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Later on that week, at P4...

Pacey, Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Cole were all sitting in a VIP area as a waitress, Megan, brought Cole and Leo their drinks.

"Oh, good." Cole nodded, "Thank you."

"Thanks, too." Leo added before she left, "Feels good to be here again."

Cole chuckled, "Feels good to be anywhere again."

"I will drink to that." Phoebe agreed before they clinked their drinks, "Don't ever scare me like that again."


Phoebe smiled before taking a sip of her drink and then pecking Cole on the lips.

"Ugh." Pacey groaned, "Stop. You two are making me hate single life."

Cole chuckled, "Well, get out there. Mingle."

She grimaced before shaking her head, "No, thank you."

Phoebe smirked at her, "That guy at that bar keeps staring at you, Pace." She motioned, "Go talk to him."

"No way." She scoffed before taking a big gulp of her drink, not wanting to even look his way, "He can look the other way, thank you very much."

"Sweetie..." Phoebe frowned, remembering the last boyfriend she had who passed away because of a demon, "You know it's been nearly a year almost."

"I know, I know... I just- I'm not quite in the mood to get out there and mingle right now." She smiled enough to let her know not to worry, "I'll be okay, Pheebs."

Leo turned to Piper, studying her, "You okay?"

"I'm not sure."


"Yeah." She took a deep breath, "We barely got through the funeral and then everything started to go crazy and we haven't had a chance to mourn yet. And that's just not right."

Phoebe took a sigh herself, "I think we'll have the rest of our lives for that."

"I'm still not sure about continuing on with this destiny thing." Piper shook her head, "I need some time to think about it. I hope you two are okay with that."

"Definitely." Pacey nodded, frowning at her drink, "It's... a lot for me too. Without Prue it just doesn't seem right." She looked to their little sister, "That okay Pheebs?"


Piper turned to Leo, "And I hope you're okay with it too."

"They may not be," He motioned to the elders before taking her hand in his, "But I am."

Paige carefully walked up to them, "So does this mean I get free drinks now?" Phoebe chuckled a little as the twins eyes her warily, "Oh, I didn't mean it like that. It's not that I really drink or... Okay." She took a breath before turning to leave, "I'm just gonna go."

"No, Paige." Leo stood up and stopped her, "You belong here, remember?"

"You sure? I don't want to intrude."

"Mmm. Come on." Cole motioned, "Come sit right here." He stood to walk over and stand next to Leo as Paige sat down next to Phoebe, "Okay, so, uh, maybe Leo and I should go uh... pretend like we got something better to do."

Pacey smiled, "Probably a good idea, guys."

Cole nodded with a smile before he and Leo left.

"I won't stay long." Paige cleared her throat, "I just wanted to, uh, come by and thank you."

Phoebe looked her over, "For what?"

"For what? You mean, besides saving my life?" She chuckled, "I feel like I should bake you a cake or something."

Piper and Pacey each leaned in excitedly, "Do you cook?"

"No..." Paige frowned, "No, not really."

As disappointment briefly crossed their faces, Phoebe looked her over, "So how's Shane?"

"He's okay, I guess. Except I'm not too sure he wants to see me anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No. Can't say I blame him. You know? He doesn't know exactly what happened to him, but he knows it's something bad and he knows it's somehow connected to me."

"Yeah, well, you're not truly one of us until you've dated a demon, so, welcome to the club."

"Or a warlock,in Pipers case." Pacey chuckled, "Or a Ghost in mine."

Phoebe shook her head, "Can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you come to Prue's funeral? I mean, you never even met her, right?"

"No. I never did. I don't want this to be taken the wrong way, but... I just feel like a part of me lost her too and I just... I felt drawn to her, to all you guys. I guess it was just a part of me trying to find out who I was."

The girls all studied her for a second before Piper pated her leg and got up, "Come on. There's something we need to show you."

"Show me what?"

"What good magic can do."

Back at the manor...

In the attic, Phoebe lit the last two candles in a circle and then joined Piper and Pacey by the Book of Shadows as Paige watched on.

"'Here these words. Hear my cry spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the Great Divide.'"

Patty appeared in a bright light.

Phoebe smiled as she motioned to Paige, "There's someone here we thought you should meet."

Shock and tears filled Patty's face, "Paige."


Patty stepped outside the circle and became real. She walked over and engulfed a smiling, teary eyes, Paige in a tight hug.

"Welcome home."

She hugged Paige again as Piper, Pacey and Phoebe all watched the tender moment with their own smiles.

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now