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Max and I sat down in our seats in the plane. "Do you know that our parents planned to do something today?" Max asks me. I looked at him, confused "No I didn't but good to know hahah." I answered. I never knew our parents know each other so well but they seem to do things together very frequently.
The flight went by quick and without any turbulences. Walking out of the gate I could already see my parents, and Max's. I ran towards them and hugged them tightly. "I'm so glad to be back here." I said. Max hugged his parents as well. "I don't think you remember us but we are friends of yours for years but we haven't seen each other that much anymore since Max started his karting career." Max's mum said to me. She smiled at me and so did Jos. "No I don't really remember that anymore." I answered.
"Did Max tell you that we go to the Verstappen house tonight?" my dad asks me on our way home. I nodded and enjoyed the fresh air of Holland. It's always a blessing to be here, I simply love it. After a short chat with my parents I decided to text Daniel:

Me: hii Daniel, I just landed in Holland, I wish you a good flight and a awesome time with your family. Please tell me when you arrived. I already miss you ! Ily

I send it and put my phone back into my pocket since we arrived. I put my suitcase in my old room, that almost looks like a few months ago when I left. I walked back downstairs to ask my mum if we need to prepare anything for tonight.
One hour before leaving I got ready. The weather was so nice today that I decided on a white blouse dress and some sandals. I left my hair open, but pinned the two front sections away. I put on some jewelry and took my purse before going downstairs.
Arriving at the Verstsppens house we walked into the garden. The house and their garden was so beautiful. "I'll bring this into the kitchen." I said while grabbing the bowl of salad my mum made. His mum walked with me inside of the house. "You want to see some pictures from your childhood? Max and you were really close back then." she asks me with a smile on her face. I nodded and she showed me the pictures. I was actually on these, I can't even remember that this happened. "How can I not remember?" I asked out loud. "The two of you were little and when Max started karting we travelled a lot and that's maybe why you don't remember." she replied.
The evening was lovely. We had a delicious barbecue and we talked a lot about our memories from our childhood. It started to feel like I remember that this happened.
Back home I changed into my pajamas and sat down on my bed. I saw a notification on my phone and read the name - Daniel.

Daniel: hey little one I'm glad you're save, I just landed in Australia. I wish you a good time with your parents and I already miss you too. I'm counting the days until I see you already! Ily2

My heart skipped a beat now and then while reading. In two weeks from now, I'll finally see him again. But first, I'll enjoy the time with my family.
"Amilia are you ready? We want to go the beach now." I hear my mum ask. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.
Arriving at the beach only 10 minutes later I stepped out of the car and was immediately surrounded by the smell of the beach.
It felt so good to be back. As a kid and a teen I used to be here everyday. I went here after school, on the weekends, simply all the time. The sound of the sea always calmed me down. After swimming for a little I sat back on my towel and sent Daniel a picture from the beach. In return he send me a picture as well, showing me the sea on his hike.

 In return he send me a picture as well, showing me the sea on his hike

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Daniel: I'd love to be here with you right now.
He added to the picture. I smiled at my phone, replying that I would want to be with him as well.
The first days back in Holland were amazing, I was at the beach everyday and it felt like it always felt. I went to the city with some friends, and enjoyed my time with my family. Literally every night I FaceTimed with Daniel, exchanging our experiences from the day.
Before going to sleep I prepare my clothes for tomorrow since I go on a bike tour with Max.
Max: good morning little one, I hope you're ready for our trip today. Have a big breakfast, you'll need it.
I read his message shortly after waking up. He's way too motivated for this. I got dressed in my sport tights, a shirt and a thin jacket and my sport shoes. I went into the kitchen, had - as Max told me - a big breakfast and prepared some snacks for our bike tour. I walked out of my door to get my bike out of the garage when Max came around the corner.

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