Ch 1 Section 3

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Back at the manor...

After checking on a still very upset Piper, Pacey tensely watched the mourners walk around. She kept her face blank as she willed back the tears that threatened to spill over. A dull headache was starting to form at her temple from the events that surrounded their family. Demons couldn't even let them mourn in peace after taking their sister.

"How are you feeling?"

"Leo!" Leo's voice startled her enough to have her swinging around and glaring at him and Cole, "Don't do that!"

"Sorry." Offering a worried smile, he put his hands up, "Just thought I'd check on you. I take it not too well?"

"What do you think?" She huffed, "I just- i can't get what happened out of my head. It's like glued in there. Prue..." When her voice broke and a tear slid down her face she cleared her throat to change the subject, "Anyway, thanks for saving my ass back there."

"No problem."

Cole motioned with a worried frown, "Phoebes running around cleaning."

"Yeah, that's how she deals. She likes to fidget... and clean."

The one and only walked over to them with a disappointed look after handing a woman a plate, "I don't see her anywhere."

Pacey frowned, "Who?"

"The girl from my premonition."

A passing mourner, overhearing that, looked at her with wide eyes. Leo quickly pulled her to the main stairs where they could talk freely.

"Phoebe, you gotta be more careful."

She let out a tight breath, "I'm sorry."

Cole met her eyes, "You sure you don't recognize her from anywhere?"

"Well... She did look familiar, like I've seen her somewhere before, but..." She shook her head as another worried look filled her face, "Somehow we've got to find her before nightfall, or else..."

"Honey..." When she slid a flower vase over an inch, then back again, Cole gently took her arm with a concerned look, "What're you doing?"

"Uh, I'm cleaning."

"You don't clean." He raised a brow, "You hate cleaning."

"I know..." She let out a breath of suppressed emotion that had Pacey taking her hand and squeezing it, "But it's better than falling apart, isn't it?"

"Maybe you should just try and focus on the girl." Leao instructed, "You said she was attacked on a rooftop?"

"Yeah, one with a helipad, but it's a tall building..." She frowned, "Although, there were a lot of taller ones around it."

"Okay, so we just need to figure out which building it was before Shax does."

Pacey huffed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms, "Pardon me but who gives a flying leap?"

Phoebe turned to her with furrowed brows, as did the guys, "Pacey-"

"No." She scoffed, "Let's just forget that this demon killed our sister, Phoebe. Which is enough to leave him the hell alone as it is." She shook her head, "But we can't defeat him. He's way too powerful. We need the Power of Four. And we don't have that."

"Paceys right." Piper agreed as she walked over and stood next to her, "You can't defeat Shax, not without the Power of Four. Not without Prue."

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now