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Back at the manor...

The parlor was nearly ready for the wake. Baskets of flowers lined the prepared tables. Phoebe, dressed for the funeral in her black floral dress, walked around watering and fidgeting with them. Victor, their father, sat on a chair in the living room staring vacantly at the floor. He bore the kind of grief only parents who lost a child would know. Phoebe came over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, trying to stay strong.

From across the room, Pacey regarded them with sadness. She quickly swiped at the tears that slid down her face and tried not to think about Prue. Taking a deep breath she turned to walk away but found herself staring at the partially repaired, unpainted wall where Prue died. When Leo stepped out into view with another familiar face, Pacey raised a brow.

Cole nodded at her, "Hello Pacey."

She nodded politely but decided to refrain from the small talk. She didn't like it on a normal day, but today of all days especially. She didn't dislike Cole but with everything going on she didn't want to deal with any kind of demon. Reformed or not.

Pacey quickly wiped her face before turning to flag down her little sister, "Pheebs, you got a visitor."

Her sister turned from the other room and her entire face lit up at seeing her love, "Cole!" She ran over and embraced him in a big hug before releasing him, "I was afraid you weren't going to make it to the funeral."

"Well, I- I can't make it..." He frowned down at her, "Or, shouldn't anyway. The Source has got every demonic bounty hunter out there looking for me."

"Yeah..." Disappointment filled Phoebe's eyes before she scowled, "So what else is new?"

"This is different. Saving you makes it different. It makes me a traitor, and he's not going to stop until he finds me and I don't want that happening at Prue's funeral."

"So, we'll protect you." Phoebe crossed her arms but motioned to Pacey who was eyeing them, "The three of us."

"You can't protect me."

"Why not?" She scoffed, "We're still witches, aren't we?"

"Yeah..." He looked at her pointedly, "But you're not the Charmed Ones anymore."

"He's right, Phoebe." Leo nodded, stepping in, "Without the Power of Four-"

"I don't understand." Phoebe glared at Cole after raising her hand to cut Leo off, "Isn't it harder to track a demon in a cemetery, Cole?"

A knock at the door interrupted their slight bickering. The two of them, however, stayed staring at one another. Leo and Pacey shared a look before the latter cleared her throat.

"I'll get that." She motioned between the two of them before walking away, "You two carry on." Opening the door she was greeted with Daryl who gave her a small smile, "Hi, Darryl."

"Hey, Pace." Once he came inside he gave her a strong hug, "How are you?"

"About as well as expected." She raised a brow before motioning with her head, "Come on. Everyones inside."

Her dad got up from his seat and joined them as he put a comforting arm around Pacey. Everyone nodded hellos to Daryll.

"Hey, Phoebe." He gave her the same sad smile he gave to Pacey, "How are you holdin' up?"

"Okay." She gave him a sad hug before slowly stepping away, "It's sweet of you to stop by."

"Had to. Besides, I thought you three should know..." He looked carefully between Phoebe and Pacey, "They're assigning Prue's case to another inspector."

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now