sessions and only assist me while doing them. I was surprised but thankful at the same time. We planned everything together and the first session was pretty exhausting even though I'm so happy that everything will be back to normal soon. I thanked him again after I was back in my room. I told my parents about it and they were proud of how fast I seem to recover. It made me so happy to see them being proud of me. Right before lunch was served, I turned on the TV for the last free practice before the qualifying.
" Daniel I wish you good luck and a lot of fun out there, please be safe. Even though I'm not with you physically, I'm always there, all good/all ways remember? Ily." I said through the background noises I heard in the garage. "Don't make me cry right before quali. But thank you baby, Ily2. I'll call you later." he said and we ended the call because it was basically impossible to understand anything. I knew it would be similar when I call Max but that didn't stop me. I called him and told him good luck as well. "Have fun out there and show them how good you are." I said. "Dankjewel Amilia, see you later." he said.And that is pole position for Charles Leclerc. The commentator from sky sports says. I was cheering in my room because I was genuinely happy for him. I instantly called Charlotte. "Giirrrllll I told you you have to be there, I'm so happy for Charles, tell him congratulations from me." I basically screamed into the phone. "I can't believe it myself, you kind of predicted it, thank you for telling me to go. And of course I will tell him." she answered.
Now I can't wait for the race tomorrow, Max and Daniel both qualified in good positions as well.

"What we have to lose"
General FictionAnd all of a sudden, you realize that nothing lasts forever