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Inside a cave in the underworld...

Cole was sleeping on some straw that was placed over a big boulder in a long black robe when Phoebe appeared beside him. She crouched down beside him and stroked his hair carefully.

"Cole, wake up."

"Phoebe..." At the sound of her voice and the feel of her touch he opened his eyes and quickly stood, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to bring you back."

In the beat of a second his hand was around her neck, "You just made a huge mistake."

Back at the manor...

Outside the manor, Prue, Piper and Pacey were all on the sidewalk. Prue was currently crouched down studying the ground.

"So?" Pacey cocked an eyebrow, "Find anything?"

Piper frowned, "What is there to find?"

"I dont know..." Prue stood up with a frown of her own, "Something though."

"Well, demons don't usually leave footprints, remember?"

"No, but sometimes they leave a residue when they've been vanquished. Something otherwise innocuous." She put her hands on her hips, "Look, I just don't understand how we could vanquish such a powerful demon without a spell."

"Like Leo said, the book was made by witches that didn't have our power." Pacey motioned, "There's a chance that we just didn't need one this time, so stop being a worry wart."

"She's right." Piper huffed, "And frankly I'm more worried about Phoebe than Shax. We shouldn't have let her go."

"Phoebe can take care of herself, Dr. Griffiths can't." Prue dismissed as they started walking up the street, "Look, guys, I've had a bad feeling about this. I've had one all day. If there's one thing I've learned since becoming a witch, it's to trust those feelings."

As they walked past a little girl standing in front of her house Piper smiled and waved hi. The little girl's mother quickly hurried over to her daughter and quickly pulled her inside.

"Come on, sweetie." The mother tried to whisper but her voice carried to the sisters, "Stay away from them."

Prue glared, "Hey..."

"Uh..." Pacey lifted her confused look from the mother and daughter to her sisters, "That's new. What the hell?"

At the local police station...

Inspector Darryl Morris brought in a handcuffed man and took him over to a chair.

"Sit." That man sat down just as his Captain approached Darryl, "Captain?"

"Looks like all those freaky rumours about you and the Halliwells might not have been rumours after all."

Darryl frowned in confusion at the mention of his old friends, "What do you mean?" The Captain motioned to the TV that was playing footage of Prue and Piper vanquishing Shax causing Darryl to go pale, "Oh, no."

Back at the manor...

Piper and Prue were in the kitchen with the TV on when Pacey walked in on the phone.

"Yeah, okay, thanks Jackie. Just have Dr. Griffiths call me as soon as he can. Thanks again, bye." Hanging up the phone she looked at Prue, "Alright, well, at least Griffiths is in surgery, for now. No way Shax will attack him in there."

The Power of Four: Charmed Again [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now