Ch 1 Section 9

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Back at the manor...

Leo and Pacey were both dodging Paige's attacks when Piper and Phoebe walked in.

Piper looked at her sister as she ran over weirdly, "Wheres-"

As they entered a hall, a knife was thrown and barely blocked by a wave of Pacey fingers. She used her power to cause the knife to be frozen to the wall.

Pacey glared, "We've been pretty busy while you've been gone."

Leo turned to Paige who was standing there staring blankly, "We're having a hard time convincing her that she is not evil!"

Piper nodded slowly, "I see that."


Paige commanded and it disappeared in white orbs before reappearing. She telekinetically threw it toward the girls. Piper and Phoebe screamed but Pacey quickly threw up an ice barrier that the lamp smashed against.

Pacey put her hands down and dissipated the ice, "Seriously?!"

"Bright side?" Phoebe offered, "At least she's getting the hang of her new power."

Piper scoffed, "That was Mom's crystal!"

Piper quickly tackled Paige to the ground before Phoebe joined her in holding her down.

"Okay. Relax. Relax." Leo took Piper's place in holding Paige down as she stood up. "Alright. Now what?"

"We just better hope there's some Wiccan exorcism in the Book of Shadows cause... yeah." Pacey shook her head as she and Piper began walking up the stairs, "I'm not passing out trying to cleanse whatever mojos got her engine boiling evil."

They stopped when the lights of the manor all began to flicker off and on. Shane then appeared by the corner of the stairs.

Piper studied him in confusion, "Who are you?"

Pacey looks over and immediately grabbed her sister as recognition crosses her face, "Oh no, Piper run-"

His eyes turned all black before he telekinetically threw them through the stairs banister. Phoebe levitated off the ground to narrowly avoid getting hit by the next energy ball he threw at her. She tried to kick him but he disappeared causing her to crash into the manor's grandfather clock. He then appeared by the couch and Piper used her power to blow him up. It didn't kill him but it caused him to explode into millions of tiny black bugs that began buzzing around on another erratically.

Paige stood as Leo helped Piper up. Pacey shakily got herself up, grimacing at the headache she already had. Getting catapulted into the banister proved to make it worse. As soon as the source reassembled, Pacey brought her hands out to shoot a powerful blast of cold air at him. He reflected her attack and sent her catapulting into the pictures on the stairs with her own power.


"I'm good." She painfully got up and hurried over to Leo and Piper, "I'm okay."

Phoebe grabbed the glasses and hurriedly put them on. When she sees the Source she immediately started to freak out.

"Oh, Piper! Pacey! That's the... that's the..." She took off the glasses and shoved them at Piper, "Loo...loo... loo... look!

Piper pushed her hand away, "We know who that is."

The Source turned to a very frightened Paige, "Your powers are strong, but will they be enough without the Power of Four?"

"Shane..." Paige gaped, "What's going on?"

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now