CHAPTER 8 | First Time.

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It’s very late and that’s is not back from school. His parents could have picked him up from school and took him home. I keep checking my phone but there’s nothing from him and I’m afraid to call him in case he’s home with his parents. Or maybe they found out we are here and they are mad at him but if that was the case they would have came here with him maybe.

“ He’s not coming Jabu. My uncle picked him up from school and he went straight to his tutors house then they picked him up again. Maybe he’ll come tomorrow ”

“ Thank you vusi. I’m going to bed. Goodnight. ”

“ night girl ” than do and Portia say.

I get up and walk to his bedroom, I change my clothes then go to take a bath and go to my bedroom. I wear my pyjamas after moisturizing then get in bed. I scroll through my phone and call him. The phone sends me straight to voicemail. I leave him a message asking him to call me then tell him how the doctor’s appointment went and sleep after I take my pills and they knock me out.

The next day I wake up and I feel better but it feels like I was sleeping for a long time. I sit up and groan. I look at my phone and there’s no message or anything on it. I get on WhatsApp and check his last seen and it says 4:00 am. What was he doing at that time and why didn’t he call me back at least. I check the time and it 10 am. God I was supposed to go to school today so zuki can give me my ID. Why didn’t than do wake me up though?. I make my bed then go to the bathroom and the house and I notice that the house is quiet. Where is everyone though?.

I call than do and Portia's name but there’s no answer. I go to the kitchen and see a note on the fridge.

“ morning girl. Thando went to school and I have gone to do some grocery shopping. Don’t open up for anyone unless it’s us. See you later. Portia. ” ok.

I eat yoghurt for breakfast then go take a bath. I fill it up and then soak my body with the warm water and sigh. I wash my body then when I’m done I go to the playlist and play some music while the warm water massages my joints. I must have dozed off because I get this feeling like there’s someone watching me. I open my eyes and I don’t see anyone. I get out of the bath, take the towel and wrap it around my body. I made sure I locked the door before I got in but now it’s slightly opened. I freak out. I take my phone and stop the music playing. I open the door and peek out. I don’t see anyone. I step out and walk f a few metres then stop.

“ Portia?.... Thando?... Vusi… . Thato?..... ” there’s no answer. My heart is beating so fast and I feel freaked out. I walk further in and there’s no one in the house but the kitchen door and is closed. I pull it to see if it’s opened and it  does and the butler is opened too. I quickly run to my bedroom, close the door and lock it. I close the windows too and the curtains then sit on the bed. I take my phone and call that’s. I don’t care if he’s a school. It rings but he doesn’t answer. I call that for and she answers it.

“ hello jabs? ” she whispers.

“ Thando I think there’s someone in the house or the was someone. I locked myself in the room and that’s is not answering his phone… ”

“ I’ll go get him. Get something to block the door! ” she hangs up.

My mind is all over the place. I am thinking of many different things like is bab' dlamini here or someone else God I am so scared. I open the  wardrobe and take out my yoga pants and wear that’s hoodie. I sit on the floor between the bed and wardrobe and I’m literally shaking.

I don’t know if I’m paranoid or what and maybe I could be wrong but I know someone was here I felt it. I don’t know how long I sat there because I hear that’s voice and thando voice shouting my name. They knock on the door calling my name but somehow my body doesn’t seem to move to stand up so I can open the door. They keep shouting my name then my phone rings and the next thing I hear is a kick on the door.

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