Ch 1 Section 4

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Back at the manor...

Leo sat and listened as the three of them relayed what happened with Paige at the observation deck. Piper stood silent in the background as she did the dishes.

"Are you sure she orbed?" Leo gave Pacey a look of confusion, "Are you sure that it wasn't something else?"

"Leo, I know what I saw. Bright shiny lights came before she magically appeared. It was an orb." She scoffed, "She's a whitelighter I'm telling you."

Leo shook his head, "It just doesn't make any sense."

Cole eyed him, "Why not?"

"Because why would Shax want to kill a whitelighter?"

Cole's voice rose, "Maybe he doesn't know she's a whitelighter."

"Right." Leo scoffed, "The Source sends out his personal assassin, but doesn't know who he's after?"

Piper, in the background, clattered the pots that she's washing. Noticeably, as a message to the four of them. They chose to ignore her.

Phoebe turned back to Leo, "Is it possible that she didn't know that shes a whitelighter?"

"No. Why?"

"Because she acted as if she didn't." Cole motioned, "She acted just as surprised as we were when she orbed out."

"Well, that doesn't make any sense either."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Pacey ran her hands through her hair in exhaustion, "We all get it doesn't make sense but she orbed in and out and acted like it was the first time she'd ever done it and Shaks himself is trying to kill her. We're very limited on time to waste on the guessing game, Leo."

"Okay, okay..." Phoebe put her hands out trying to calm the situation before turning to Leo, "Why don't you go up and ask the Elders what does make sense so we don't go risking our lives again?"

Leo looked to Piper who was still turned away from them, "I'll be right back."

After orbing out Phoebe covered her eyes. Pacey took a deep breath and closed hers as she hung her head.

"Maybe I should, uh..." Cole turned to his girlfriend, "Go to the other side and see what I can find out."

Stress filled Phoebe's eyes, "No."

"I'll be careful. Nobody'll see me. Besides, it could be good for me to go back down, to confuse any bounty hunters that might be trying to track me. Don't worry." He leaned down and kissed Phoebe on the cheek before shimmering out, "I won't disappear."

Pacey started collecting the dishes on the island in the kitchen as Phoebe walked closer to Piper, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, sure, why not? We could have another funeral tomorrow. Hey, why not make it a double? I mean, all the dishes are out and we pretty much know who to invite."


"Just tell me one thing." She held a small white towel in her hands as she turned and faced both of them, "Are you two insane or are you just plain stupid? We bury Prue this morning and you guys go off tonight and nearly join her. What the hell is the matter with you?!"

"Pipes." Pacey scoffed, "We were trying to save an innocent."

"No. You were trying to get yourselves killed, which is what this family does best is get killed." She threw the towel onto the counter in frustration and anger, "Isn't it obvious by now that our only destiny is to die? And you two are making it way too easy for them. You are just walking right into it!"

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now