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I gladly didn't suffer from drinking alcohol. Daniel insisted to call the doctor and ask what we have to do. He told us that it wouldn't affect my therapy if this is a one time thing. After the call with the doctor I could see that Daniel relaxed. "You have to believe me, I didn't do this on purpose. I'm so sorry that you had to worry about me. I won't do this again." I told him. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug "It's ok baby, I know you didn't do this on purpose. I will remind you in the future in case you try to do this again." he replied and I smiled at him.
Since I told Daniel I wanted to do something "wild" I had to think about something. I looked up activities you can do around here and found something near by. It's usually mountains to hike on but you can also do a motor bike tour. I don't have a license for a motor bike but I know Daniel has. And I know he loves the adrenaline. This should be the perfect thing for us to do.
"Can you finally tell me what we are doing here?" Daniel asks me after we walked up the whole mountain. "You'll see it in a few, I hope you'll like it." I said. To be honest I was really nervous about this. We finally arrived and the moment Daniel saw the bikes he had a bright smile on his face. "No way you chose that. I can't believe it." he said happily and hugged me tightly. "So you like it?" I ask and he nods quickly. We were introduced in the bikes and the tour and Daniel sat onto it. I climbed onto the motor bike as well and started shaking. "Don't worry, I'll drive save and nothing will happen. Hold onto me." he said and pulled my arms around his torso, placing his hand on mine to reassure. "I trust you with my life Daniel." I said. "And I'm proud you do." he replied before starting the engine.
Like I hoped, Daniel loved it. We drove around for 2 hours and all I heard was Daniel's happy screaming infront of me. We drove back to the top of the hill. "This was the best thing we've done, I loved it." Daniel told me with a bright smile. He hugged me tightly and all I was able to do was smile as well. "I'm glad you liked it." I replied and we both took a few seconds to calm down. We had a look at the beautiful view on top of this mountain and decided to hike all the way back down. We took some pictures before leaving the highest point and started to hike down. We walked slower to appreciate the beauty of nature and arrived one and a half hours later.
Our time in the UK came to an end we are back in Monaco. We have a few days left before we fly to Bahrain to attend the next race. We still have a lot to organize for that, since we are in a rush again. And added to that I have an appointment at the doctors before we leave. They want to do a regular check up to see if anything changed compared to the last time.
"Daniel you have to decide now what you want to take with you, you know I still have to put it in the washing machine and dry it." I said to him before he went out for training. "I did, I placed it on the bed." he replied and when I took a look at the bed, I was in shock. "We don't leave for a lifetime, just a week. How is this supposed to fit into your suitcase?" I questioned. "Yeah I haven't thought about that yet." he said shyly smiling while rubbing the back of his head.
However we were able to but we managed to sort out the things Daniel wants to pack. He left the apartment for his daily training with his performance coach and I did the laundry. While doing some more chores and preparing dinner I called my parents. They asked about my appointment at the doctors tomorrow and I convinced them it's nothing serious and that everything is going to be fine. At this point I wasn't sure if I tried to comfort them or myself.
Today is the day of my appointment. Tomorrow we'll fly to Bahrain. Daniel is again with his performance coach for a neck assessment while I sit in the waiting room in the doctors office. They already took my blood and told me to wait until they have the results. For whatever reason I'm freaking out because I'm so nervous. "Ms Van Dijk please." I hear my name and walk into the room. The doctor greeted me again and told me about the results. I soon recognized that the nervousness was reasonable. "We'll definitely have to do something, as soon as possible." the doctor demanded but my head was turned off. I heard him talk to me but I was somewhere else. Never have I thought that it would go down again. How is that even possible when I don't feel worse? "I can't do a therapy right now I have to work, maybe we'll do it in the summer break." I said to the doctor and thought about if I should tell Daniel or not. I heard the doctor trying to convince me but all I did was shake my head. "I don't have the time, I have to be at places and I have to be there for Daniel." I spoke it out loud but didn't intend to. Without realizing I left the doctors office and drove back home.

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