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At the hospital...

Piper was on a stretcher with Prue and Pacey running beside her as four doctors raced her to a room.

Prue gripped her hand firmly, "Hang in there, Piper."

"Angela!" Pacey yelled to the nurse she recognized as her own panic and worry was starting to bubble over, "Where the hell is Dr. Griffiths?"

"He's on his way, Pacey, but i need you to-"

"He should've been here by now! We called him on the way!"

The man in question raced up to them and immediately started running with the stretcher, "How'd this happen?"

Prue answered as they raced her into a room, "Some idiot in front of our house."

"What do we know?"

"Pulse seventy, weak."

"I need some numbers, people."

Prue and Pacey stepped back briefly as they lifted Piper onto a bed but were by her side in the next second.

"Smaller entry wound, upper right back."

"Larger exit wound, abdomen."

"Lungs failing." Dr. Griffiths said hurriedly after listening to Piper's chest with a stethoscope, "Start an I.V.- two units of O, stat."

Angela the nurse jumped right into action, "Right away."

"Get 40 cc's of adrenaline."

"Yes, sir."

Prue cried from beside an equally distraught pacey as she gripped Piper's hand, "Leo!"

"He- he-" Piper struggled as she tried to get words out, "He can't hear you." Prue and Pacey had to lean down closer to her to hear, "Leo. S- something must have gone wrong."

As she struggled to gasp in for air her body shook even more. Pacey's entire world was about to crash around her. Hysterical tears flooded down her cheeks.

"Piper." She sobbed out, "You can't die on us. Don't you dare."

"I- I'm cold." Her voice was far from a whisper and her words elicited even more sobs from her sisters, "I- I- I can't feel my legs." She struggled even more as her eyes grew distant, "I- I love you."

The ine on the heart monitor flattened out just before Piper went into full arrest.

Prue sobbed, "Oh god."

"Full arrest. Paddles!" Dr. Griffiths yelled before two doctors brought over the AED machine, "Gel." The nurse squirted some gel on a paddle and he rubbed the two together as Prue held Pacey and backed them up, "Clear!" He used the paddles on Piper but it didn't work, "Recharge."



He used them again but it still didn't work. With a defeated look that Pacey found all too familiar he stood back from Piper. Prue and Pacey held each other tighter as they cried and waited for the words that were about to tear them apart.

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, no." Pacey cried uncontrollably as she rushed back over to her twin and put her head down as she sobbed, "Oh, Piper."

Prue too was sobbing as she stared at her now still little sister. Reaching over she closed Piper's eyes before turning her dangerous glare to the medical staff still in the room.

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now