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Back in Paige's apartment...

Paige and Glen were asleep in bed together when Paige's bedside alarm went off.

"Oh my God, it's 9:00." Paige groaned, "I am so screwed."

"Mmm." Glen smiled as he woke up as well, "Can't you just be a little late?"

"I'm already a little late."

"Can't you be a lot late?" Glen watched her as she sat up and wrapped herself in the sheet, "Especially seeing as how I'm leaving tomorrow."

"You're always leaving tomorrow, Glen. That's what you do." She walked across the room with the sheet wrapped around her but stopped when she noticed Glen staring at her, "What?"

"Nine to five isn't you, Paige. You've always had too adventurous a spirit to be pinned down."

"Oh, yeah?" She shook her head at him as she walked into the bathroom, "Just drop by between K2 and the Great Barrier Reef and you know this about me, do you?"

"Your life could be a fairy tale. It doesn't have to end badly."

Paige poked her head around the door, "Who says it's going to?"

"Come to Australia with me, Paige. Just for the hell of it. Why not?"

"Because I've got too many responsibilities. That's why not."

"You're 25-years-old. You've got the rest of your life ahead of you for that kind of crap. Just go for it. Dump your job, and come have fun with me."

Paige walked out of the bathroom wearing a short skirt and her bra, "As tempting as that sounds, I actually have things called responsibilities." She sat on the bed with him, "It's not just my job." She continued as she started to put on her pink sweater, "I've got sisters now, and we've just got... stuff we've got to do."

"What stuff?"

"Stuff that keeps me pinned down."

Glen moved closer to her, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Paige leaned in to kiss him, "I'm not sure yet."

Outside in the hallway...

Piper, Pacey and Phoebe walked up to the front door. Just as Phoebe was about to knock on the door, Leo orbed in front of them, and she knocked on him instead.


He smiled nervously, "Hi."


Pacey frowned in confusion, "Leo?"

"Hey girls! What's up?"

"What's up?" Piper repeated with an eyebrow raise, "How about a kiss for your long-lost wife, huh?"

"Oh, right." He chuckled before quickly kissing her on the cheek and attempting to shoo them away, "Well, uh, bye."

"Uh..." Phoebe looked back to her sisters before eying him warily, "What do you mean bye? We just got here."

"What's up with you?" Pacey's eyes narrowed, "You're acting all... weird. More than usual."

"Right, well, you know." He chuckled tightly again, "I don't want to leave Paige unprotected."

"Uh-huh." Piper nodded but sported the same look at Pacey and Phoebe, "Is she home?"

"Yeah, she's home." When she headed for the door, Leo intercepted her again, "She's just a little, uh, indisposed at the moment."

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now