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We sat there until the stars were rising, Daniel held my hand the whole time. At some point we stood up, Daniel pulled me into such a meaningful hug I felt like being put back together. As if I broke into a million pieces while we were apart. " We'll fight through this, together. Alright princess." he said and kissed the top of my head. "Promise." I said and smiled at him. He supported me back home and took me to his apartment. I was pretty exhausted and freezing cold so Daniel helped me change into one of his hoodies. I sat into his couch, wrapped up in a blanket. "Can you please call Max and ask him if he comes over, I want to tell him as well." I ask Daniel and he nods. Only 5 minutes later he was there. He sat down next to me, I grabbed his hands and told him what was going on. Some more tears left my eyes and he cried as well. I pulled him into a hug and told him that I'll be fine. "You can't leave us, we'll fight with you. We'll do anything for you." he said and I nodded. I am so spoiled to have such great people around me.
After losing tears all together we stayed on Daniel's couch, talking. We were even able to laugh, it felt so good to be back with my two favorite people in the world. At some point we all fell asleep, waking up the next morning still on Daniel's couch. I felt the need to throw up again the second I opened my eyes so I tried to be as fast as possible. I made it into Daniel's bathroom. It exhausted me and made me feel dizzy, I wasn't able to call for either Max or Daniel. I lost control over my body all of a sudden and broke down on the floor. I don't remember anything else after that.

Max's POV:
We were fast asleep until we heard a loud noise coming out of the bathroom. It ripped Daniel and me out of sleep and the second we saw Amilia not next to us, Daniel jumped off the couch and sprinted into the bathroom. I entered the bathroom shortly after him, we both stood there in shock for a few seconds. Amilia laid on the floor, unconscious, bleeding from an unidentifiable part of her body. "Amilia.." Daniel whispered and kneeled down next to her. "AMILIA." he now screamed. I called the ambulance while Daniel pulled Amilia's head onto his lap. He caressed her cheeks, pulling her hair out of her face. He was crying, so was I. The ambulance was fast and they brought her to the hospital. Daniel and I drove there as well, on our way we called her doctor. According to the doctors reaction, Amilia is in a very bad health state.
Daniel's POV:
My mind was all blurry from the moment I saw her in the bathroom. My mind replayed what happened, her bleeding, her being unconscious. If I haven't held her and felt her heart beating, I would've thought she was dead. The tears kept running down my face, I didn't know what was going on and the ride to the hospital felt like hours. " Max drive faster." I said. "Daniel I can't." Max replied and I felt myself getting angry. "MAX GO FASTER I HAVE TO BE THERE, SHE IS SCARED OF BEING ALONE RIGHT NOW." I screamed at him. I know he doesn't deserve this and I will apologize to him for my behavior. But all I could think about right now was that Amilia told me she's afraid to die and that I promised her that she won't. I have to be there with her, I can't stand her being afraid.
Amilia's POV:
I saw nothing and I wasn't able to open my eyes. I heard a lot of noises, ear-piercing loud noises. Beep, beep, beep Am I...? No I'm not dead. I heard people speak around me but there was no familiar voice. I started to panic because I wasn't sure what's going on. Where's Daniel? Or Max?
Beep, beep, beep, beep she's hyperventilating, we need to calm her down
What? I don't know what's going on, nor where Daniel is. After that I stopped hearing the noises...

Daniel's POV:
We arrived at the hospital and Amilia's doctor walked towards us. He explained what happened to her and that they put her to sleep. Her body needs to recover and when she wakes up, they start her full therapy. He looked at me with a sad expression " You have to be strong for her so she will fight. She will make it through this, with her friends by her side. I know that, by now I know how strong she is." he said and we thanked him. We were allowed to see her now and Max told me that it's ok if I want to be alone with her. "I can't, can you please come in there with me? And I'm so sorry for that I screamed at you." I said but he stopped me. "Don't worry about this, come on let's go in there." he said and we both walked in.
And there she was, laying all calm on this bed, a lot of cables on her and the constant noise of the monitor. We both took a chair and sat next to her when I grabbed her hand. I held it with one of my hands, while the other one drew circles on her arm. I didn't know what else to do and it calmed me down. Max held her other hand and so we sat there, in silent, waiting for her to wake up.

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