"Let's have this massage and afterwards we'll meet my friends." Daniel said while laying down. "You could've told me we'll meet people, I have to get ready for that." I said. " You'll have enough time, we'll have a barbecue tonight." he says and I got pretty excited. I always wanted to attend a Texas barbecue.
" Ladies and gentleman, let me introduce you to my beautiful girlfriend Amilia." Daniel proudly presents me at our arrival. I smiled shyly and waved. Everyone introduced themselves and they all seem to be really nice. I asked if I can help with anything but everything was already prepared.
The barbecue was, as expected, perfect. I've never eaten such good meat in my life. We thanked Daniel's friends for the barbecue and left around 10pm because tomorrow we have the qualifying. "My friends love you." Daniel says smiling at me on our way back home. "I really like them as well, the evening was simply lovely." I answer.
"Goodnight baby ily." Daniel said in front of my door. "Goodnight ily2." I reply and hug him tightly. After kissing him goodbye he placed another kiss on my forehead and walked to his room. I tried to act as normal as possible but once I was alone, I had to sit down. I was so exhausted from the evening that I took my immune system pills and went to bed immediately. Once again I tried to overcome my low with fruits but it wouldn't work out today. It came to a point around midnight where I called Max. He came over and saw how bad I was feeling. "Amilia Van Dijk this is not funny anymore, I'm calling the hotel doctor now." he said with a worried expression on his face. "Tell him I need an IV with ringer solution and sodium chloride solution." I managed to say. He called the doctor and sat down next to me on the bed. " You have to tell your parents and Daniel what's wrong with you. I'll always be there for you but they will start to question if it keeps getting worse." he said while petting my back. "I know but not now, the season is nearly over, I promise to tell them after this season." I said and smiled slightly.
The doctor came and gave me the solutions due to the IV. "I'll come back in 30 minutes to see how you are." he says and leaves. Max sat down next to me, holding my hand.
The doctor came back and pulled the IV out. I felt better than before and thanked the doctor. "Thank you Max, for everything." I said and hugged him. "Always there for you, but please keep your promise ok?" he asks and I nod.
The night was calm and I woke up feeling a lot better. I removed the band aid so no one will know about last night. I got dressed and walked downstairs into the breakfast room of the hotel. Daniel and Max already left to the circuit and Blair and I are on our ways as well. We decided to do a girls night tonight with movies, face masks, etc.
»And radio check, Daniel you made it to P5, P5 Daniel.« I heard through the headphones. Daniel finished qualifying on P5, Max on P4. Overall a good result. Both drivers were happy with it as well.
" Ok the snacks are ready, we wear comfy clothes, the movies ready what else?" I ask Blair. "Face masks." she replies. We put them on as well and sat down on my bed. We decided to watch twilight since be both loved the film when we were younger. "I bet I haven't watched this in ages." Blair said which I agreed on. I'm glad I'm feeling better today. If it would've been similar to yesterday, I would have tried to come up with a reason why I can't meet her.
Today is race day. I'm excited as usual and get out of bed. I pulled my hair together and in a ponytail after dressing in my team wear. I realized dark undereye circles, I have to cover them up with concealer. I add mascara and blush. I'm surprised about how fresh I look. I arrive at the circuit, go to the hospitality area for a coffee and take it with me into the garage. Daniel and Max are currently talking to their mechanics, so I decided to call my parents. "Wish the boys good luck from us, see you soon honey." my parents said.
"Hey I talked to my parents I should wish both of you good luck for the race." I told them while they walked towards me. They both answered with a thank you and prepared for the race. I hugged them both tightly, telling them to stay safe. I see them stepping into their cars on the monitor and put my headphones on. I still get very nervous before each race. I've been with them the whole season already but the excitement never faded.
»Max Verstappen overtakes Lewis Hamilton, what a performance from the Dutch driver.« the whole team cheered for Max when he overtook Lewis. I could hear him on the radio and he sounds so happy. I follow the race and try to figure out where Daniel is when I heard it through my headphones »And Daniel Ricciardo slows down the car rapidly. What's going on?«. No please...he doesn't deserve that. »Ok Daniel we sadly have to retire from the race, we saw a problem with your battery, please stop the car and get out when you see the safety car.« I hear his race engineer. »Copy.« Is all Daniel says. My heart breaks for him in that moment. The season had his ups and downs but he has to retire again. He's struggling with the team anyways and this won't make it better.

"What we have to lose"
General FictionAnd all of a sudden, you realize that nothing lasts forever