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Back at the manor, there were now hundreds of people standing outside. Some were even holding cardboard signs. There were dozens of cameramen and news reporters hoping to get a shot of the girls. A helicopter flew above them filming the chaos of the street. Police were busy all around as they tried to get the crowd under control.

"Prue, Piper, Pacey, I'm one of you!" Alice yelled from the top of a van, "I'm the only one who understands! I can help. Hey! Prue! Piper! Pacey!"

The girls were gathered in the kitchen where Piper was looking through sheets of paper.

"Get those idiots off the driveway." Darryl commanded on his radio as he walked inside, "Get them back behind the tape."

"Alright, what I can't figure out is how they knew that we were at the hospital." Prue shook her head in confusion, "I- I mean, they didn't follow us."

"Reporter probably low jacked your car..." Darryl answered, "And then followed you."

"Wow. You know, I would say we shouldn't be surprised but there's not exactly a rule book for being exposed!" Pacey waved her hands erratically in the air, "I really hope Phoebe's doing better down there than we are up here!"

"Look at all these interview requests we're getting." Piper scoffed as she sifted through the papers from the fax machine, "Ted Coppell, Time Magazine, Jerry Springer..." Her brows furrowed, "Sports Illustrated?"

"Yeah..." Darryl chuckled, "They probably want you for the swimsuit edition." The three of them gave him such a dirty look it had him clearing his throat, "Just kidding."

"You know what? This is a nightmare. Where is Leo?" Prue's attention was taken when she saw Dr. Griffiths on the TV, "Uh, guys?" They all turned to the Tv as she pointed, "Is that who I think it is?"

Pacey grumbled irritatedly as she grabbed the remote and turned up the volume in hopes that her co-worker wasnt making things worse.

"And then one of them said they needed a vanquishing spell."

Pacey scoffed, "Unbelievable!"

"She ran upstairs to get some book." Piper gasped in offense, "I don't know, some witch-type book I guess. Something that told them how to kill that demon."

"Oh, so much for keeping our secret." Piper waved at the TV, "Turn him off."

Pacey changes the channel and a woman showed up on the screen.

"The sisters were always a little strange if you ask me. I know for a fact that Prue once cast a spell to make my boyfriend break up with me. Evil."

Pacey studied the woman in confusion, "Who the hell is that?"

"Susie Johnson from tenth grade!" Prue squeaked, "They're interviewing her?!"

"Huh..." Piper mused, "I always wondered why they broke up."

Prue lightly hit her in the arm, "Not funny, not funny. Ooh! Leo! The girls followed her into the conservatory as she continued yelling, "Leo! Leo! Leo!" When he finally orbed in she took a breath and stopped, "Alright, this thing has to end now, okay? The media is turning it into a freakin' circus."

"Now you know why the Elders have always been highly concerned about exposure."

"Okey-dokey, now we know." Piper dismissed, "Do they have any solutions or not?"

"One, but it's a long shot." He paused as he looked at all three of them, "You have to try and contact Tempus."

"Uh, Tempus?" Prue went pale as her throat dried up, "T- Tempus, the demon?"

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now