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In the underworld...

"My assassin failed." The Source appeared before the Oracle, "The witch is alive."

"Yes, I know.

"You told me her future was short-lived." Anger laced his loud voice, "You told me-"

"I told you only that it appeared to be short-lived. Seeing into the future is not always exact. Especially when magical forces are at play."

"The Power of Four is strong. She'll be almost untouchable now that she's reunited with her new sisters."

"Once the bond is formed, perhaps, but it has yet to, which means she's vulnerable, easily swayed." She carefully walked over to the Source, "48 little hours. The window of opportunity agreed to eons ago by both sides to protect free will." Her voice fell to a whisper, "The great flaw in the grand design."

"She hasn't chosen the other side yet?"

"Well, she's young, confused, doesn't know which way to turn. You must seduce her into using her powers for evil. Then she will become evil. And that's even better than killing her, which, of course you could still do." The Oracle smiled as The Source caressed her chin, "You need to get close to her, read her soul, corrupt it, and she's yours."

"And you... you need to see the future more clearly, Oracle... for your own future."

After vanishing from her chambers he reappeared in Shanes room in the hospital. Shane was up and standing when the lights around him began to flicker. He jumped when The Source appeared before him.

"What the hell? Who are you?"

"For now..." The Source disappeared and possessed Shane, "I am you."

"Oh, my God, the most horrible thing has happened to me!" Paige yelled in tears as she entered his room, "I can't even explain it!"

"Shh, It's okay, honey. I'm here now." The possessed Shanes eyes have now turned to an all glowing red before black as he embraced Paige, "It's okay."

At the manor...

The next morning, Piper retrieved an ice pack from the kitchen freezer. She placed it gently on Leo's neck but not without a curious eye.

"I don't understand how you can keep healing innocents, but you can't figure out a way to heal yourself."

"It's kind of hard to heal myself when I'm knocked out."

"Leo..." Phoebe and Pacey walked in together, "How is it even possible for an angel to get knocked out? I mean, you are, after all, technically dead."

"You know..." Pacey grabbed one of the muffins she kept in the cupboard before turning back to the whitelighter, "I've always wondered that.too. How is that possible?"

Leo eyed them, "Three years together, and now you guys are asking these questions?"

"Well..." Pacey smiled, "Better late than never."

Piper eyed him next, "I think the more appropriate question is, how does a whitelighter get somebody knocked up?"

The girls both giggled as Leo shot her a pale look, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Piper's brow rose, "What do you think it means?"

"If it's about Paige, I swear, the Elders had no idea that she even existed, or that she was your sister."

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now