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Back at the manor...

Piper walked through the front door of the manor and tossed her jacket to the side, "I'm gonna take out those chain-smokin' bitches if it's the last thing I do."

Cole followed closely behind Phoebe and shut the door, "It might be the last thing you do."

"That's very supportive, Cole. Who's side are you on?"

"At the moment, I'm on Phoebe's side."

"Well, the last time I checked..." Piper coughed as Pacey rushed through the door, "Phoebe is still my sister so, technically, that puts her on my side."

"I got here as fast as I could. What happened?" Pacey looked over at Piper worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"No, she's not." Phoebe interjected, "She needs to be checked out."

"I'm fine. I told them not to call you." Piper rolled her eyes as she turned and walked into the kitchen, the others close behind, "I'd be better if people would stop arguing with me."

"We're not arguing. We're discussing, Piper." Phoebe corrected, "You are arguing. And you arent okay." She motioned as Piper had another coughing fit, "You're hurt.

Piper took out a water bottle from the fridge and sipped it, "I'm fine."

"Piper." Pacey crossed her arms as she had yet another coughing fit, "I don't even know what the hell happened and I know that you're not fine. You can't stop coughing."

"And your control of your powers seems to be getting worse, not better." Cole turned to Pacey, "She froze me twice and nearly blew me up."

"Okay, well..." Pacey sighed as they all walked out of the kitchen, "All of our powers are tied to our emotions so that's not surprising. I've been struggling seeing ordinary auras lately let alone magical ones. It gives me a migraine when I try to see or cleanse magical ones. It's normal for them to be off right now."

"All the more reason to lay low. These demons are dangerous."

"All the more reason to vanquish them, okay?" Piper interjected, "That is what we do. Eliminate evil."

"Regardless of the consequences." Cole scoffed as they all stopped at the stairs, "Now you sound like Prue."

"Okay, Cole." Piper whirled on him, "I'm going to vanquish the cancer girls with or without your help. So either tell me what you know or get out of the way."

Cole looked between Pacey and Phoebe who both shrugged their shoulders and rolled his eyes, "They're called Furies."

"Like from mythology?" Pacey frowned, "You guys fought the dog-faced women from hell?"

"They're modern knockoffs." He shrugged, "Their m.o. is the same, though."

"Okay..." She nodded, "So they punish evildoers?"


"Wait." Phoebe frowned, "Wouldn't that make them good?"

"Well, these furies have no temperance. They'll go after a shoplifter as soon as a murderer, and they take great pleasure in the kill."

"Great." Piper grinned before turning to go up the stairs, "Then we'll take great pleasure in the vanquish."

Pacey sighed deeply before sharing a look with Phoebe and following Piper. Phoebe, however, stood in front of Cole so he couldn't follow.

"What aren't you telling us?" Coles heavy sigh and guilty eyes told her everything she needed to know, "So they go after evildoers. Have they attacked you before?"

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now