Ch 0 Section 2

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Inside the manor conservatory...

Prue, Phoebe, Pacey and the Doctor were all sitting on the cane chairs quietly. Piper walked in holding a glass of water, and handed it to the Doctor.

He hurriedly took a sip, "Thank you."

"Look, Dr. Griffiths, I know this is all really hard to take in. Believe me, I know, but..." Pacey met his still shocked and wide eyes, "You do understand why you have to keep this a secret? Why you can't tell anyone about us, or about what you saw today?"

"If others knew, we wouldn't be able to do what we do anymore." Prue added, "We wouldn't be able to help future innocents like we helped you."

"No, no, I understand." He nodded stiffly before clearing his dry throat, "I mean, I don't understand everything." He shook his head, "Demons, witches, the Source. So much for being an atheist." He took a steadying breath and another drink of water before nodding again, "Your secret is safe with me."

Pacey nodded in return, "Thank you."

"No, thank you. You saved my life. The least I can do is protect yours."

"Okay." Pacey patted his back as she got up, "I'll walk you to the door, Doc."

As they left the room, Leo walked in, "How'd it go?"

Piper sighed, "We dodged another bullet."

"Yeah, with him maybe."

Leo frowned at Prue, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know..." She frowned, "I mean, something still bothers me about the way that we vanquished Shax. Like, I'm not so sure we really did."

"What do you mean? He screamed, he went poof, just like they all do." Piper dismissed happily, "Third demon in a row, by the way, that I vanquished with my new power, but who's counting?"

"Right, but if that's all that we needed, then why was there a vanquishing spell in the book?" Prue countered as Pacey came back into the room, "I mean, hasn't that always meant that our individual powers weren't enough?"

"Except the book was written by witches with less powers than you guys have." Leo explained, "They needed the spells."

"Not to mention, if he was still alive, he probably would've attacked us again by now." Pacey agreed, "I get the sense he's not the type to leave behind any loose ends."

"Leo..." Prue still didn't look convinced as she turned to their whitlighter, "Can you just check to make sure, please?" She motioned to the ceiling, "With the Elders?"

He nodded at her with a smile before orbing out, "No problem."

"If you ask me, I think you're being paranoid. We kicked Shax's ass." Piper smirked, "We bad!"

"Yeah..." Prue chuckled a little, "You're probably right."

"Then, um, I'm hoping you won't need me around here for a while." Phoebe said carefully as she looked at all three of her sisters, "I wanna try a new potion on Cole. One that'll reverse the spell that turned him bad in the first place.


"I'm not looking for your approval, Piper, just your support."

"Well, Phoebe..." Prue cocked an eyebrow, "It's sort of hard to give you support when you're just setting yourself up to get hurt again."

"Cole is good inside, I know it. And if dark magic did this to him, then how come white magic can't save him? I can't just turn my back, I have to try."

"And we'll have your back, 100%, because that's what sisters are for." Pacey said as she gave Piper and Prue a warning eye, "What do you want us to do sweetie?"

"I want you to use the magic to magic spell to send me down there." Pacey's brows listed as she referred to the underworld and handed her a piece of paper, "I reworded it to make it work."

"Phoebe, that's- that's really dangerous." Pacey shook her head, "What if something goes wrong? We won't have any way of contacting each other for help."

"I'll be safe, I'll be with Cole." Her answer had Pacey regretting the fact that she agreed to help, "And he'll bring me back, so don't worry about that."

Prue once again gave her an unsure eyebrow raise, "You're banking a lot on that little potion of yours, you know."

"No, I'm not. I'm banking on Cole."

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now