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At the local church...

Paige entered a church, passing a gargoyle statue on the way, before making her way to approach a nun.

"Excuse me." She smiled when the woman turned around, "Are you Sister Agnes?"

"Yes. And who might you be?"

"I'm Paige. Paige Matthews." Shock hit the nun immediately at the sound of the name, "You might not remember me. I probably changed a little bit since you last saw me on August 2, 1977. Does that ring any bells?"

The Sister's hand came to cover her mouth, "Oh, dear Lord."

Later on...

Paige and Sister Agnes sat in her little office as the latter retrieved a box from a trunk, "I was just about your age, when they came."

"They?" Paige asked hopefully as she put the box on the table, "My mother and my father?"

"They came in a swirl of bright white lights. Just like angels."

"White lights? What do you mean?"

"Well, that's how they appeared, with you in their arms!" She chuckled as she recounted the memory, "I was stunned. I- I didn't know what to think. They said that you were in great danger. That they had no other choice but to give you up, to protect you."

"Danger? What kind of danger?"

"They didn't say. But I could tell from their pain that it must be very real. They asked me to find you a good home, a safe home, and to keep their secret... until you came looking."

"But... How could they know?"

"Because you come from them, my dear. As wonderful and precious as your adoptive parents were to you, you still come from angels." She reached into the chest and pulled out a blanket with a P on it, "They asked me to save this for you, for this day. It's what they bundled you up in. Your mother had only one request: that your name began with a P." Someone knocked on the office door just before Piper, Pacey and Phoebe entered, "Yes, may I help-"

"Hi." Piper froze Sister Agnes with her power before turning to a wide eyed and very shocked Paige, "Hello. We need to get you out of here."

Paige gaped from her back to the nun, "What did you do to her?"

"Oh, she just froze her." Phoebe waved with a grin, "She'll be fine."

"Psh." Pacey laughed nervously, "Her powers have been off lately so we're lucky she didn't blow her up on accident."

Upon catching sight of the blanket, Phoebe's eyes went wide, "Guys..."

Pipers look mirrored hers as she tried to touch it, "Is that our blanket?"

"No!" Paige immediately pulled it away from them, "That's mine! Leave me alone!"

"Alright!" Piper looks taken aback, "Jeeze!"

Paige turned to leave but the girls hurried and followed. "Paige, wait. Just listen to us." Pacey called, "Give us five minutes."

"Stop or I'll freeze!"

At Piper's threat, Paige immediately stopped and turned to them. Phoebe and Pacey stopped to look at her as well.

"She's a witch." Phoebe whispered to her with a frown, "You can't freeze her."

"She doesn't know that."

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now