Ch 2 Section 2

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Later on, in Piper's room...

"Look, honey..." Leo sighed as he watched Piper scry for evil on their bed, "It isn't just that it's dangerous."

"Leo, Whitelighters are supposed to guide. Not judge." She dropped the crystal irritatedly as her voice rose with anger, "Just because I'm doing things a little bit differently doesn't mean that there is a problem."

"Piper, I'm your husband, not just you're Whitelighter. When you speak to me like that, there is a problem. I can't help you unless you talk to me."

"It hurts to talk, Leo. It hurts to breathe. So unless you have some idea of how to bring Prue back, I don't want to talk right now."

"Is that what you don't want to say?" Guilt and sadness filled Leo's face and voice, "Is that you still blame me for not being able to bring her back?"

"No, Leo. I don't blame you. I blame evil. Why- why do you think I'm doing all this? For kicks?"

"Honestly, I think you're doing it because it's easier than confronting what you're really feeling."

Without acknowledging his statement Piper started to scry again and the crystal pointed to an area on the map, "Demon."


"I have work to do." Slipping past him she walked out of their room, "Cole, Phoebe! Let's go!"

Back at the South Bay Social Services office...

Paige was in the copy room trying to copy the pages of Book of Shadows, but everything was printing out blank.

Donnie walked in and blatantly checked out Paige's butt as he fixed his toupee, "Nothing like a copy room with a view." He poured himself some coffee as Paige sent him a glare and straightened up and as Billy walked in, "Hey Clearasil, what's popping?"

Donnie bellowed at a laugh as he left the room.

"Don't worry about him, Billy." Paige shook her head, "He's a jerk to everybody."

"Yeah, I know. That's why his mail gets lost... frequently."

Paige smiled as she turned back to the copy machine, "Is there something wrong with this copier?"

"The copier? I don't think so. I just ran off a whole bunch."

She frowned, "Everything keeps coming up blank."

He walked closer to her to get a better look, "Are you trying to copy a book?"

"Nah." She pushed the lid of the copier down as she tried to hide it from his view, "It's nothing. It's cool."

"Well, if you need me to do it for you..." He shrugged and sent her a shy smile, "Just say the word."

"Thanks. You're sweet."

He smiled shyly again as he blushed and poured himself some coffee. Studying him for a second, Paige bit her lip and turned over the Book of Shadows to read a Vanishing Spell.

"'Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the seen to be unseen.'" Billy groaned as a magical light surrounded his face, "You okay, Billy?"

"Yeah. I just, uh..." He turned around to face Paige and she gaped in pleasant shock when she saw his acne cleared up to reveal quite a cute face, "Got a little head rush."

"Oh my God, it worked." She whispered to herself as she closed the Book, picked it up, and walked over to Billy, "Oh my god."

"Paige, is, uh..." He shited and blushed under her amazed stare, "Is everything okay?"

She kissed him on the cheek before leaving, making him grin, "It will be from now on."

In an alley...

"Piper, Cole and I do not support you in this." Piper, Phoebe and Cole were all hurrying down the alley as Phoebe tried to talk some sense into her sister, "If you insist on doing it, you are going in alone."

"Okay." She answered, the ultimatum not phasing her the slightest, "I'll see you at home."

Phoebe turned to Cole with a scowl, "I told you that wouldn't work."

He shrugged, "It was worth a shot."

"Wait a minute...." Phoebe stopped them from walking further, "Do you smell smoke?"

Piper pointed to a large wooden door where smoke was rising out from under it, "It's in there."

"What is that? What is it?!" A man's panicked voice could be heard from inside, "Stop! Stop!" Cole walked over to the door as the man continued yelling, "Who is th- What are you?!"

"Get back, I'll blow it up." Piper commanded, "Go on."

Cole backed away from the door but when Piper used her power, instead of blowing the door up, she froze Cole and the smoke.

"Uh, Piper..."

"Yeah, yeah. Crap. Okay."

Piper took off her coat and threw it on the ground. She wiggled her arms to relax herself before using her power again. This time the door blew up, but the blast sent Cole flying across the alley and landing on a car before falling off onto the ground.

Phoebe gasped as she ran to his side, "Piper!"

"What?" Piper turned her satisfied smile into an apologetic grimace when she saw Cole, "Oh."

A man then bolted outside, knocking Piper over in his hurried escape. Three demon women ran out after him as Piper stood and Phoebe helped Cole up. They had three long talons as hands and dark tribal tattoos on their faces and arms.

"Piper!" Cole yelled as he saw she was ready to use her power, "Let them go!"

Instead of listening she used her power and missed. Instead of hitting them she blew up a car directly in front of them, stopping their chase. Angrily they turned to face her.

Her eyes widened, "Uh-oh." She raised her hands and tried to freeze them but, once again, only froze Cole, "They're- they're immune to my powers."

Phoebe readied herself for the fight that was about to come, "Unfortunately, Cole isn't!"

A fury attacked Piper but she dodged their hits as another went for Phoebe. Piper picked up a trash can lid and the fury slashed a hole in it with its talons. Phoebe levitated up and kicked two of the furies, knocking them to the ground.

"Piper, unfreeze him!"

Piper dodged another attack, "What if I blow him up?"

"You won't! Just do it!"

Cole unfroze just as a fury knocked down Piper and blew smoke into her mouth making her cough.

Worry sliced through Phoebe, "Cole!"

Cole threw an energy ball at the fury and she was quickly engulfed in flames. The other two furies growled at him before disappearing together as Piper continued to cough.

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now